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Welcome to TheDerpyStonerbunny's page ! If you are a Fan , please do the following steps , Follow my socials . My Social medias : Instagram : Damali.vl and TheDerpyStonerBunny. Twitch : Https:// Youtube: TheDerpyStonerBunny, Flickr:TheDerpyStonerBunny. If you are a Family member, you seem to want to say hi, so hello .If you are a random, do the same as fan.If you are wearing a art commission, my instagram and imvu dms are open. if you are hater /stalker , press crtl , alt , delete at the same time and delete your existence from my page . Trust me , You Wont Be Remembered . My display picture is done by myself.

About : Age :23 Sexuality:Bisexual Status:Married asf & Married to twin win Bio: your average local roleplayer .

My friends are my support team ♥

My husbunny,you literally are my biggest supporter . You are always there for me when i need you the most . You are sweet , caring and lovable . I cant wait to say "i do " once covid-19 is over . I love you so much Zachery Scott to no words can describe the way you make me feel .

Besides having My husbunny as one of my biggest supporters . My twinny , my best friend , my big sister. For the last 5 years we known each other , we had our ups and downs but i wouldn't trade you for the world . Your super intelligent.Amazingly gifted in making art . I'm extremely grateful for having you as a friend . We started as the red twins , then became the Sahan Sisters now we are the vaux's twins . I love you sissy so much !

All Pics are on instagram and Flickr.
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