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Welcome to my page! Make your self at home. Just remember I won't censor myself.

Hello, how's it going? My name is Unversed or to certain friends Sky. As my profile shows my age I won't be listing it here. I have a Sister and a brother. Hobbies include anything creative or crafty, music, gaming, and just enjoying a good time with others. I'm not talkative by nature and sometimes get easily distracted. Be patient with me. >Usually I'm in my room and my room only.< I am not the most entertaining but I'm always here for people who need or want me. Leave your drama at my door I refuse to deal with it. I'm not interested in love affairs or relationships, I wanna relax.

"Only depend on yourself. Be yourself, Love yourself, Stand for yourself, Fight for yourself, And live a life you can be proud of no matter other opinions. I pick my happiness as a special because it's what I have and what I make. Love yourself enough to laugh before loving others."

Those whom have always walked beside never in front or behind. Thanks for everything you did to make me who I'm becoming. Please never stop helping me grow into someone better then I was yesterday. Forge your future.
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