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Membro dal: 2006-11-01
Età: 49
United States - AL
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"The wicked dark gathers on the horizon, are you ready?"

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There comes a time where the waters part and everyone flows down different paths. I have found a few of my old friends and I am happy to know that some have found joy and saddened to know some have felt the pain that I once felt. Even a dark heart such as I knows that nothing in life is certian, however now I think it is time for a moment of rebirth.

With my return the shadows thicken, darkness rests upon the souls of all, the Golden Celestia is in the inky blackness and the beloved lands of Akraion have faded into a memory. But all is not lost my beloved darklings and creatures of the hated light, for perhaps with a little kindle and flame the lights can once more blaze upon the horizons and draw forth a breath of fresh air again.

I call to you those of old, I sing the honor and praises of the past, my voices ring in demonic choir to call forth the very essance of what we once were and what we can be. If you have heart still and the strength to raise ink and quill to the parchments of imagination, contact me and let me know.

*The Dark Empress sits back upon her throne of blood red velvet and stark white bone, looking out onto the horizon at the wicked winds that blow in her direction. Rubied lips curled into a bow of calm perfection as she nodded to the night in perfect peace and harmony*
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My Dear visitors,
You see that my list is blank I have no need of gifts save for the gift of friendship that so many of you have blessed me with. You are the reason that my dark hearted soul keeps following the line of life. Stop in and share a moment of your time with an old woman now and again and that will be all I need darklings.
. Mausoleum | mh ltd.spacerspacerspacerspacer
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Name: Saladina Duskikka

Age: Unknown to the common man appears to be around 25

Race: Seemingly human hidden appearance 5 headed dragoness

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Class: Sorceress/Chronomancer

Title: Empress

Hair: Red, various colors of red.

Eyes: Multi-colored ~Blue, Green, Red, Black, White~ The colors show in a prismatic effect occasionally settling on one color depending on her mood

Abilities: Telepathy, Empathy, Chronomancy under the laws of the guardians (can be explained in detail to the one running the game if needed), Artifact Creation, Undead Control, and Draconic Control of Evil aligned Dragons, Shadow Magic, Necromancy, and Fire Spells.

Draconic Form: When and if someone has managed to anger her enough for her to reveal her draconic form they will possibly experience the following abilities. She will show in a five headed dragon form, each head a different color. One red, one blue, one green, one white, and one black. Each head has a corresponding breath weapon Red = Fire, Blue = Lightening, Green = Acidic Gas, White = A cone of Cold, and Black will be liquid Acid. Each head works independently of the other, in other words she has five separate minds that can take five different actions. One head can cast a spell, the next use a bite, the next a breath weapon and so on.
It is possible for her to cast five different spells or use all her breath weapons, however when she uses a breath weapon she must wait anywhere from one to six rounds before that particular breath weapon is able to be used again. Rarely if ever does she take this form, however when her anger does begin to rise, the unmistakable harmony of five voices can be heard within her speech.
*Note she is like a Lernaean Hydra, when one of her heads is cut off, it will grow back, however it will take several years to do so. When she is bereft of one of her heads, her mental acuity will be reduced, to include her will and intelligence, though it will be in specific areas and not in every one. For example, her knowledge of fire spells may be reduced if she loses her red head, but her touch on necromancy will not. *

Armor: She wears none, using magic and her natural armor as her defensive measures. Her garb is generally fine gowns, always in black or red or a combination there of.

Weapons when not in draconic form: Her magic, and two slender blades that were created just for her. They are lightweight and are used to enhance her casting strength. The blades are puncturing weapons, which are slim enough to pass through chinks in armor but not through the armor itself. For example, ring mail would leave grand openings for her blades, yet full plate would be difficult, as she would have to find where it is belted or the non-protected soft spots to be able to pierce the flesh of her opponent.

Common Abilities: Torture, Scheming, Royal Etiquette, Politics, Negotiations, Reading, Writing, Intimidation, Riding, Swimming, Alchemy, Poisons, common knowledge that a leader of a kingdom should have * to lazy to write them all out at the moment. *

A short introduction to darkness:
The dark chambers within gave way to a large sitting room; rich Burgundies and blacks decorated the drapery and walls. A comfortable armchair sat next to the fire upon a rosewood table rested a snifter of amber liquid. A slender hand drifted out, its fingers finding the bowl of the glass and lifting it from its resting place. Dark red lips parted as the liquid was brought to them, settling gingerly upon the rim so that she could partake of the wonderful elixir. Her fingers idly swirled the brandy within the glass as she looked into the fire. Distant music of an far eastern flair danced over her ears with soft strains which were only broken by the occasional scream that came from the man within the chair behind her.
Footsteps were heard, the sound of something teasing against flesh, a maniacal chuckle drifting forth as the distinct sound of skin being parted from it's intended place was heard. The screams, delightful screams of terror and pain filled the air giving her a light shiver of pleasure at the sound. Slowly she placed the snifter down, rising up the black velvets falling to caress against a shapely leg. Her fiery red hair spilling over her shoulders and back, the prismatic gaze turning to rest upon the man who's hand was being given a new look, each movement was ethereal in its grace as she made her way from the armchair to his side.
Gently, like a lovers whisper did her voice come forth, the sound punctuated by the almost tender caress of her hand upon his cheek.
"Tell me now my dear man, why is it my old friend is dead?"
Her footsteps taking her behind the chair he was strapped into, her hands now coming to rest on the mans shoulders. Slowly her head would incline to her assistant, and he would step back as she leaned her head in to place a sweet kiss on her captive's cheek. His screams only becoming louder, now filled with protests that he had no clue as to why it was Verigon was now dead, or who it was that did so. Once more her calm voice spoke, but with the eerie tones of five different sounds melding in a strangely beautiful harmony.
"You lie my dear, for you see I have it on good authority that you were the reason the so called Heroes came to his humble abode and slew him. But worry not, he saw to it his legacy would not end, for you see I now own all that was his, and I will not let it go to waste either. Now the question it, what shall I do with you humm?"
She moved around coming to a submissive looking kneel before the man. Her hands resting upon his knees, Eyes shifting to gaze at the skinless hand that was tied to the arm of the chair, a strange smile pulled at her lips as she picked up a silver container and opened it's lid, the salt within the box glinting within the candle nearby. One hand rose and touched on his cheek, her eyes now focused on his. It was with little effort that she slipped her mid into his, much like a knife going through hot butter, and began with her unique abilities to intensify the pain he was feeling. Giving a gentle croon as his screams once more began to issue forth she let the salt fall upon the exposed muscle and bones without a second though. As his body began to convulse and his throat was beginning to bleed from the terrible screams he let loose, darkness would fall to the viewers eyes, the after image of her head arching back and a delighted sound escaping her lips.
Welcome to the new home of The Empress of Darkness Saladina, we hope you enjoy your stay!

A little ooc about me:
Greetings, I am a night creature, not one that sups upon blood however, just one that enjoys the midnight sky as it embraces the city within is touch.
My favorite Colors are black and red, so Developers, if you have it I will eventually own it *dark grin*
My Favorite Creature is Dragons, I have always felt a certian... affiliation with them *smiles*
Religion or politics, don't talk about them it's bad for buisness, but if you want to chat about other things, especially if you want to role play then look me up.
*Note, RP does NOT mean Cyber.*
Blessed Be
fantasy, dragons, writing Movies, music D/s, roleplay, Wiccan, horror, Singing, paranormal, stories, spirits, Paganisim, Celestia
My Sandbox
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La mia stanza
One of my many hiding places, where you might find me relaxing if I have the time. If I do have it open feel free to stop in for a chat, I promise I will keep the tools of tourture put away unless you decide to act in a way that will make me desire to see your blood.
Sweet Visits Darklings

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For those that come and grace me with their wonderful presance, I thank you from the bottom of my dark heart. You are the fodder.. I mean reason that this place is such a wonderful home.
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How to make a Saladina
5 parts success
1 part self-sufficiency
3 parts instinct
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of wisdom and enjoy!
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