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Membro dal: 2007-12-24
Age: 52 18+ Età verificata Età Verificata
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"Love Never Hurts Anyone,Only Certain People Do. Keep Love Alive."

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Hello,how are you? Thank you for visiting.My name is Kenstar,and it is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Do you like to travel? Well if so,then please travel my thoughts. Enjoy your journey.
We are SPIRITS having a HUMAN experience.Love never hurts anyone,only certain people do. TODAY is the TOMORROW that we WORRIED about YESTERDAY. FINANCIAL POVERTY can be troublesome,but MORAL POVERTY is IGNORANCE. SUICIDE is a PERMANENT solution for a TEMPORARY situation,DON'T DO IT ! GOD LOVES YOU. What is happening to mankind? The fabric of our society is tearing apart. I thought that mankind was a civilization,but how is this conceivable when the majority of the world are not civilized. A rich person is one who gives from the heart,one who is charitable. I consistently make an effort to sacrifice my own welfare for the sake of helping others ( I fail at times though ),and I will always associate and identify myself with the POOR,DISADVANTAGED and the UNDERPRIVILEDGED I believe that the most BEAUTIFUL thing that GOD created is woman. So,men please love your woman as you would love yourself,and if you don't know how to properly and affectionately love her,then simply LEARN. Make an effort to be conscious of her desires and needs,ask her what she wants and expects of you. LOVE is Kind,Patient,Faithful and Understanding; LOVE SHOULD NOT HURT OR BE PAINFUL, BUT IT SHOULD BE PASSIONATE and UNCONDITIONAL. A MAN WORTH CRYING FOR,WOULDN'T ATTEMPT TO PURPOSELY MAKE YOU CRY AT ALL. My analogy of GOD and mankind is synonomous to the sun and the moon; the sun represents GOD and the moon represents mankind,and just as the moon at night reflects light from the sun to the earth,so are we supposed to reflect the love of GOD to the world. We are all members of one race,the HUMAN RACE. I have come to the realization that sometimes we tend to search for the 'RIGHT' person to engage in a loving relationship with, when we sometimes are not 'RIGHT' ourselves. Each individual should do a thorough and constant evaluation of themselves, coming to terms and acknowledging their flaws and inconsistencies ( if they possess any ), working to resolve them. Try not to focus on your problems but rather focus on the solutions. It is my opinion that TRUE SUCCESS is not based upon your FINANCIAL,OCCUPATIONAL or SOCIAL status,but it is baced upon your knowledge of GOD and YOUR reason for existence. Why is it that a majority of the world loves money? Which has no life,can't breathe or even procreate,but does not love their fellow human beings. Because of the lack of love, the world is growing cold and is freezing,and most of society is sick and frostbitten because of this. I continuosly practice not allowing my worth to be dependent upon material things. Although I strive for perfection, I have come to the conclusion that I will never,ever achieve it. I have made many mistakes in my life,simply because I am only HUMAN; only GOD obtains COMPLETE PERFECTION - LOVE was shot several times and sustained life threatening injuries. The assailant remains at large,but has been identified,his name is HATRED. The gun shot wounds that LOVE sustained were nearly fatal. LOVE is currently on LIFE SUPPORT at a local hospital. Will YOU help me and others keep LOVE alive?
The love that I previously mentioned is secular ( worldly ) love, the love of the human race ,which is nearly extinct. But, please remember above all that GOD is LOVE and LOVE CONQUERS ALL. JESUS CHRIST died for YOU and now lives, and will soon return for those that are faithful and love HIM. Please understand,GOD never hates us, HE simply hates the sin that we do. Please,REPENT if you have not done so already. Seek TRUE KNOWLEDGE from the BIBLE ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ) which contain the answers to all aspects of life. - At the age of nine my father made me sniff cocaine, and made me sit and watch him shoot heroin in his veins / abused as a child I couldn't rationalize this in my brain, how could a father raise his child to be insane, anyway - he beat my mother terribly until her eyes cried, he once shot a gun at her and that made my eyes cry / fear produced tears as I watched him drink beer, hurt and pain slept next to me at night in the bed / I purchased marijuana for my mother and my father,I was only ten but to them it was no problem / I attempted suicide at the age of thirteen but my GREAT ESCAPE failed, so I puffed on some weed / I used to often wish my parents never conceived me, therefore the world ! could not perceive me ! I watched my mother jump out a two story window, my father made her do it because his heart was not gentle / my mother wanted change so she gave her life to Jesus Christbut my dad abused me tellin' me the streets was my life, so a hustler was born and I nurtured him well, I applied my intelligence to marketing crack sales / I dated a girl that modeled at the age of fourteen,seen many friends die,hustlin' for material dreams / I shot many guns,the nine millimemters, and three fifity-sevens, I would shoot them for no reason / money liked me, I made thousands a day,
buying jewelry and cars was my favorite way to play / I was a high school drop-out, but then I returned and received my diploma, but I had more to learn ***Chorus * So much pain in my life,that I would often cry, then I would look to the sky and ask God why !? / was I still livin' when I wanted to die, but He had a purpose for me and that's the reason why.*** I had a problem with a guy,so I gave the command... and he was shot eleven times / I have also been shot, I was shot in the spine and years after that, somebody shot me in the thigh(Febuary 25th,2007) / I nearly lost my leg, I lived life on the edge / had guns pointed to my head, I should've been dead / I've been incarcerated for shootings / I shot myself by accident / drugs and alcohol, I abused them to the maximum / more suicide attempts left me in the psych ward , I stopped makin' plans to secretly kill my father for the pain that he caused / and I did shoot at him once, but since then I have forgiven him, because who am I am to judge / I finally repented and gave my life to God, Jesus Christ saves and HE is refurbishing my mind / no more suicide attempts, and psychiatric ward trips / it was what it was ,and it's dismissed, THAT IS IT !!! THIS WRITING IS DEDICATED TO MY MOTHER,WHO IS NO LONGER WITH US January 28,1955 - June 26,2002. May she rest in peace. I pray that I am able to continue worshiping God with all my heart,mind,and soul;having a relationship with HIM and conducting myself in a manner that is pleasing to HIM,enduring adversity with LOVE to the end so that I may see her again.IF I WAS PERFECT,THEN I WOULDN'T BE HUMAN.With FAITH in GOD,All THINGS are possible. May the person reading this brief account of my life be BLESSED. Jesus Christ is the WAY,the TRUTH and the LIFE,without HIM I would be a miserable ,lost soul.If you are hurting,JESUS CHRIST can heal you. It's never to late to CHANGE.*PARDON ME - But there is a time when it is to late to CHANGE,if you die in your sins,not accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,it will definitely without a doubt be TOO LATE and you will forfeit your INHERITANCE to PARADISE;The KINGDOM of HEAVEN. Let go and let God. ! Love Jesus Christ ,because HE loves you. MUCH LOVE. I am engaged to a very precious woman,HER name is Katrina,but I prefer to call her TASTY. lol. There are so many better looking men than me,but I don't stress that fact,it's irrelevelancy / my inner most being is most pertinent ,see, I have traveled around the world but still travelin' me / I often think about all the atrocities,that I committed in the past,it's botherin' me / I was a very UGLY person IN THE HEART,you see,until GOD shined HIS light and enlightened me / today is the tomorrow that we worried about yesterday,beneath my shirt,my troubled heart keeps the pain from goin' away / it's hard enough livin' in this life,so cast HATE away,lets focus on spreading LOVE and introduce a brighter day the thoughts I entertain about TRUTH are ascertainable,from Genesis to Revelation, TRUTH manifests itself / the eyes are the window to the soul and you know what else? it's shameful when your windows are so dirty that you can't see yourself! / results and not excuses is a motto that I live by,don't talk about it,be about it,TRUTH is better than a LIE / only in mathematics do two wrongs make a right,the hardest equation known to us,is how to solve our problems in life / I finally found a woman that I know can make me better,her name is Trina and I love her like my favorite sweater / I'm goin to wear her all over me,immersing in her pleasure,and I promise to HONOR and RESPECT her for FOREVER / I often wonder why TIME never gets tired,TIME waits for no one but it's consistently admired / we all wish we had more of it ,we're GREEDY for DESIRES,but DESIRES we have learned,can burn us like fire / I have five brothers and six sisters,and one of my sisters is DIVINE,her name is Sophia,not born from my mom / she is WISDOM,the first one created by GOD,then the sky cried and introduced molecular lives / today you're here but tomorrow is a whole different story,our lifes sole purpose is to give GOD glory / HISTORY is simply HIS-STORY, listen to learn and learn to listen,EVALUATE YOURSELF and learn your mission - ;-} MY THOUGHTS COVER MY WHOLE BEING,THAT IS WHY,MY THOUGHTS ARE MY UMBRELLA. As mankind walks on the edge of time,my weary eyes see pain,evil,hate and despise / I realize that the world is blind,to corruption nicely dressed up,Satan is our adversary,light is his disguise / my body only lives for the moment,to tell the world that CHRIST is going to crush our opponent,at HIS second coming / my soul cries,when I'm not civilized,but I can only pray,so I look to the sky / because without GOD,I'm simply a weak,miserable,lost soul,HIS guidance gives me wisdom to speak to this spinning globe / come drink and eat and be fed spiritually,I am not a prophet,I'm just a servant that teach / I learned that people are like elevators,they either take you up or down or get you stuck,it's a phase and basically a fact / third rock from the sun is the planet we call earth and it's PLAGUED by a DISEASE called MAN and it hurts,OUCH! / the Government are Gangstas,we vote and they thank us,but they LIE to us all,THEIR DEMOCRACY is causing ANGER! / the dollar bill is what is worshipped,but how can you worship material that is lifeless,and how can a man abuse a woman,when she is PRICELESS,and why do women compromise their morals to entice us / christians are being murdered overseas / to all my brethren,don't fear,this is fulfilling prophecy / my passion for christianity is so strong that I pray I be remembered a martyr,murdered for the cause / Jesus Christ died on the cross and HIS blood atoned the world,we must solidify and explain this to young boys and girls / I'm a sinner from birth,so there's nothin' good about me,and any good that I might do,it's because GOD does it through me / my life,is as filthy as a dirty rag ,I wish I had a loving dad,he abused my mother bad,now she dead and gone,so I'm sad,to tell the truth,I'm mad / some people HATE ME ! because my mind is like a foreign language,they can't understand me,so they leave me alone / I saw a mother crying when her son got murdered,and a father kill a man for raping his daughter,THIS WORLD IS OUT OF ORDER ! / poor kids starving,they have to steal just to eat,the GOVERNMENT is building more PRISONS than SCHOOLS TO TEACH! on this lost planet! Much LOVE is what's in my heart, I'm glad it found me / because swimming in the river of PAIN nearly drowned me / many years I struggled to stay above those waters,but now I walk on those waters,Jesus Christ gave the order / LOVE is a perfect circle there's no beginning or ending / a frown on your face reciprocated is tremendous / we want joy in our life but we must expect pain / even a rose has thorns,no pain then no gain / the moon would have no light without the suns shine / so I will have no light without Jesus Christ in my mind / I was once pregnant with Hatred and gave birth to so much pain / but now I'm pregnant with LOVE,reborn again / me and Hatred are not family anymore / so now me and LOVE are closer than we have ever been before / I used to be ashamed whenever I would cry,until one day I looked up and realized that the sky cried / yes,whenever it is raining,the sky is crying,cleansing the earth,wetting the soil,fruit and vegetables grow / but if the sky cried to much then there would be a flood / so therefore I should not cry to much,is what I have learned / TIME was created on the fourth day and has been working for six thousand years,but soon TIME will retire / then we will see ETERNITY,the spiritual world is never ending / where will you be? HEAVEN or HELL? is your decision. There is a time for every thing; a time to laugh and a time to cry; a time to speak and a time to be silent... Be content and live life for today,because tomorrow has it's own problems. That which is invisible to the human eye is what's more important and sacred. Our greatest glory is not in never falling,but in rising if we do fall. When you contend with challenges that test your strength,you move more surely towards the top. May we continue to touch,inspire and influence one another in a virtuous manner. There is only one way by which we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven,and that is through FAITH in Jesus Christ. If I was perfect,then I wouldn't be human. I am nothing,but God is EVERYTHING. If it was not for Jesus Christ,the only begotten Son of God and His PASSION of being crucified and DYING on the cross for the purpose of reconciling the entire human race back to God, the Father; then the human race would have no inheritance to the Kingdom of Heaven;PARADISE. Last but not least,which one of you fear the mark of the Beast,I'll start to explain,I prayed for wisdom and so I speak / indeed we need to be conscious of Revelation Prophecies, on JUDGEMENT DAY, bow to your knees / the four corners of the earth contract the seas,CATASTROPHE,the breeze blow sinful people to a place never seen / WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS? / some people worship Satan unconscious of it, but I pray that they awaken to God's WARNINGS / we're in a spiritual warfare with EVIL PRINCIPALITIES that's unseen,we'll survive by God's means / when Moses came down fron Mount Sinai with the Tablets of Testimony,He glowed,radiating the LORDS MERCY / while people on earth sinning,angels minister in Heaven,they are messengers of God,answering our prayers / NEW WORLD ORDER,RELIGIOUS DICTATORSHIP,will manifest itself real soon so be ready for it / CORINTHIANS chapter fifteen, verse fifty-one through fifty-six,tells what happens when the Angel blows the LAST TRUMPET / the restoration of the True Sabbath must have it's turn,INIQUITY and GODLINESS are mysteries to be learned / NEW JERUSALEMS descension to earth,will be a sight to behold,JESUS CHRIST Blood is the LIFE and Atonement for souls.
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I have traveled the world,but still traveling myself. I have visited: Portugal,Spain,France,Italy,Greece,Turkey,Israel,United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia,Colombia,Venezuela,Puerto Rico and Canada. a href="">
In the Bible,in the book of Isaiah,chapter 14,verse 12 through 16;it explains that Lucifer(satan)wanted to to be God or like God.Genesis,chapter 2,verse 2 and 3 tells us that on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made,rested,and blessed and santified the seventh day.The symbolic meaning of the number 7 is perfection,and God is COMPLETE PERFECTION and also infallible(incapable of making mistakes or errors).Lucifer(satan)wants to be God or like God,and God is PERFECT,and the number 7 numerically symbolizes His PERFECTION.Therefore Lucifer(who decieved 1/3 of the angels,led a revolt in Heaven and attempted to dethrone God and take His place)attempting to be God or like God goes through the process,beginning at the number 1 and continues, 2,3,4,5,6666666 and so on;the number 6 repeats itself because it will NEVER reach the number 7.Again,Lucifer(satan) will NEVER achieve the number 7,which symbolizes God and His COMPLETE PERFECTION.The number 3 means testimony,therefore there are three sixes(666);a testimony that Lucifer(satan)will NEVER be God or like Him.Also,the book of Revelation,chapter 13,verse 18 tells us that the number 666 is the number of a man(the BEAST who will manifest himself in time to come).God bless you.
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