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Avatar since: 26/02/2006

Age: 34  18+ Età verificata Age Verified
United States
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I am not Twisted, Mr. Rogers was Twisted
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Le mie classifiche
psychic test, psychic development and psychic readings
friendly Amici 8
visitors Visitatori 386
kharma Regali 7
generosity Generosità 26

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Hey Everybody! This Is VampireType, formerly known as Tweakish & your either here because you are randomly Visiting other people's profile or you are curious about me, Well if either of those is so feel free to hang out here for awhile, also note that you are welcome back any time here. Anyway If you really want to know about me I listed a few things below

My Name Is Savannah, Most people call me Vanna,

I am usually a nice person until you piss me off, So dont assume that just because I am being nice to you that I am hitting on you. I am usually not. I have an awesome boyfriend that I wouldnt trade for any online guy. I am very open-minded to new ideas, & I love to hear other peoples ideas on things, at least half-way intelligent things. I am not a Spelling Nazi by any mean but if you talk like this: "WOW u r sxy, wi;; u plz fwk muhe?" Please for the love of what little sanity I have left dont talk to me. But other wise feel free.

I Love Faeries, I love lots of mystical creatures, I like to live in my Own little Fantasy World anyway. As Aaron once said "Vanna, you like to live in your own little world where its all goths & raver" which its pretty much true.

I'll update this some more sometime soon but this is it for now. Wicked Love, Vanna.

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Art on boy flesh

2888 posts da 2724 membri
I miei interessi
La mia persona speciale
She's a fucking freak and you can tell her I said so, she's my mom and one of my best friends.
La mia stanza
La mia Wishlist
I am not really asking or begging for gifts, or at least am not meaning too, I just really like to get surprises every once in a while
! Stars Back Tat{e}peppermint rosePerfect Feet[7E]Cirq feathers[7E]Saw: Plats
White Ghostly Gown SkirtGothic Iron Laurel~*MB-FairyOfRainbow*~toki doki 1Green Tea and Sushi
Blood Abyss Doll Hair~@ Valentines Petit FourLongskirt w/ Pelvis tmplWitch Dress Dark PurpleFortune Telling Machine
~@ Mourning dress PURPLEspacerspacerspacerspacer

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