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Avatar since: 21/11/2007

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It's amazing how quickly you cycle through Chat Now when you're dressed like a penguin.
Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Friendship
I miei amici (55)

Funny chat o' the day:

PresqueVuToYou: We actually had to increase internal security recently at work because a team manager cracked and pranked a ton of people and now no longer works with us.

Junichi: LOL he pranked you? What did he do?

PresqueVuToYou: Hahah he changed his name to Penis De Milo, went into a secure chatroom and started dicking with everyone in the meeting and basically told them all to fuck off, took full control of the room and just started drawing a giant dick on the whiteboard in the room but since he had ownership of the room literally no one could stop or boot him. I found out about it after the fact but that dude Snapped haha. So manybe that's less of a prank and more of well...I don't know what that is but it's generally referred to as the Penis de Milo incident.

Junichi: ROFLORFL ... *falls out of my chair* aAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHHA


Jun: *offers you a bite of my burger*

Mav: *has a fiber bar* ... *offers* owo

Jun: *makes an odd face* ooh.. no.. thank you...

Mav: ... O^O *offers*

Jun: Ooh.. i mean thank you... *Leans over tentatively and licks it a little*

Mav: *pushes slightly* OwO bite.

Jun: *takes a bite* ....mmm *shivers* ...tastes just like candy... x.x

Mav: It does! *smiles, standing up and getting you one for yourself* Here, you can have one too, since you like them :3

Jun: Oh. You're so sweet. Generous, even. *Daintily unwraps* know, I could put this directly into the toilet. Cut out the middle man. *Holds at arms length with two finger* I mean, it already looks like a turd.

Mav: ... *sniffles* No, eat it. It's good for you and it only has 90 calories... T^T

Jun: *chews the fiber bar like I'm eating a wet, microwaved textbook*

Mav: ... :( It's good though, it's baked cinnamon coffee cake!

Jun: Delicious. *Passes bar slowly behind my cheek, making chewing sounds* mmm nom nom...

Mav: *looks at you* o^o You're faking it. Like me with vegetables.


Jun: So I guess you don't want to talk to me anymore?

Mavrick: I do, sorry I have no clue what is happening to me. I have messages from people with like 20 hours difference and whatnot...

Jun: You don't need to say you do if you don't.

Mavrick: And If I do I don't have to say I don't to suit your theories. Facts before theories or it doesn't work.

Jun: Interpretation of human reaction/response is always theory and not fact.

Mavrick: No it is not. You are not interpreting anything. You're getting a Direct response from the source subject.

Jun: You're assuming the direct response is not tainted by emotion or an outright lie stated for various reasons beyond my control.

Mavrick: I have no emotional need to lie.

Jun: Jaye is making fun of us, saying that we sound like Megamind and Metroman. "Warranties are invalid if not used for their intended purposes!"


Kitty: I broke Tiger. He's only speaking in clickbait. Make him stop!

Tiger: That's just one of the saddest truths in this list of 30 sad things.

Kitty: Uggghhhhhh


Kitty: -throws diapers at you

Jun: Lmao


Mavrick: But...But you can stay up late?

Jun: Do you want me to?

Mavrick: Yes. Well unless you seem tired, and then I'll send you off to sleep.

Jun: Astronauts ass trick

Mavrick: Huh?

Jun: ......Whoops. Microphone fail. That was not supposed to send.

Jun: *nods*

Jun: Evidently it won't dictate "asterisk nods asterisk"

Jun: I really did not mean to send that either. I was trying to close the microphone and hit the X.

Mavrick: What the hell is an astronaut ass trick??

Tiger: Lolol..."Hey. Hey, Jeff. Watch this. *lights fart on fire and rockets into a wall*"


Vyrl: lol... this pose is amazing.. i am primping and checking myself out in themirror..

Vyrl: adjusting my boobs.. checking out my ass...

JayeKoji: Im so surprised....

JayeKoji: *teases*

JunglecatTuesday: Vy is

*Jun gets a chat invite from Disesteem and the second room opens*

Disesteem has joined the chat

JunglecatTuesday: so vain

JunglecatTuesday: ...that was the end of my other sentence in the room

Disesteem: That's fine. Haha.

JunglecatTuesday: are not vain, sorry lol

Disesteem: Oh, I am. Don't worry. Haha.


Guest_Whiteblademax has joined the chat

Guest_Whiteblademax: Jews must die

Guest_Whiteblademax: fags must be toss off tall buildings to fall to their death.

Guest_Whiteblademax: good must destroy evil

Guest_Whiteblademax: and ground it into the dust

Guest_Whiteblademax: all jews must die

InfamousAshTuesday: He really likes people.

Disesteem: And I'm a waffle, y'know, since we're just saying stuff that doesn't matter.

InfamousAshTuesday: I think he might be a Viking. Or just fan of a Viking-like helmet. Great fashion sense though.

JunglecatTuesday: Hello mostly naked man

Guest_Whiteblademax: did i give you a boner

JunglecatTuesday: I do like naked men.

Guest_Whiteblademax: hetrosexual men do not get boners to naked men.

JunglecatTuesday: Exactly.

Guest_Whiteblademax: i am a viking

Guest_Whiteblademax: give me your beer

JunglecatTuesday: No. It's my beer.

JunglecatTuesday: And you can't have it.

Guest_Whiteblademax: or i will kill you and burn down your house..

JunglecatTuesday: You're really not getting the beer then.

Guest_XxKissesxX: XD XD XD

InfamousAshTuesday: It's not our house

Guest_Whiteblademax: the ownder going to be mad at you then.

Guest_Whiteblademax: causing his house to be set on fire

InfamousAshTuesday: Pretty sure they'd be mad at you.

InfamousAshTuesday: For burning their house down.

JunglecatTuesday: Eh. We can blame it on the Xmas tree.

Guest_Whiteblademax: not my fault

Guest_Whiteblademax: yours for not given me beer

JunglecatTuesday: *sips my beer* Mmmmm.....

JunglecatTuesday: You don't like homosexuals. You don't get my homosexual beer.

Guest_Whiteblademax: who is the pretty young girl

JayeKoji: thats Kisses. she's with us

JunglecatTuesday: Her name is Kisses Johansson.

Guest_Whiteblademax: she is mine now

JayeKoji: ok you cant just come in and claim beer and females

InfamousAshTuesday: That's the Viking way.

JunglecatTuesday: You don't want her.

JunglecatTuesday: She's not a beer.

Guest_Whiteblademax: raiders dont obey laws

Guest_XxKissesxX: wait what

InfamousAshTuesday: It's possibly she's also Jewish and homosexual.

JunglecatTuesday: Quite possible

InfamousAshTuesday: It's the Jewish homosexual couch.

JunglecatTuesday: Yes. That's why we're here.

Guest_Whiteblademax: She will still make a fine slave.

JayeKoji: ok well I cant let you make her a slave

Guest_XxKissesxX: what?

JunglecatTuesday: *cough*

JayeKoji: I got issues with the whole slave thing

JayeKoji: *little laugh* so...

JayeKoji: ya not gonna happen

JunglecatTuesday: Pretty sure she doesn't want to be one.

JunglecatTuesday: Just a hunch

Guest_Whiteblademax: So who turned her lesbian?

JunglecatTuesday: Pretty sure that was you

Guest_XxKissesxX: who is "she"

JunglecatTuesday: Pretty sure that was you

JunglecatTuesday: "She" is you, Kisses

Guest_Whiteblademax: if you obey i will spare a quarter of you and let you work my land for me

Guest_Whiteblademax: as my slaves

JunglecatTuesday: Will you beat us?

JunglecatTuesday: Work us hard?

JunglecatTuesday: Oil us up?

InfamousAshTuesday: Jun likes spankings and toiling the field.

JayeKoji: I think youre really just turning him on

InfamousAshTuesday: I think so too.

Guest_Whiteblademax: only if you disobey me

JunglecatTuesday: Oh man. I love a good oiling when I've been naughty

JayeKoji: whatever. me and Ash would so burn all your shit to the ground and take over

InfamousAshTuesday: *laughs.*

JunglecatTuesday: What kind of oil do you use?

JunglecatTuesday: Like essential slave oils?

Guest_Whiteblademax: I will break you of that habbit

Guest_Whiteblademax: with many beatings.

JunglecatTuesday: Oily beatings?

InfamousAshTuesday: Oh that's even better.

InfamousAshTuesday: Oily beatings is such a bad habit.

Guest_Whiteblademax: i will force you to listen to my music

JunglecatTuesday: Oh man. You are hardcore.

JunglecatTuesday: *lays my head in Whiteblade's lap*

JunglecatTuesday : So would I have to call you Sir or Master?

JunglecatTuesday: Or Viking?

InfamousAshTuesday: Careful of his hard horns.

InfamousAshTuesday: Viking Sir Master Rawr

Guest_Whiteblademax: Master

JunglecatTuesday: Master Viking

InfamousAshTuesday: It does have a certain ring to it.

Guest_Whiteblademax: No just master

JunglecatTuesday: Master White?

JunglecatTuesday: Ooh White Master!

JunglecatTuesday: That's perfect for you!

JunglecatTuesday: ii

JayeKoji: *rolls my eyes*

Guest_Whiteblademax: No just master

Guest_Whiteblademax: or Lord

JunglecatTuesday: Lord Master?

JayeKoji: do *not* call that idiot Master, even in play. I know youre just fucking around but good grief

JunglecatTuesday: White Lord?

Guest_Whiteblademax: aye

JayeKoji: white lord.. great

JunglecatTuesday: Isn't that a band?

JayeKoji: LOL

Guest_Whiteblademax: lord blade

JunglecatTuesday: Ooh Lord Blade.

InfamousAshTuesday: I might get jealous, stab him with his own hat and put him in the fireplace.

JunglecatTuesday: hahahahahahah

JayeKoji: lolol

JunglecatTuesday: *dying*


Vyrl: jun and ash get embarassed?

InfamousAshTuesday: Not by much. Admittedly I do sometimes by what Jaye says.

JayeKoji: no, they just get all flushed if I flirt with anyone

JayeKoji: I dont really know why

JayeKoji: and goodness forbid if its more than flirting

InfamousAshTuesday: I don't know why either.

JunglecatTuesday: HAH? *says loudly like old man*

JunglecatTuesday: You go all Barry White and its like watching your brother go all Barry White

JunglecatTuesday: Like homg. On no he didn't.

JunglecatTuesday: Now ash prolly gets that way because it gives him an erection

JunglecatTuesday: But that's just a guess on my part.

Vyrl: jaye goes all Barry White? -lets out a giggle-

Vyrl: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Ouh babeh~

InfamousAshTuesday: I don't get an erection. It's just a crush.

InfamousAshTuesday: But that doesn't explain the embarrassment.

JunglecatTuesday: Big Ahss Hhammm....

InfamousAshTuesday: It's just something about Jaye.

JayeKoji: lol I have never of ouh bebeh and you know it... lol

JunglecatTuesday: I think I smell something

JunglecatTuesday: wait... yes.. *sniff sniff*

JunglecatTuesday: ....why yes ... its what I thought... I smell bullshit

JayeKoji: yeah yeah whatever

InfamousAshTuesday: Bullshit?

JayeKoji: the point remains I so much as start kissing you you they will both be like *squeeee*

JunglecatTuesday: I don't squee

JunglecatTuesday: He squees

JunglecatTuesday: I'm embarassed FOR you

InfamousAshTuesday: Yes. I might squee.


JayeKoji: big asss ham

Vyrl: hahaha at big ass ham

InfamousAshTuesday: That's my fave.

JunglecatTuesday: Mine too

JunglecatTuesday: So when Jaye is all luvin you up, have that going thru your head

InfamousAshTuesday: You're terrible Jun. I love you.

JunglecatTuesday: Ah its time to go home

InfamousAshTuesday: Aw Bummer.

InfamousAshTuesday: Slide it in real quick before you go.

JunglecatTuesday: Yeah. Got to leave the office

InfamousAshTuesday: *gives you a kissy.*

JunglecatTuesday: *gives you a three finger job*

InfamousAshTuesday: Oh. Wow.

Vyrl: so glad that nothing jun and ash say is ever embarassing.

JunglecatTuesday: Unf ah Yeah You like it babeh Big ass ham

InfamousAshTuesday: Also. Stealing that line for my Skype.

JunglecatTuesday: Which one?

InfamousAshTuesday: Unf ah Yeah You like it babeh Big ass ham

JayeKoji: just need to think of a username for that kik account

JunglecatTuesday: BigAssHam

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha.

JayeKoji: ah ha... ha... yeah.. no

InfamousAshTuesday: BlueDragon?

Vyrl: lol

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha.

JunglecatTuesday: *while Jaye is in the bathroom, makes him a kik*

Vyrl: uh oh

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha. That's great.

InfamousAshTuesday: Although I also feel kind of bad for him.

InfamousAshTuesday: That's like when you prank me.

InfamousAshTuesday: With the shark in my room and stuff.

JayeKoji: *throws a glare at him across the room*

JayeKoji: quit touching meh stuff

JayeKoji: big ass ham would be a perfect user name for *you*

JayeKoji: Jun...

JunglecatTuesday: I REGRET NOTHING

JayeKoji: oh you are so in trouble.

JunglecatTuesday: >.>

Vyrl: did he really make you a kik?

InfamousAshTuesday: Spankings.

JayeKoji: no he likes spankings

InfamousAshTuesday: Yeah. I figured that.

InfamousAshTuesday: But I would of been amused.

JayeKoji: might make him watch some miley cyrus

Vyrl: lolol

JunglecatTuesday: Nooooo

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha. Watch Miley.

JunglecatTuesday: Girl gonna get the crotch rot

JayeKoji: Did you really link something to my email?

JunglecatTuesday: Let's discuss crotch rot

InfamousAshTuesday: Gross.

JunglecatTuesday: Derived from the latin word, rocrotio..

Vyrl: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Just whatever you do... Don't Google crotch rot.

JunglecatTuesday: Because you get the worse case scenario

JunglecatTuesday: Death by crotch rot

JayeKoji: ok why is kik sending me emails Junichi?

JunglecatTuesday: When you really only wanted to get a sample of what mild crotch rot would look like

JayeKoji: *shakes my head* oh you're so in trouble.

JunglecatTuesday: Crotch rot was first discovered by Columbus in 1492 in the waters of Indonesia

JayeKoji: bigassham4u

JayeKoji: really?

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha.

Vyrl: oh.. wow..

InfamousAshTuesday: That 4u makes it a whole lot worse.

JunglecatTuesday: Ironically, BigAssHam was already taken.

JunglecatTuesday: So I had no choice but to make it a giving type of big ass ham

HeroFromKrypton: That isn't ironic.

JunglecatTuesday: It's ironic because it was taken, so I had to make it a giving.. don't you get irony?

JayeKoji: nonono...

Vyrl: omg.. lolol.. that is sooo bad.

HeroFromKrypton: Ironic means made entirely of iron.

JunglecatTuesday: Ouh.. That type of irony.

JayeKoji: We are *NOT* keeping this user name, dont be pulsing it all over imvu

JayeKoji: I cant even change it until I confirm it. Jun you....

JayeKoji: I hear you laughing over there Mr

JunglecatTuesday: As I was saying, back in Indonesia, the natives of the warm waters gave him the crotch rot

JayeKoji: Id give you the crotch rot if I could

JunglecatTuesday: Of which the natives were already accustomed to fighting with strong coral aquaantibiotics

Vyrl: lol

JunglecatTuesday: But alas, they weren't the giving sort of people

JunglecatTuesday: Unlike Mr. BigAssHam over there.

JayeKoji: *throws a pillow at him*

JunglecatTuesday: They did not give Columbus the coral aquaant *OOF*

Vyrl: lol, jun... too funny... about the indonesians.

Vyrl: omg... it came up on kik.

JunglecatTuesday: You'll forgive me Vy. I didn't have time to create his profile or upload a pic

InfamousAshTuesday: Upload a pic of a big ass ham.

JayeKoji: dude

Vyrl: i am sure we are missing out, jun.

JayeKoji: I will never use this account you people understand this dont you

JayeKoji: it will never be confirmed


JayeKoji: ASH

InfamousAshTuesday: What.

JayeKoji: DONT encourage him

InfamousAshTuesday: But I like to have sex with him.

JunglecatTuesday: Unf ah Yeah You like it babeh Big ass ham

InfamousAshTuesday: Chill before accessing that's the best part.

Vyrl: you can change the name.

Vyrl: no maybe you can't.

JayeKoji: no I dont think you can.

JayeKoji: which means no kik for you. thank Jun for your sexless phone life

Vyrl: um......

Vyrl: do i have to?

JunglecatTuesday: *choking on my laughter*


JayeKoji: doesnt sound like he's going to find any success on a virtual medium

JayeKoji: thing about online is you have to speak

JayeKoji: there is no other way to communicate. no facial expressions, sounds or smells even...

JunglecatTuesday: Which is unfortunate because my preferred method of communication is smells....

JunglecatTuesday : Hey Ash. What am I thinking *makes a sound like a duck*

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha. Jun.

InfamousAshTuesday: As long as nobody smells me blowing up the bathroom earlier.

InfamousAshTuesday: That was not good communication.

JayeKoji: lol

Vyrl: lol

JunglecatTuesday: LOL


JunglecatTuesday: I want to eat Jaye's pancakes.

InfamousAshTuesday: Jaye's pancakes sounds good to me.

InfamousAshTuesday: I ate cereal and I'm still hungry.

JayeKoji: nnnnnooooo...

JayeKoji: *writes on them.. "JAYES Pancakes"

InfamousAshTuesday: Hey I'm eating a pancake named Jaye. How cool is that.

JunglecatTuesday: aww.

JunglecatTuesday: *licks off the J and the A*

JayeKoji: ...

Vyrl: hahaha jun

JunglecatTuesday: Can I has a pancake?

JunglecatTuesday: Ooh, they say YES

JayeKoji: dude...

InfamousAshTuesday: Haha Yes pancakes. That's creative.

InfamousAshTuesday: That is going on pulse.


JustifiedSilence: i can skin a rabbit with no knife

JunglecatTuesday: ...gross Justi lol

JustifiedSilence: hey

JunglecatTuesday: With what, your teeth?

JustifiedSilence: wild rabbit is great food

JustifiedSilence: no

JunglecatTuesday: ANGANANRAWR*gnawgnaw* Geeze, Justi calm the fuck down. Leave the head...

JustifiedSilence: LOL!

InfamousAshTuesday: I don't want to know how to skin anything without a knife.

InfamousAshTuesday: I'm like a. There's no hot water? This is cruel and unusual punishment type.

JunglecatTuesday: Well if I'm on Naked and Afraid, yer my girl

JustifiedSilence: LOL!

InfamousAshTuesday: I would be so useless in the wild.

InfamousAshTuesday: Like. Um I look cute naked?

InfamousAshTuesday: Does that help?

JunglecatTuesday: useless in the wild

InfamousAshTuesday: I could probably play with fire and kill things.

InfamousAshTuesday: And ride on Jun's back.

InfamousAshTuesday: That sound like a plan.

InfamousAshTuesday: I'm a good tree climber.

InfamousAshTuesday: That gets points for something.

InfamousAshTuesday: Who wants coconuts?

JunglecatTuesday: You can keep a look out for pirates

InfamousAshTuesday: Yeah. I can do that.

InfamousAshTuesday: *Falls asleep in a tree.*

JunglecatTuesday: *looks up* .. He's asleep

JunglecatTuesday: *is carried away by pirates*

JunglecatTuesday: PARLAY

InfamousAshTuesday: *wakes up drooling like where is Jun...*

Karnevil: butt pirates

InfamousAshTuesday: Oh. Butt pirates?

InfamousAshTuesday: *Watches.*

JunglecatTuesday: Alone with your coconuts


JunglecatTuesday: 0.0

InfamousAshTuesday: *Makes myself a coconut top.*

JunglecatTuesday: Oh good. Your nipples will be fashionable and not burnt

DarkFangFengari: u need a grass skirt too Ash

InfamousAshTuesday: Sesy!

InfamousAshTuesday: Yeah. That's next.

InfamousAshTuesday: I do burn easily.

InfamousAshTuesday: Must protect the essentials.

JunglecatTuesday: HAY

JunglecatTuesday: You aren't Naked or Afraid here

InfamousAshTuesday: *Pees on myself and cries?*

JunglecatTuesday: Make me a coconut cup

InfamousAshTuesday: *Makes Jun a cute coconut cup.*

InfamousAshTuesday: I can totally make cute stuff. I'm crafty.

InfamousAshTuesday: That would be a weird show. Haha.

JunglecatTuesday: And now for the next episode of Naked And Afraid And Cute

InfamousAshTuesday: It will be a gay edition.

Karnevil: I wanna yell WIIIILLLSSOOOON!

InfamousAshTuesday: Yeah. I would totally make friends if I was alone.

InfamousAshTuesday: I used to talk to puppets.

InfamousAshTuesday: So I get weird. Right quick.

JayeKoji: yeah none of you can go with me. Im like out in the wilds naked and afraid I need me a rabbit skinner

JayeKoji: Ill wrangle the snake and you clean it all up.

JayeKoji: we eat everything that moves

InfamousAshTuesday: I'll eat some bugs.

JunglecatTuesday: Like you could eat bugs

InfamousAshTuesday: Sure I could.

InfamousAshTuesday: I don't want to put much effort into it.

JunglecatTuesday: Ok that sounds like you

InfamousAshTuesday: I used to on dares when I was a kid.

InfamousAshTuesday: No biggie.

JayeKoji: give Ash a worm or something to eat

InfamousAshTuesday: I'll pretend I get a dollar for it.

InfamousAshTuesday: Yes. Worms.

InfamousAshTuesday: I'll eat those.

JayeKoji: or a crunchy beetle moving all around

InfamousAshTuesday: And grasshoppers and crickets.

InfamousAshTuesday: Beetles are really sour.

JunglecatTuesday: You're going to make me dig you up some worms, hm?

JayeKoji: some termites or something out of a tree

InfamousAshTuesday: Yes dear. Feed me worms.

JunglecatTuesday: spoiled *goes to get a shell for shoveling*

InfamousAshTuesday: Fan me with some big palm leaves.

InfamousAshTuesday: It's the gay edition.

JunglecatTuesday: Lost your damn mind.

InfamousAshTuesday: Did I ever have it?

JayeKoji: lol yeah I bet the pumas are gay too... I need glitter on this guy before I eat him

JunglecatTuesday: o0

InfamousAshTuesday: Glitter is a good idea.

JayeKoji: its not a condiment

JunglecatTuesday: *fans you wearing nothing but a coconut cup*

InfamousAshTuesday: Dirt and glitter. It will be the newest fashion craze.

InfamousAshTuesday: Oh my god. That's hot.

InfamousAshTuesday: *Falls in love again.*

JunglecatTuesday: It's warm out here.

JunglecatTuesday: *glistening*

JunglecatTuesday: *but not with glitter*

JayeKoji: yeah.... me and justi will hang with the rabbits and the roasted meat

JayeKoji: just dont get anywhere miserable like the african plains or something

InfamousAshTuesday: *Puts glittery gumdrop lotion on myself.*


InfamousAshTuesday: I brought it with me.

InfamousAshTuesday: It's my favorite.

JunglecatTuesday: ....that is the one item you chose????

InfamousAshTuesday: Yes.

JunglecatTuesday: No knife?

JunglecatTuesday: No firestarter?

InfamousAshTuesday: Nah.

InfamousAshTuesday: Glittery gumdrop lotion.

InfamousAshTuesday: It smells so good and its shiny.

JunglecatTuesday: *rolls eyes* Gawd.

InfamousAshTuesday: Also. They don't carry it anymore.

InfamousAshTuesday: So it's hard to find. Vyrl: pretty soon, you'l l have all the ants you can eat, ash.

JayeKoji: oh yeah might as well salt and pepper him up

InfamousAshTuesday: *Eats them off a log.*

JunglecatTuesday: *looks at pretend watch* Been here 15 mins. Already know we'll be dead within the hour.

InfamousAshTuesday: At least I'll smell good and be shiny when I die.

Vyrl: and covered with ants.

InfamousAshTuesday: I'm eating them.

Karnevil: with a coconut bra on

InfamousAshTuesday: *Licks them off my arm.*

JayeKoji: cause thats what is important when naked in the wilderness

InfamousAshTuesday: See. The lotion was a great idea.

JayeKoji: so the lotion is actuall a food lure

JunglecatTuesday: YOu're going to slip right off my shoulders

InfamousAshTuesday: I smell fruity and the bugs like me.

JayeKoji: mosquitos too

JunglecatTuesday: ...I think I have glitter on me now

InfamousAshTuesday: Just all over your back.

JunglecatTuesday: Great. I'm going to get a weird tan

InfamousAshTuesday: Of course you will from me riding on your back.

InfamousAshTuesday: It will help further protect my nipples though.

InfamousAshTuesday: The essentials!

JayeKoji: what if you arent somewhere tropical?

JunglecatTuesday: *rubs forehead*

InfamousAshTuesday: Then I'm going to wish I had more body hair.


JunglecatTuesday : Right. We could be in the tundra

InfamousAshTuesday: This would be a great time for chest hair!

InfamousAshTuesday: And back and ass hair.

InfamousAshTuesday: I need it all.

JunglecatTuesday: I told you all that body waxing was a bad idea

Vyrl: i hear polar bears love gumdrops.


Ragnarok has joined the chat

InfamousAshTuesday:This room is rocking full of people.

JayeKoji: and there he is...

JunglecatTuesday: WOO RUBEN

InfamousAshTuesday:Welcome Ruben.

Ragnarok: You got to be kidding lol

JayeKoji: Hey ruben come on back

Ragnarok: Thank you lol

Destaneexox: Hey love. ^^

TheSunlitBlade: -Biting her lip- Welcome to Hard Candy, Ruben.~ Hehe.

JunglecatTuesday: h-AP-PEY BOOOBIES!

Destaneexox: Come on over here, we have your wedding gift. :D

Ragnarok: Thank you hehe

JayeKoji: lolol Jun

Egoist: hard candy huh 8{>

Ragnarok: Im still loading lol

Egoist: oh god it's pink

JunglecatTuesday: *covers drizzles Ruben in chocolate sauce*

Ragnarok: *blinks * ok lol

Ragnarok: Um..sure lol

Destaneexox: ^^

JayeKoji: lol I think Ive been giving them too many shots

Destaneexox: Oh yeah

JayeKoji: ruben you might be a few behid come on

Egoist: run while you can D8

Ragnarok: lol

Destaneexox: Lots of fun

JunglecatTuesday: *does another* What ever mean you do?

InfamousAshTuesday:Nah. Just a few. I'm not that loud & obnoxious yet.

JayeKoji: *motions to the back*

Destaneexox: VIP?

Ragnarok: Hey lol

JunglecatTuesday: Ooh and look. Another blonde mens

Destaneexox: ^^

JayeKoji: Ego, you see me?

Destaneexox: o.o blonde man?

Destaneexox: Where?

TheSunlitBlade: Oh Rubeeen.~ -calling sweetly.- Hehe.

JunglecatTuesday: And he is drizzled with chocolate.

Egoist: the room is huge

Destaneexox: Over here love

JayeKoji: I have a few ladies here for you tonight ruben

Ragnarok: *hoping for a normal spot to sitt* lol

Destaneexox: ^^ Just for you

Ragnarok: Im sure you do lol

JayeKoji: they would like to wish you happiness on your coming day

Egoist: I hope for those too v-v

Egoist: and I found one

Egoist: so far

JunglecatTuesday: We found a spot that gives you an erection with a node on it.

Destaneexox: Sit on the lip chair hun

JayeKoji: come on ego, you can have a lick if you like

Destaneexox: ^^

JayeKoji: lol

JayeKoji: nope up here in the room

Egoist: a lick of what?

JayeKoji: there are regular nodes on the pink lips ruben

JayeKoji: come sit...

Ragnarok: oh lord lol

Ragnarok: ok lol

JayeKoji: Ego ou come on up here too. thre is a node behind the ladies

Destaneexox: -She giggles.-How are you doing today sexy?

JunglecatTuesday: *passes shots to all the boys*

JayeKoji: nice view for you

JayeKoji: kepe it coming Jun

Egoist: v-v

InfamousAshTuesday:*makes it disappear as quickly as you gave it to me.*

Destaneexox: Ego, come sit next to Rugan

Ragnarok: *takes a shot* i need one lol

Destaneexox: Ruban.

MahimasuGenji: Ruben*

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly.-Well yeah! You're getting married tomorrow!

JunglecatTuesday: heheh

Egoist: but it's dangerous to sit there lol

JayeKoji: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Ego.. come here.

Ragnarok: Many names lol

Egoist: but where here

Destaneexox: Are you nervous?

JayeKoji: girls dont bite unless you spank them first

Destaneexox: XD

TheSunlitBlade: -She lifted her fingers to stroke her chest and then towards the man of the hour.- Not making promises~

Egoist: don't wanna do that 8{>


Egoist: -flails hooves-

JayeKoji: ok then come sit behind them

JayeKoji: *takes one shot then quickly another*

JunglecatTuesday: Ego, come into the little room here

Ragnarok: awws lol

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly, and runs her hands down his chest, looking at him.-Mmmm love to tease.

JayeKoji: alright ladies... all yours... do him right

Egoist: tell me which node, the coordinates

Egoist: lol

Ragnarok: Well you know, looking at an ass is a good thing

JunglecatTuesday: There's a chair next to me

Egoist: okay.. nvm I will find it myself Destaneexox: -She smiles at him.-Our asses are positioned so you can see them

Ragnarok: *leans back and looks at the ladies*

Egoist: and that would be the middle node behind the... table thing with the.. people on it

TheSunlitBlade: -A finger straced down the V-neck of his collar.- This is your laaaaasst night before getting hitched, babe. Gonna make sure you're treated...nice...and...well.~

JayeKoji: yes ego

Ragnarok: I bet.

JunglecatTuesday: Yes. That one, Ego. lol

JayeKoji: what? I picked the two I thought youd liek

JayeKoji: *like

Ragnarok: lol

Destaneexox: Putting on some music. -She bends over and switches it on.-

InfamousAshTuesday:Ah. Tunes. That's what I needed. :)

CynicalJinx: <_ late="" with="" the="" music="" lol="" have="" fun="">JunglecatTuesday: *makes like I'm gonna spank that bent over*

TheSunlitBlade: -Rotating her shoulders, she grinned between Ruben and Jaye while slowly retreating.-

JayeKoji: music dancing

JayeKoji: I forgot my whip damn...

Destaneexox: -She giggled softly, swinging my hips to the music. She looked at Ruban, as she slowly ran her hands down her body. She takes a piece of her hair and twirls it around her finger.-

Ragnarok: Good. lol

JayeKoji: *glances at ruben then figures halo's probably got his*

JunglecatTuesday: Oh right.. *hands the chocolate Ruben a whip*

JunglecatTuesday: You girls going to dance? Or just stand there?

JunglecatTuesday: *wants to see some dancin*

TheSunlitBlade: -Her she spread her legs and stroked at her inner thigh..- We also heard some things of you nice and nasty. Hehe.

Ragnarok: Nasty is always good *watches*

JayeKoji: *takes another drink nodding my head*

TheSunlitBlade: -She slipped the tie on the top...all the way out till it was nothing but hanging leather draping her shoulders.- Oh don't worry....the night ain' over yet.~ We do our jobs very... very well.

JayeKoji: I know I told you two what to expect so I have no worries

JunglecatTuesday: heheh

JayeKoji: Ruben youre gonna have a life changing thing tomorrow and before you ride off into the sunset of the bondage that is marriage

Ragnarok: Im hard to please *winks*

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly and slowly shakes her hips from side to side. She grabbed onto her panties and leaned her head back as she hip her pink bottom lip. She smiles at the soon to be married man and bites a little bit harder asn she slowly inches her panties down.-

TheSunlitBlade: -The leather fell off her shoulders and she twiddled a finger around her black hair....undulating her hips to the side.-

Ragnarok: hehe

Ragnarok: *watches them*

JayeKoji: *raises a hand and says loudly* to the shackles.. whatever kind they may be

JunglecatTuesday: ...*should totally make Ruben wear them on his head*


JunglecatTuesday: *only because that's what I would probably do >.> *

Ragnarok: Lol, I think il be fine, got my cuffs and chains

Destaneexox: -She looked down away from Ruben as she inches her panties down.-

InfamousAshTuesday:So silly. :)

JunglecatTuesday: Woo.. go girl~

TheSunlitBlade: Mmmm...that's better.~ -she stood to her full height....arse popped out with a finger hooked in her black panties..following the movements of her blonde partner.-

JunglecatTuesday: Ruben.. did you know that blonde men make them all wet?

Ragnarok: Good, I like it wet.

Ragnarok: *watches*

Destaneexox: I love the breeze being naked. -She bent down, her boobs coming forward. She winked at Ruben and then at Jay as she ran her fingers down her soft skin.-

JayeKoji: In fact the whole time we were inspecting ... just as naughty.

JunglecatTuesday: *gives Ego a shot*

TheSunlitBlade: -She grinned and bit her lip while a finger slid just over the hemline of her black panties....a blue eye peeked out from the black hair.-

TheSunlitBlade: -Shoulder pressed forward, her nips were and peaked towards Ruben's figure like begging, pearly, beads.- So Ruben..How long have you know these guys.~

TheSunlitBlade: -gestures around but kept her eyes on him.-

JayeKoji: oh.. and... get this.. they are fans as well

Ragnarok: *leans on my legs leaning forward a bit* For ever lol

JayeKoji: how do you like that?

JunglecatTuesday: ...*watches Blade's tits beg Ruben*

JayeKoji: lol

Ragnarok: fans?

JayeKoji: yes of your work

Destaneexox: -She smiles at him and winks at him.-I've always wanted to meet a big Developer.

JunglecatTuesday: One girl was. I can't remember which one.

Ragnarok: *Grins*

JayeKoji: guess we have known you forever but you are the star you brat

TheSunlitBlade: Mmm...Forever's such a long time.~ Can you believe they'd do something as sweet as this. -she turned and placed a soft hand on her chest...caressing down..-

Ragnarok: They tend to take it all out hehe

Ragnarok: *watches the girls*

Destaneexox: -She twists her nipple letting out a moan and winked at Ruben. She rubbed her boobs and then stepped off the small stage platform. She grabbed onto Ruben's shoulders, and starts to swing my hips from side to side looking at him as she ran a hand down his chest lightly. -

Egoist: -confused-

JunglecatTuesday: *looks at Ego* ... you drink it.

Ragnarok: *watches her move*

TheSunlitBlade: -Her head lolled backward, over, front....bending over infront of him while her black locks fell in curtains and waves.- I'll say.~ Nothing half-assed here...except maybe..-she points down at the panties half off.-

Egoist: drink what

Egoist: -sleepy-

JunglecatTuesday: The shot I gave you.

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly as she moves her hand down his chest as she stopped there, looking at him and winked. She bites her lip.-

Ragnarok: Well as the song sais, take it off *winks*

Egoist: oh..? lol

JayeKoji: *leans against rubens shoulder* blade has a room you would really like too lol

Ragnarok: Oh?

JayeKoji: has all your main features *chuckles*

TheSunlitBlade: -She looked her the Venus next to her and winked wiggling the her finger down her panties till the fell from her thighs.- Oh? You mean like this?

JayeKoji: whips chains, cages...

Ragnarok: Oh, my style

JayeKoji: figured I might have to visit back here later on my own

JunglecatTuesday: *grabs panties on the floor and tosses to Ruben*

Ragnarok: *catches it* yeah? *flips it around my finger*

TheSunlitBlade: -She takes her hand...extending her arms as if she were grabbing onto the 'metal' and waving her head to beckon him forward.- Mmm...this style is the best to wear. Would you believe it's all covered by clothing half the time?

TheSunlitBlade: Such a shame...

Destaneexox: -She giggles.-I'd take care of you Jaye. -She winks at him as she gets off Ruben and winks. She steps back up onto the plat form and starts to dance some more running my hands down her skin.-

Ragnarok: It really it.

TheSunlitBlade: -Her voice was like honey, kneeling down on the glass once more though one knee remained open for full view.-

JunglecatTuesday: *Gives Ash a riding crop*

TheSunlitBlade: -An air kiss towards Jaye's direction and she bit down on her pinky.-

JayeKoji: *smiles*

JunglecatTuesday: Jaye is so going to steal your women, Ruben.

JunglecatTuesday: I think they already like him.

JayeKoji: what. He doesnt need them for more than an hour

TheSunlitBlade: -Taking her eyes back to Ruben, she lolled her head back and began sucking- Mmm...No he's not.~

Ragnarok: Lol

Ragnarok: I can share

JunglecatTuesday: *thinks there should be some sexy wrestling to win favor or something*

Ragnarok: Mhm

TheSunlitBlade: -Her white teeth peeked over her black lips and she smacked the globe of her ass..undulating hips.-

Destaneexox: -She turned around and turned towards Jun. She winks at him and bites her lip lightly, and playfully. She turned toward Ash and runs her hands down her skin before looking Jay. She bites her lip and rubs her own boobs as she bends over for Ego.-

JunglecatTuesday: heheheheeheeh

InfamousAshTuesday:Oh. Wrestling. :)

JunglecatTuesday: *smacks Ego on the arm*

JunglecatTuesday: She bent over for you.

InfamousAshTuesday:*pays attention.*

JunglecatTuesday: *imagines Ego is rather red atm*

Destaneexox: Who wants to take a shot form my boobs?

JunglecatTuesday: *chants for Ruben to chug chug chug*

Ragnarok: Yeah yeah lol *takes another shot*

Egoist: :I

JunglecatTuesday: No no... from her boobs. *points*

TheSunlitBlade: Hehe~ -She grins...the leather of her glove hovering over her pelvis and hips...and then the underside of a pert breast.- C'mon Ruben...don't be shy.

JayeKoji: well you know Im always game

JayeKoji: boobs.. belly. buttons...

Destaneexox: -She giggles.-Jun, would you like to put the shot in between my boobs?

JunglecatTuesday: ASH CAN I

JunglecatTuesday: *cough*

JunglecatTuesday: ASH

InfamousAshTuesday:You don't have to ask Jun. It's fine.

JunglecatTuesday: ASH

JunglecatTuesday: *jumps up giddy*

JunglecatTuesday: Ok... how.

Egoist: I need to the bathroom

Destaneexox: -She bends down to Jun, squeezing my boobs together.-

JayeKoji: *points toeards the john for Ego*

TheSunlitBlade: -Grinning at him while she snaked a hand over the blonde's thigh.-

JunglecatTuesday: *looks at Jaye*

JayeKoji: go on man its just boobs

InfamousAshTuesday:*smirking, waiting for it to get spilled or something>*

JunglecatTuesday: YES

JunglecatTuesday: BOOBS

JayeKoji: lick the shot out of her cleavage

JunglecatTuesday: OH RIGHT

Egoist: -confused-

JayeKoji: gay boys see?

JayeKoji: you can do it

JunglecatTuesday: *pours a shot in her cleavage?*

Ragnarok: Would not a thigh shot be better?

JunglecatTuesday: RUBEN

Destaneexox: Like that

Ragnarok: What?

Egoist: -crawls to bathroom- 8{>

JayeKoji: lick it up quickly or youre gonna be sucking it off a nipple

JunglecatTuesday: *leans forward and slurps*

JayeKoji: YAYAYA

JunglecatTuesday: *sits back down all red and stupid*

Destaneexox: Oh, there you go

JayeKoji: *takes pics*

Destaneexox: xD

JayeKoji: ii

Destaneexox: -Poses.-

JunglecatTuesday: *rolf*

JunglecatTuesday: *fl*

Destaneexox: Jaye? Would you like to take a shot?

TheSunlitBlade: -She grinned biting her.- Now look at the mess you made..who's going to clean it up?

JayeKoji: *sitll laughing*

JayeKoji: okok... ah. that was good *wipes my eyes*

InfamousAshTuesday:*giggles wildly suddenly.*

Destaneexox: Anybody want a shot from boobs?

Destaneexox: Or thigh?

JayeKoji: Ill take a shot where do you want me to lick. Im down

Destaneexox: Take your pick

Ragnarok: You know how to do a thigh shot? Il do that

JunglecatTuesday: Ok what is a thigh shot?

JayeKoji: ahh ok go for it ruben

InfamousAshTuesday:Sounds tricky. Pessimus: .-.

JunglecatTuesday: ROO BIN BOO BIN ROO BIN

Ragnarok: shot glass between the thighs and pick it up with your mouth

HeroFromKrypton has joined the chat

JayeKoji: yess thats my boy. git it

JayeKoji: HERO

InfamousAshTuesday:Hey Hero.

TheSunlitBlade: -Licking her lips her hair was tossed back...watching..she grinned at Ruben with a 'take me now' gaze.- C'mon Ruben. Hehe.

Ragnarok: Hey Hero

Destaneexox: -Sits down and puts the shot between my thigh.-

JunglecatTuesday: Hero

JunglecatTuesday: !

Destaneexox: Seshina

Destaneexox: You you need to move

Destaneexox: Sekshina*

TheSunlitBlade: Welcome to the party, Hero.~

JayeKoji: Come on back, grab a shot

Destaneexox: >,<

Destaneexox: Just move

Ragnarok: *grins and leans down while looking up at her, taking the glass between lips and picks it up and drinks*

Destaneexox: Thank you


Destaneexox: Sekshina.

JayeKoji: *clicks more pics*

HeroFromKrypton: Took me a bit to unfreeze.

JayeKoji: Grab a shot hero. Im glad you finally made it

Ragnarok: I spilled a bit *winks*

JayeKoji: awwww

JunglecatTuesday: *wonders if I was supposed to drink the shot like that, in an actual glass* *glares at Jaye for giving me flawed instructions*

Destaneexox: -She giggles.-

JayeKoji: come on now... you gotta clean that up

HeroFromKrypton: *grabs one*

Destaneexox: Welcome Hero, would you like to take a shot from my boobs?

HeroFromKrypton: I guess I already did. lol

JayeKoji: flawed whatever... like it right on the skin.. who needs a glass...

Ragnarok: If i could touch sure I would but hands are tied lol

JunglecatTuesday: *dies just a tad*

TheSunlitBlade: -She bent down more and spread her knees....balancing on her leather boots. Her torso belly danced with ease.-

Destaneexox: xD

Ragnarok: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Hero.. take shot out of her belly button

JunglecatTuesday: ..if miss will allow >.>

InfamousAshTuesday:I'm so late with this. But just as long as you don't drink the glass. You did fine. :)

Destaneexox: -She jumped off stage and and starts grinding up against Jaye, her body hitting his crotch lightly as she giggles seductively. She takes his hand and puts it on my waist gently..-

TheSunlitBlade: -Blade bent back, hands on the glass with all of her appendages keeping her upright in a bridge.- Here...Shot right here~

Ragnarok: *leans back watching while taking a shot*

JunglecatTuesday: hehehehe

TheSunlitBlade: -Her head threw back with black locks sweeping the glass....She turned and rolled to catstretch her self to sitting.-

Destaneexox: Nice to meet you

JayeKoji: *holds lightly watching with a grin*

TheSunlitBlade: -Working her way with Des, the boots clicked on the glass to then press against the pink cushion next to Ruben.- MmmmThank you dolls~

Destaneexox: -She giggled softly and continues to grind against him. She put her hands on his and then kept moving her hips from side to side.-

Ragnarok: *grins*

Destaneexox: Thank you Jun. ^^

JayeKoji: *elbows ruben* see how good this is...

TheSunlitBlade: -Her hips worked down...slowly, closer to his body with out ever touching him....the black hair cascaded down her shoulders whilst now hovering her sex over the apex of his thighs.- Hope you're enjoying the party, love.

JunglecatTuesday: *shakes Ego continuously* Are you back from the bathroom????!?!

JunglecatTuesday: You are very welcome :)

JayeKoji: *reaches up and touches a black tendril in my fingers* I didnt have a doubt in either of you.

Egoist: what.. D8

TheSunlitBlade: -Now both of her her legs were standing....straddling over him...but she never touched..instead the heat of her body and the sheen of perspiration glistenned off her body for all to see.-

TheSunlitBlade: Oh thank you, love. -She whispered gently in his ear...the scent of mint caressing an earlobe.-

Destaneexox: -She giggled softly and spun around fast, grabbing onto his shoulders agressively, and then hops onto Jay and grinds on him nice and hard, her parts meeting his crotch.-

JayeKoji: how we doing on the booze Jun *eyes glued on whate in front of me*

JunglecatTuesday: o.o Jaye

JunglecatTuesday: Um.

JayeKoji: *little grin*

JunglecatTuesday: I think Ego drank it all. *shoves him*

Ragnarok: *winks* Welcome

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly.-Thank you baby

JayeKoji: ego... *tisks with a laugh*

Egoist: I didn't do anything Dx

TheSunlitBlade: -Blade retreated hopping deftly over the couch to then eye him from behind...her hands snaked down his chest while keeping the soft contact of her lips.- Mmm....Any time, handsome.

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly and continues to grind against him nice and hard. She looks at him, her crystal blue eyes meeting his..-Mmmm, you're so muscle... i love a man with muscles, baby.

JayeKoji: I need to put more in ruben *trying to keep hands to himself*

JunglecatTuesday: *pulls out another bottle of booze and gives some to Ash*

Ragnarok: I so read that wrong Jaye lol

JayeKoji: I would just pour it on the girls but ... ROFL

JayeKoji: ruben

JayeKoji: Lol

Ragnarok: lol

TheSunlitBlade: -A hand on his shoulder, she catwalked around in a then return to Ruben's front....her body continued to undulate like an Arabian Dancer.-

InfamousAshTuesday:*drinks more merrily, getting way too into the Kesha song.*

Ragnarok: *Watches her*

JayeKoji: tonight is the night for *girls* ruben

JayeKoji: girls...

JayeKoji: LOL

Ragnarok: Oh, right lol

JunglecatTuesday: Hey. Jaye. This is straight night. Put your bi away.

Ragnarok: lol

JayeKoji: lol

TheSunlitBlade: -One finger trached at the meridian of his shirt and between the three slabs of hard......'I want you' gaze not leaving his face...she contined to sink down lower..and lower..-

JayeKoji: hey if you can do a boob shot I can be totally straight

JunglecatTuesday: ikr

JunglecatTuesday: *irk

Destaneexox: Mmm. You can touch me baby... my body is craving a man's touch. -She winks at him, continuing to grind against him a little more at him still looking at him. She ran a hand down his chest, and then down to rub his inner thigh.-

JunglecatTuesday: No wait.

Destaneexox: ;)

InfamousAshTuesday:Hehe. Have more to drink Jun. ;)

JunglecatTuesday: I had that right the first time. *lil tipsy*

Ragnarok: Lovely *watches her*

JayeKoji: YES! more to DRINK

TheSunlitBlade: -Her fingers ran the outside of his knees...head weaving in and out... between his legs that she had motioned out to the side...her lips were bit with out speaking.-

JunglecatTuesday: *passes out shits to everyone* TO RUVEN!

JayeKoji: Junichi!

JunglecatTuesday: *holds mine in the air&+

InfamousAshTuesday:*trying so hard not to laugh and spit out my drink.*

Destaneexox: To Ruben!

Destaneexox: ;)

JayeKoji: TO Ruben and a very drunk Jun

InfamousAshTuesday:Yay! Ruben! :)

JayeKoji: that was halarious

JunglecatTuesday: *makes sure Hero and Ego have one*

Ragnarok: *takes a shot while watching Sun* Mhm

JunglecatTuesday: *And Ash again cause he should get naked tongght*

JayeKoji: may you have all the happiness you can hold in ... I almost said her boobs

JunglecatTuesday: *knocks it back*

JayeKoji: that wasnt what I meant

Ragnarok: lol

JayeKoji: hold in your arms

Egoist: -sleepy-

InfamousAshTuesday:I'd get naked even without being drunk, you know that. But I'd laugh more about it drunk.

Destaneexox: -Squishes Jay's face into my boobs.-Enjoy

Ragnarok: Lol


JunglecatTuesday: There you go.

JunglecatTuesday: Bonus.

TheSunlitBlade: -She stood, head dipping as if she were dragging her tounge up his body and up to a pectoral...worshiping the muscle with eyes closed.- smell good, babe. What cologne are you wearing?

TheSunlitBlade: Or is that your natrual musk...-she whispered low and then retreated to the edge of the table sitting on it's edge with legs spread. for him..-

Ragnarok: All boss *winks*

Destaneexox: Mmmm I hope I can take you home Jaye;)

JunglecatTuesday: *gives Ash a drunken look like, you purdy*

Ragnarok: *watches her sitting there*

JayeKoji: *takes a nice long lick*

JayeKoji: mmm take me home *chuckle*

Destaneexox: -She giggled.-I'd love to.

Ragnarok: lol Jaye

TheSunlitBlade: -A finger stirred in the air over her sex...eyes still asking to be be ravished..under him..- You certainly have me wet, Ruben..

JunglecatTuesday: *applauds Ruben*

JayeKoji: *points to self* is single... *chuckle*

InfamousAshTuesday:*giggles at Jun's look and gives him the I want you stare.*

Ragnarok: I have that effect hun .

JayeKoji: told you hes a brat *grins*

JayeKoji: dont'cha love it?

Ragnarok: this is me holding back lol

TheSunlitBlade: -her leg crossed suddenly and she took an elbow to prop her black head....smirking wide as the sudden view of her naked body was now not visible.- He certainly is.~

Destaneexox: -She giggles smiles and hops off and walks around him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and rubbing his chest.-Mmmm a sexy man.

JayeKoji: see ladies, I told you he'd be all gentlemanly

Ragnarok: Im only rough in private lol

JunglecatTuesday: *grabs Ash's hand and slobbers all over it in what I think is a kiss*

Destaneexox: XD

JayeKoji: *laughs*

Destaneexox: I like it rough... -She whispers in Jaye's ear.-

JunglecatTuesday: See this is why its good we went public.

InfamousAshTuesday:*wipes my hand off on Jun's shirt really quick.*

TheSunlitBlade: -A hand dragged under her chin....licking the bottom's black petals wet from her tounge.- Rough...Ooh...I see, I see.

JayeKoji: *put a hand up onto her hair and holds up my glass with the other*

Ragnarok: *winks to her*

TheSunlitBlade: -She snaked a hand down her thigh whilst still sitting at the end of the glass....slowly but surely standing back only turn around with her bare arse facing him...-

JayeKoji: while the night cant last forever, we dont really want it to. tomorrow is for new beginnings.

JunglecatTuesday: *believes you to be trying to play with my nipples*

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly and kisses his neck gently, her tounge running over his tanned skin.-

JayeKoji: Ruben I wise you the best. Youre my best boy*

InfamousAshTuesday:Aw. That's so sweet and romantic. *pinches Jun's exposed nipple.*

TheSunlitBlade: -Blue eyes glanced curtains of hair falling over her back...she pouted over at Ruben...and wiggled her bum.-

Ragnarok: *watches her and her ass* those should be light pink..

Ragnarok: Thank you hehe

JunglecatTuesday: YES SPANK IT

Destaneexox: -She runs her hands down Jaye's chest nipping hi ears lightly and giggles softly.-

Egoist: Moose will go to sleep. You have fun. Sweet Mooseymares afterwards.

JayeKoji: girls youve been more than accomidating... and whonderfully generous with your... shots... *chuckle*

JunglecatTuesday: ..I cant control the volume of my voice tonight

JayeKoji: *noses her ear* you have a great place

JunglecatTuesday: *give Ego another shot before he goes

TheSunlitBlade: you want to do something like...-This- *she smacked her ass...hard..leaving a hard red print on it.*

InfamousAshTuesday:I like you loud.

JayeKoji: Alright Ego. Thanks so much for coming

JunglecatTuesday: Sleep well Ego

Destaneexox: Thank you baby.

JunglecatTuesday: *falls off the sofa*

Ragnarok: *Nods at her* Yes

TheSunlitBlade: Have a good night, Ego~

Destaneexox: You guys have a good a night.

Egoist: Moosey Blessings.

Ragnarok: Yeah I love your place here

Egoist: it's morning here though lol

Destaneexox: Thank you. ^^

JayeKoji: *removes my hand from her hair*

JayeKoji: you both really did make the night perfect and alot of fun

TheSunlitBlade: -She inclined her arse further...head tilted back.- You should certainly leave me a parting gift, Ruben. -She grinned challengingly.-

Ragnarok: Mhm

Egoist: -rolls out leaving Moose fur behind-

Destaneexox: -She giggles and stands up.- Thank you for coming to us.

JunglecatTuesday: *chants spank spank spank*

JayeKoji: LOL Blade that is the best set of last words I ever heard

InfamousAshTuesday:*steals Jun's drink and drinks it.*

Ragnarok: you want My hand print on your ass?

JunglecatTuesday: *tips back my empty cupped hand*

Egoist has left the chat

InfamousAshTuesday:*sits there innocently.*

TheSunlitBlade: I certainly try. Hehe.~ -she blows a kiss toward Jaye...and then back towards Ruben.- Yes please, Sir..

JunglecatTuesday: ...*smacks empty lips and swallows air* ..its so smooth

JayeKoji: *glances over to Jun with a laugh*

Ragnarok: Bend over more Il give you one *watches her*

InfamousAshTuesday:Woo. Spankings.

JunglecatTuesday: *looks at my empty hand confusedly* ....

JayeKoji: somethieng every man can enjoy

Destaneexox: -Bends over.-Go ahead, spank me, I've been naughty

JunglecatTuesday: hong! I drank the shotglass...

TheSunlitBlade: -She parted her legs to the point she was off balance and ducked her head down....hips wagging back and forth.-

JayeKoji: *gives Jun another with a laugh* youre gonna have fun with that tonight ash

InfamousAshTuesday:Yes I will. If he doesn't pass out on me.

JunglecatTuesday: *slurred* ...the glasses here are delish...

JayeKoji: *looks back between the two bent over women and nods* go for it boy

Ragnarok: *gets up and places hand on her back then roughly spanks her left asscheek* Just from me *looks at her*

JunglecatTuesday: o.o ooh.

JunglecatTuesday: ii

JayeKoji: ii

JayeKoji: *takes pics*

TheSunlitBlade: -She groaned and lifted her head with mouth parted in an ecstatic 'O'-'s only from you.

JayeKoji: ohh good print look at it pink up like that

JayeKoji: get Dest too

Ragnarok: *winks at her and sits back down*

JayeKoji: they can be twines

JayeKoji: *tins

JayeKoji: holy crap twins twins

InfamousAshTuesday:Drink to spankings. *drinks out of two glasses.*

Ragnarok: You do that, I know you miss spanking hehe

JayeKoji: *drink to spankings*

JayeKoji: *takes another shot and gets up*

TheSunlitBlade: -She sat up and turned her body with legs still spread....hand print red-

TheSunlitBlade: It could be a drinking game.

JunglecatTuesday: A spanking drinking game? ...sounds wonderful.

JayeKoji: *slides a hand down her spine holding her at the neck with my left hand and landing one single hard slap on her right ass cheek with the other*

JayeKoji: I think we have a new drinking game lol

Destaneexox: -She let out a moan.-You hit like a bitch

JunglecatTuesday: HAHAHAHAHA

InfamousAshTuesday:Yeah the two should probably have been combined already. *nods in agreement.*

JayeKoji: *shakes her by the neck a bit* yeah you do want me to take you home

Ragnarok: Oh oh lol

Destaneexox: -She giggles softly.-Maybe, if you want to . ^^

JunglecatTuesday: OH NO SHE DI'INT!

Ragnarok: Not sure you would like it lol

Ragnarok: LOL

JayeKoji: we will talk about that after this one is married. *flops back into the chair pulling you with me*

JayeKoji: lol you'd be the one to explain that to her

TheSunlitBlade: -idly rocked her hips...back and forth....head lolling to the motion of the song.-

JayeKoji: but let her be adventurous... Im totally willing to game

Ragnarok: lol

Destaneexox: -She squeaks laughing and running her hand down his chest and grinds against him.-

JunglecatTuesday: ..did you say willing, or winning

JunglecatTuesday: because it sounds like ..Challenge Accepted.

Destaneexox: Yes

Destaneexox: Challenge accepted

JayeKoji: *little laugh and favs the room*

Destaneexox: You better come back or I'll find you

JunglecatTuesday: *grins* This was good. *nods*

Destaneexox: I swear I will

TheSunlitBlade: -Holds up the meme.- Hehe.

JayeKoji: Im not hard to find.

JunglecatTuesday: I think Jaye needed this as much as Ruben did ;)

InfamousAshTuesday:*grins all big.*

Ragnarok: Mhm

Ragnarok: Hey , i got all i need lol

JayeKoji: oh you guys... ok.. these guys.. my friends... have been trying to get me over a break up

JayeKoji: like all week

Ragnarok: But its interesting

TheSunlitBlade: -She bit her lip twards Ruben and winked.-

JunglecatTuesday: Ok guys. *grabs Ash and tosses him over my shoulder* I got to go punch my husband in the butt.

JayeKoji: having a party for ruben has nothing to do with me

Destaneexox: Aw

Destaneexox: I'm sorry hun. ^^

Ragnarok: lol

Destaneexox: I hope you get over your break up Jaye. ^^

JayeKoji: *waves that away* dont be

JunglecatTuesday: Thank you for a wonderful evening ladies. *bows* *accidentally dumps Ash onto the stage*

Ragnarok: He will

JayeKoji: Im here. Im over it

Destaneexox: XD

Destaneexox: Good. ^^

Destaneexox: I hope to see you around.

JayeKoji: Alright Jun and Ash

Ragnarok: He got Me to beat on if he is frustrated lol

InfamousAshTuesday:Yeah. I think I better walk. If you carry me. We'll both end up on the floor.

JayeKoji: you two be good

TheSunlitBlade: -waving with a grin.- We certainly had fun too.

JayeKoji: *elbows ruben*

Ragnarok: lol

InfamousAshTuesday:We won't be.

JayeKoji: your a good one. you always were

JunglecatTuesday: See you guys later. Ruben. I'll be seeing you tomorrow, old man. *playful shove*

Ragnarok: I know

Ragnarok: Laters guys

JayeKoji: *waves*

InfamousAshTuesday:Have fun all. See you soon Ruben.

Destaneexox: Bye Jun

Destaneexox: Nice to meet you^^

Ragnarok: Yepp

JunglecatTuesday: You also :)

JunglecatTuesday: See you.

JunglecatTuesday has left the chat

JayeKoji: alright... old man...

InfamousAshTuesday has left the chat


Made a bit of progress using 2nd Life with my bf.
Hope to get to the point where I won't have to try as hard to get stuff to work and just put it on and go.
Until then here's to baby steps
12 minutes ago

No that doesn't happen. ...wait, are you talking about your relationship, or your computer?
11 minutes ago

LueKorVain View Pulse
I'm talking about using 2nd Life in general
6 minutes ago

Oh well in that case, my answer is completely different >.>
2 minutes ago


Meanwhile, at the Burger King at the End of Civilization:

Burger gal: She ain't come in yet?

Burger Manager: Nah I ain't heard from her.

Burger gal: You call her?

Burger Manager: Yeah I tried, but I can't get a hold of the prison.

Jun: o0 ...may I have a refill of unsweet tea? ..Please..

Burger Manager: Yeah *takes cup* *heads to drivethru window drink station*

Burger gal: Nah don't use that one *points to empty decanter* Use that urine.

Jun: o0

Burger Manager: ...its pronouned "urn".

Jun: 0o

Burger gal: Well I says it "urine".

Jun: *diddles fingers*

Burger Manager: No, its "urn." *hands me my cup of human ashes/piss*

Jun: ...thank you.


JunglecatTuesday: Meh. *flops into the Easter basket and hides under the eggs*

Cie: -Looks at jun-

JunglecatTuesday: *peeks*

Cie: Hi.

JunglecatTuesday: *cuddles the blue one* hi.

Cie: But the blue one suits me better...

Cie: take the purple one..?

xTributex: Cie Share >_>

JunglecatTuesday: *eats the blue one*

xTributex: -.-

JayeKoji: Jun!

JunglecatTuesday: o.o

JunglecatTuesday: WHAT *blue lips and teeth*

JayeKoji: You were supposed to share that

JunglecatTuesday: *wipes lips*

JunglecatTuesday: *now has blue smear on hand and forehead*

JayeKoji: He really isnt very well house broken Cie...

JunglecatTuesday: *rubs hand on Cie's forehead*

xTributex: It's ok Cie, we'll get you more when we go to the store next

JayeKoji: kinda surprised hero didn't eat it first

JunglecatTuesday: *goes PPPTTTTHHHHH, making blue spittle spray everywhere*

JayeKoji: good grief... *shakes my head and hands him a napkin*

xTributex: Not cleaning that...


xTributex: So are you now InfamousJun? Or is it AshRodriguez?

xTributex: AshTuesday?

xTributex: ... think that's an actual catholic day...

xTributex: no wait that's AshWednesday

JunglecatTuesday: LOL

JunglecatTuesday: InfamousAshTuesday... the day we all live in FEAT

JunglecatTuesday: AND ALSO FEAR

JayeKoji: LOLOL

xTributex: LOL

JunglecatTuesday: OOPS

JayeKoji: never feat my dear....

JunglecatTuesday: I did consider AshRodriguez, actually

JunglecatTuesday: I didn't suggest it to him though.

JunglecatTuesday: Maybe I should

HeroFromKrypton: Yeah, I saw on yahoo. You and him elope?

JunglecatTuesday: Yep we sure did

HeroFromKrypton: Congratulations. Did you have the wedding at that place with the poorly grammaticized room name?


JunglecatTuesday: No, but he says he's totally against me changing my name to EmperorDarkBlackBlahBlahBlah

JunglecatTuesday: And he will not consider InfamousAshBlahBlahBlah

JayeKoji: LOLOL

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: How's that come into it?

JunglecatTuesday: He doesn't want to make his name too long so that it ends up sounding stupid like those really long family names

HeroFromKrypton: Like.. EmperorDraxilFiretoothLongbird?

JayeKoji: riiight

HeroFromKrypton: If we all ever started a family like that, could I be the aunt?

JunglecatTuesday: Oh totally, Hero.

JunglecatTuesday: Aunt Hero

HeroFromKrypton: Aunt HeroFiretoothLongbird



JunglecatTuesday: and then we headed off to our honeymoon

JunglecatTuesday: ...honeymoon in the sky

JunglecatTuesday: ...from a trailer park, evidently.

HeroFromKrypton: Looks like a tornado's coming there.

JunglecatTuesday: That was the best part.

HeroFromKrypton: Hell, the angle of the car makes it look like it's being lifted off the ground.

HeroFromKrypton: I don't know why.

JunglecatTuesday: that's because its on top of my apartment.

JunglecatTuesday: and also really really huge

Thank you and You're Welcome!

Here are some really pretty ones of Ash.


There's a sexy one that is just GORGEOUS, but if I post it, Ash will keeeeel me, so. Just imagine if you will, angels weeping and fireworks going off and all that >.>


JunglecatTuesday: you know you are so gorgeous

JunglecatTuesday: ...lizard jerky hanging from your ears..

InfamousAsh: You love my dried lizard earrings.

InfamousAsh: They're sexy.

InfamousAsh: I do witchcraft with them.

InfamousAsh: How do you think I got you? :P

JunglecatTuesday: attracted me with dried lizard earrings?

InfamousAsh: No with lizard sacrifices.

JunglecatTuesday: ohh. Well then I never had a chance.

InfamousAsh: To the gods to attract you.

JunglecatTuesday: The gods must like the taste of lizard jerky.

JunglecatTuesday: Cool Ranch flavor.

InfamousAsh: Everything fried or dried tastes good in ranch.

JunglecatTuesday: Even lizard. Evidently.

InfamousAsh: Probably tastes like chicken. Like frogs.

JunglecatTuesday: Yeah but somehow the idea of dried yardbird earrings isn't as appealing to the gods.

JunglecatTuesday: You do that and you just end up attracting Guest_hotguy4u1987.


JunglecatTuesday: Ash: You know what, its Adventure Time.

JunglecatTuesday: Jun: Adventure time?

JunglecatTuesday: Jun: Is that anything like Hammer Time?

JayeKoji: lol

JunglecatTuesday: STOP

JayeKoji: its Business Time

JunglecatTuesday: LOLOL

JayeKoji: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Ooh babeh I strip down to mah socks, that's why they call them business socks...

JayeKoji: lol

JunglecatTuesday: Ash doesn't know what Hammer Time is

JunglecatTuesday: *puts on genie pants*

JunglecatTuesday: Hoh-OH hoh hoh *wobbles to the right*

JayeKoji: lol how can you not remember him?

JunglecatTuesday: No idea

HeroFromKrypton: He is kinda young though.

JunglecatTuesday: Yeah but come on

JunglecatTuesday: Hammer Time

JunglecatTuesday: Who doesn't know Hammer Time

HeroFromKrypton: Ash

JunglecatTuesday: I mean other than Ash

JunglecatTuesday: LOL

JayeKoji: lol


Sent to adrien on Yahoo via my phone. Can we say, flustered?

Juniichi: <3

Juniichi: oh shit

Juniichi: shitsorry

Juniichi: shitsorrywro

Juniichi: <3

Juniichi: oh shit

Juniichi: shitsorry

Juniichi: shitsorrywro

Juniichi: Why

Juniichi: *kicks imo*

Juniichi: Wrong window

Juniichi: *gives you pets instead*

Juniichi: Wtf... how many times did it send that??


InfamousAsh: Dear imvu. You took my ufi penis and gave me a fair trade for it.

InfamousAsh: But I was just wondering if I could have back my blow.job pose for the shower. Thanks.

InfamousAsh: Don't worry I promise not to make it my display pic ever.

JayeKoji: I promise not to make it my dp but could I have that cum squirting pose back... we had history

InfamousAsh: I'm going to put dear Isay or other foreign person on the next help ticket I do. :)

InfamousAsh: Dear Thailand, India and the Philippines.

JayeKoji: lol

JunglecatTuesday: HAHAH


From: Junichi Rodriguez [lucius.chakkourgmailcom]

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 6:22 AM

To: Kitty

Subject: Fwd: Teeth-Whitening Pens

I read penis instead of pens. *yawn* morning.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Groupon"

Date: Mar 19, 2013 3:44 AM

Subject: Teeth-Whitening Pens


MomoAboDeeb has joined the chat

MomoAboDeeb: hey

JunglecatTuesday: hey Momo

MomoAboDeeb: heyz

HeroFromKrypton: Howdy Mom

JunglecatTuesday : lololol


InfamousAsh has joined the chat

HeroFromKrypton: Wb Infy.

JunglecatTuesday: Ahh just in time

JunglecatTuesday: my balls need moistening

InfamousAsh has left the chat

JunglecatTuesday: DAMMIT

JunglecatTuesday: And now who will help me with this dry ball issue?

xTributex: *hands a loofa?*

JunglecatTuesday: *covers nuts and looks at you in horror*

JayeKoji: no no he needs lotion

JunglecatTuesday: riiight. Lotion.

xTributex: *looks in purse*

JunglecatTuesday: No no. I'm good. Thanks.

xTributex: I have baby lotion...

xTributex: or baby oil

JunglecatTuesday: ...Because that's what I need. A nice greasy sack.

xTributex: It'll be baby fresh

JayeKoji: niiice...



ladievamp: some damn telemarketer got my cell number

ladievamp: called 17 times yesterday

JunglecatTuesday: yeah 17 wow

HeroFromKrypton: Sounds needy.

JayeKoji: You should call and just speak gibberish to them.


xTributex: Or something clever. Like in a very deep voice. "Deborah's house of pleasure, Deborah's speaking"

InfamousAsh: That's not clever. It would be much better if he said Deborahs house of pleasure and pizza. That's inventive. I swore I've heard the other one before.

HeroFromKrypton: I would go with literal gibberish.

HeroFromKrypton: like

HeroFromKrypton: Gefan tundle snagle twamb booblets inder tinkie.

InfamousAsh: Booblets.

InfamousAsh: Haha. I'd laugh so hard.



JunglecatTuesday: I should resize...

InfamousAsh: Yes. This spot is dirty and you are big.

JunglecatTuesday: but I really like you smaller in my arms

InfamousAsh: Well if you can deal with me disappearing into your stomach. I guess I can.

InfamousAsh: And you keep trying to kiss my hair.

InfamousAsh: I do love making out with your chest though. That part is hot.

JunglecatTuesday: *changes avis* *and now sucks your nose*

JunglecatTuesday: ..not sure if that's better

InfamousAsh: I wouldn't mind it once. But I don't think you need to suck my nose that much.

JunglecatTuesday: Man, the hoops you make me jump through... Don't sleep with other men; Suck my nose; etc etc

InfamousAsh: You're petting my armpit and at first I typed peeting. Haha.

JunglecatTuesday: Now you want me to peet you

InfamousAsh: I know I'm a demanding non boyfriend.

JunglecatTuesday: That you are.

InfamousAsh: Yep get to peeting.

JunglecatTuesday: *peet peet peet*


Juniichi : Oh.. I can put back a box of doughnuts

Tigerinmypants: Crappy doughnuts do that to me

JayeKoji: I cant eat that many doughnuts either... Jun's the champ

JayeKoji: of the nut

JayeKoji: eating..

JayeKoji: ok sorry

Juniichi: by all rights, I should be having to shop at the Big and Round gentleman's store.

JayeKoji: *tries to be a bit more mature*

Juniichi: ...I'm the champ of the nut??

Tigerinmypants: -dyieing-

JayeKoji: ROFL...

Juniichi: Careful. Don't piss me off or I might hit you in the eye *fap fap fap* I am champ of the nut...

Tigerinmypants: LOLOL

Juniichi: I bet I could hit you running at 100 yards


Juniichi: *stands and pumps at Jaye like one of those super soakers*

JayeKoji: Is that a challenge?

Juniichi: Come at me, bro.

Tigerinmypants: -crawls under cusion- -muffled howling- dear lord

Tigerinmypants: -tosses ash an umbrella-

JayeKoji: *dieing*

Juniichi: Careful, Kitty. You don't want to slip and fall.

InfamousAsh: I don't think the idea of someone with a lethal cum shot should be turning me on. Dammit.

xTributex: I don't even know what to say *shakes my head and tries to finish this report*

JayeKoji: oh that was just the funniest damn thing I ever said in my life...

Juniichi: *hides behind the bushes* ..hey.. invite Tude..

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: *cocks*

Tigerinmypants: Bahahaha

Juniichi: >.>

JayeKoji: gotta try to hang on to it so you can build up the pressure

Juniichi: *wipes eyes*

JayeKoji: get her like in the back of the head...

JayeKoji: oh damn I took her off my fl list...

Juniichi: LOL

InfamousAsh: Yes get her quick. So none of us has to hear anything she might say.

Tigerinmypants: Omg.

Juniichi: ROFL

Tigerinmypants: LOL Ash xDD

JayeKoji: ROFL


xTributex: *sits in Jaye's lap* >.>

Crimsonp3arl: -leans in and whispers- now ask Jaye if that's a banana in his lap or is he happy to see you? >.>

xTributex: *giggles*

Juniichi: *sneaks under the desk and ties Kitty and Jaye's shoes together*


Juniichi has left the chat

Crimsonp3arl: -runs away screaming- THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!

xTributex: wow he really got into that role

Crimsonp3arl: He actually left

Crimsonp3arl: -dies-

Juniichi has joined the chat

Juniichi: *rolling*

JayeKoji: *glances over to the crazy people*

Juniichi: Whatever. You're the one tied to Kitty.

xTributex: >.>

JayeKoji: *tosses a bit of Dr.Pepper on hero*


Ashley: Okay I just got a private chat invite from some girl that just friend requested me and is practically naked.

Junichi Rodriguez: Pinch her titty

Junichi Rodriguez: Say, “Sorry, my bf told me to.”

Ashley: InfamousAsh: I have to pinch your titty. My bf said to.

Ashley: She said okay. Please do.

Ashley: I'm gonna die. Haha.

Ashley: I can't touch a boob.

Ashley: *Stands there awkwardly.*

Junichi Rodriguez: tell her it was a typo.

Junichi Rodriguez: *punch

Junichi Rodriguez: “Oh sorry my bf meant punch not pinch.”

Ashley: Jun! I am not saying that!

Ashley: Looks like she has clamps on her nipples.

Ashley: Just to let you know.

Ashley: She'll probably like that even more.

Ashley: She looks like a freak.

Junichi Rodriguez: Yeah she might like a good ol' punch to the tit.

Ashley: Wow she must be recovering from drinks just like me.

Ashley: She said “so it was a cute day. You loot totally cute. I mean good day.”

Junichi Rodriguez: Hey. You are rather cute looting.


Juniichi: Rub my feet *wiggles toes*

Juniichi: *rubs your nipple with my big toe*

InfamousAsh: I am not rubbing your feet.

InfamousAsh: *Smacks your knee.* Stop it.

Juniichi: Oh but you love my feet

InfamousAsh: I don't like feet.

InfamousAsh: It's freaking me out.

Juniichi: *grabs at your nipple with my toe knuckles*

InfamousAsh: I want to smack you in the balls just to get your feet away.

Juniichi: my balls are nice and protected

InfamousAsh: Why are you so gross?

Juniichi: *slips my toes under your arm* ..ahh warm.

Juniichi: *plays with your armpit hair* *wiggles*

InfamousAsh: Toes and armpits.

InfamousAsh: You're trying to be nasty.

Juniichi: You want me to be nasty?

InfamousAsh: I might as well fart on your face now.

Juniichi: *sticks my big toe in your mouth while you talk*

Juniichi: you what what?

Juniichi: Missed that part

Juniichi: *hand to ear* EH??

InfamousAsh: I'm so grossed out and I was getting hot from that president fantasy.

InfamousAsh: What a boner letdown.

InfamousAsh: I think my cock is about to retreat into my body about now.

Juniichi: Oh hang on. I got it. *stuffs foot into the front of your pants, rooting around*

InfamousAsh: *tries to think about cute boys exploring themselves anally for the first time.*

InfamousAsh: *thinks about a dog fucking Jun.*

InfamousAsh: *because he's being gross.*

InfamousAsh: *a very big dog.*

InfamousAsh: *and it cums in your mouth.*

Juniichi: You found your happy place yet?

Juniichi: Cause I found mine. *toe/anus probing*

InfamousAsh: I bet we'd clear the room if anybody besides Hero was actually here.

Juniichi: Ladie would be like, you had me at anus.

InfamousAsh: Yeah she's easily offended by us.

Juniichi: Jaye wants me to see how many toes I can get in there.

InfamousAsh: Your toes aren't even lubed. And you two are disgusting.

InfamousAsh: You should go stick your toes in him since he seems to like that sort of thing.

Juniichi: Oh they were. *wiggles*

InfamousAsh: No they weren't.

Juniichi: No? *leans over and sniffs your lips*

InfamousAsh: I'm probably going to get some fungus in my ass too. Disgusting.

Juniichi: mmm... anal fungus

InfamousAsh: I thought this shit wasn't supposed to happen in front of people. Hero's a guest you know.

InfamousAsh: I think I'm starting to get aroused by it now.

Juniichi: I can talk you into anything

InfamousAsh: I just have to change it into something I like.

InfamousAsh: You cannot.

Juniichi: I can.

InfamousAsh: I still don't like feet.

Juniichi: You like them up your butt

InfamousAsh: I'm just thinking about rimming. Which I like.

InfamousAsh: *kisses you and shoves my hands down the back of your pants.* I must grope some ass I have to get the mental image out of my head. It really does freak me out.

Juniichi: *slips from your grasp and kneels at your feet*

InfamousAsh: Ooo kneeling. Now that's hot.

Juniichi: *rips off a boot and sucks on your big toe*

Juniichi: mmmm *sucksucksuck*

InfamousAsh: Jun!

Juniichi: *nibble*

InfamousAsh: Why do you have to take something hot and make it disgustable.

Juniichi: Eh debuhbubble a worh?

(("Is disgustable a word?"))


InfamousAsh: The only ex I actually still talk to once in awhile is on.

Juniichi: which one is that?

InfamousAsh: Damian.

Juniichi: was he the satan worshiper one

InfamousAsh: The one that will undoubtedly be wearing an inverted cross.

InfamousAsh: Yup.

Juniichi: Oh right...

Juniichi: Yeah he doesn't like me much

Juniichi: I'll be sure to touch your private areas as much as possible

InfamousAsh: I don't know. He never said anything. He doesn't seem to like most people. He's definitely my least sociable ex.

Juniichi: "Oh hey Damian" *rubs my crotch against Ash's face*

InfamousAsh: Doubt he'd care. He never did jack shit with me. Haha.

Juniichi: Crazy man

Juniichi: More for me

InfamousAsh: Yeah he was. He told me cyber was stupid.

Juniichi: I enjoy being as retarded as possible

InfamousAsh: I was like really I don't think you're doing it right if you think it's stupid. Let me show you what it's like.

Juniichi: LOL!

InfamousAsh: But he told me he'd laugh in my face if I tried anything. So I was like okay then.

InfamousAsh: But then I broke up with him because I was too horny to stay faithful to someone that didn't want to touch me.

Juniichi: Ah. Virgin.

Juniichi: Making you feel stupid...

Juniichi: I see his trick

InfamousAsh: He's so not a virgin. But he probably didn't have any cyber experience. So maybe it intimidated him some.

Juniichi: ..yeah *cough*virgin*cough*

InfamousAsh: He told me I could basically fuck other people. I'm like no. You don't get it. I don't wanna fuck others and be your boyfriend. That ain't right.

InfamousAsh: He was always like I'll fuck you real time. Yeah that's nice. I don't think I'm coming to Canada anytime soon though.

Juniichi: Ok so when he comes in I'll be like, "Oh hey Damian. *rubs my crotch against Damian’s face*"

Juniichi: I like the uncomfortable intimidating a virgin part

HeroFromKrypton: he'll laugh in your crotch if you do that.

InfamousAsh: Oh boy.

Juniichi: LOL HERO

InfamousAsh: Bahaha Hero.

Juniichi: "Hey.. *hump* Odd reaction. Hero said you'd be laughing."

HeroFromKrypton: XD

HeroFromKrypton: so is he actually coming in?

Juniichi: Let's invite him

Juniichi: I like this guy. He's fun

InfamousAsh: Sometimes I think he dated me for gifts.

Juniichi: Again. Crazy man

InfamousAsh: But he's on my friendslist now and I haven't gifted him since awhile after we broke up.

Juniichi: *cough*16yearsold*cough*

InfamousAsh: He didn't look 16 on cam. But I guess age is hard to tell. He's got a big dick.

Juniichi: See, everything was fine with me until you talked about the cam dick part

InfamousAsh: I thought he had to be kidding.

Juniichi: *singsong* not making it any better~

InfamousAsh: He didn't show me his dick on cam technically.

HeroFromKrypton: just a silhouette?

Juniichi: He showed you someone else's borrowed dick?

HeroFromKrypton: alfred dick-cock presents *silhouette of a dick moves into a drawing of a dick*

InfamousAsh: Well I saw him shirtless. And the pics match bodywise 100%.

Juniichi: no no.. this isn't what you're supposed to be telling me

InfamousAsh: Of course it's my chronic liar ex. So I can't really trust that Damian said that even.

InfamousAsh: Okay his dick is probably really small.

Juniichi: tell me he has a small cock that was a weird shape and covered in sores

InfamousAsh: He did seem like he had a hard time getting hard.

Juniichi: ...getting better

Juniichi: keep going

Juniichi: I'm sure he had scabies

HeroFromKrypton: lol.

HeroFromKrypton: and rabies

Juniichi: no no.. rabies might make a satanist more appealing

InfamousAsh: Actually yeah I worry about him. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to be having safe sex and what not.

HeroFromKrypton: even with the mouth foam?

Juniichi: people with mouth foam usually also have a really bad case of the dick cheese

HeroFromKrypton: he got his dick bit by a rabid dog while not wearing a condom and now has dick rabies.

Juniichi: Hello. My name is Dick. Dick Rabies.

Juniichi: *shakes Hero's hand*

Juniichi: *scratches*

HeroFromKrypton: *in a low, un-confident tone*... dick rabies. :

InfamousAsh: He's a musician anyways. They cheat alot

Juniichi: Tell me he plays the pan flute

InfamousAsh: He plays the piano mostly and sings.

InfamousAsh: And practices the drums too much.

InfamousAsh: He sung to me before once. That was actually sweet.

InfamousAsh: I still don't remember that "f" word that Pixie told me once that meant dick cheese.

Juniichi: I can't remember the technical term for it

Juniichi: ss..

HeroFromKrypton: smegma?

Juniichi: thank you

InfamousAsh: It's not technical.

Juniichi: lol oh?

Juniichi: Well. At least I don't play Satan's Pan Flute

InfamousAsh: He wasn't a very good boyfriend.

Juniichi: Right. I'm a better boyfriend

Juniichi: And my dick is gorgeous

InfamousAsh: Besides the no sex. He wouldn't be online that much and when he was online. He wouldn't really talk to me.

InfamousAsh: Yes you have a perfect penis.

Juniichi: *grins*

Juniichi: *kisses you*

InfamousAsh: Fromunda Cheese

InfamousAsh: That's it. I found it finally. I thought it was like fermuda. *Laughs.*

InfamousAsh: She's my friend cause of Fromunda.

InfamousAsh: I was like what's that. *googles it.* omg you're a sick broad. I love you.

InfamousAsh: Nice defintion: The residue and/or mud-like substance found in, under, and around the male genetalia as a result from neglect and uncleanliness..

Juniichi: Yeah

Juniichi: That Damian is gross.


Nek0Jac: Wow I want a banadana like that...

Nek0Jac: can we get bandanas for imvu?

Tigerinmypants: LOL I kinda thought the same xD

Nek0Jac: like yours in the pic

Nek0Jac: ohoh tiger can have one too

Nek0Jac: its got skulls

Tigerinmypants: We'd be the awesomest nerd gang in all of IMVU

Nek0Jac: my boots have skulls

Nek0Jac: and you guys can wear zelda shirts too

Juniichi: Can my weapon be that stick that you put in the back sliding glass door at night?

Juniichi: Jun's gang weapon of choice: large dowel rod

Tigerinmypants: ...that is more terrifying than any gun o____o

Juniichi: hey don't fuck with me. I'll lock you out of your backyard. Make you walk all the way around the house to get in.

Tigerinmypants: Nononoononoonoonodoooon't ;____;

Juniichi: When I'm mad, I pass out Inconveniences.

Nek0Jac: lolol awww not that

Tigerinmypants: That is so awful! xDD

Juniichi: That's me. I'm hardcore.

Juniichi: *points to my dowel o death* got that at the Home Depot

Juniichi: Yeah. That's right. I know where to shop.

Nek0Jac: lol dowel o death

Nek0Jac: to go with the thong of wandering

Juniichi: *dons my Hotpants of Decapitation*

Juniichi: I have a sword of decapitation

Juniichi: all the stuff is named that

Juniichi: belt of duplication

HeroFromKrypton: hat of deprecation

Juniichi: gauntlets of agony

Nek0Jac: theres lots of stuff like that

Nek0Jac: hammer of fury and things

Nek0Jac: well without the and things

HeroFromKrypton: forceps of deception

HeroFromKrypton: biscut of conflageration

Juniichi: biscut of conflageration LOL!

Tigerinmypants: -yawns- Mrrhh, I gotta go shower and head to bed, guys

Juniichi: yeah me too

Juniichi: I need to shower in a big way

Juniichi: big showering

Juniichi: *puts on the Showercap of Honorable Delight*

Tigerinmypants: LOLOLOL



JayeKoji: alright which one of you has my icecream?

xTributex: I want chocolate cherry icecream

xTributex: reall bad

JayeKoji: had some black raspberry till someone *whom we wont name but lives with me and has red hair* ate it all up

JayeKoji: *chuckles*

xTributex: *looks at my hair* Oh wait I don't live with you

xTributex: *safe*


xTributex: lol

JayeKoji: lol

JayeKoji: I bet not


Juniichi: ok then for CH. roughly 6 hours left for that. Jaye how much time do you need to email what you have?

JayeKoji: let me look

Juniichi: Scott will be bringing in 1.5 for sure, which is already part of that 6, and he can bring in 1.5 more if he has time.

JayeKoji: the only ch I have right now is anal

JayeKoji: should take me about 20 minutes to do

xTributex: *giggles*

Juniichi: *heehee*

JayeKoji: you both suck

xTributex: mhmm

Juniichi: I'm telling you, the abbreviation for analytics is not anal, people.

JayeKoji: only in our office

JayeKoji: I dont abbreviate analytics. you two do

xTributex: And we have VD.

xTributex: seriously?

xTributex: VD?

Juniichi: I made VD especially for Kitty :3

xTributex: And anal is .. mostly for you <3

Juniichi: aww.. so much love

Juniichi: group hug!

Juniichi: *hugs*

xTributex: *hugs*

Juniichi: *grabass*

Juniichi: >.>

JayeKoji: lol group grope

JayeKoji: *hugs all around*

xTributex: *smackass* Go TEAM!

Juniichi: o.o

Juniichi: ..woo.. I got smackassed

xTributex: ^ ^

JayeKoji: we are doing well I think. sounds like we are doing just fine on the hours and the output...

JayeKoji: and the anal

JayeKoji: Ill work on that

xTributex: I think we need more anal.

Juniichi: We could always use more anal.

xTributex: well we had more last week. if memory served.

Juniichi: yes. last week was a beautiful time. *sits on my hip*

xTributex: or maybe I just got more. I don't know . it felt li- >_>

JayeKoji: hush we're working

xTributex: I'm actually talking about it.

xTributex: work

xTributex: *nibbles on* Dork.

Juniichi: ohh right tight

Juniichi: *right right

Juniichi: hurr.

xTributex: LMAO

JayeKoji: lol

xTributex: smoooooth

Juniichi: so I'm told *swagger*


Tigerinmypants: ...but now I have a Z on me

JayeKoji: then you better get more drank

Tigerinmypants: But... I am pinned...

Tigerinmypants: -tries to stretch arms towards the kitchen-

JayeKoji: *pushes you with my feet* reach tiger reach

Tigerinmypants: Nnnnyehhhh...-slides- myehhhh

Juniichi: *gently prods Z in the testicles* ..hey what are these? *tickles*

Tigerinmypants: Z: Whhyyyyy

Tigerinmypants: Z: ....well that is a whole lot nicer than this back pain.

Juniichi: *pulls a hair* >POINK<

Juniichi: he off you yet?

Tigerinmypants: Oo ...

Tigerinmypants: No, but... you should know. He has no hair there.

Tigerinmypants: :D

JayeKoji: juniichi.... now what did I tell you about pluckin hairs off peoples balls?

Juniichi: *puts in mouth* ...nothing *innocent*

JayeKoji: lol riiight

xTributex: *gags*

Juniichi: *grabs Kitty*

Juniichi: *makes out*

xTributex: O_O

xTributex: MMHPH!

Juniichi: AHHHhh.... *sits back*

xTributex: *Flailflaiflijafkajsdgokiujeir*

Tigerinmypants: -CRYING-

Juniichi: Hey

Juniichi: you got a little sumpin.... *licks teeth at you*

Juniichi: *points at you*

xTributex: dkjsfoia krjufkjuidhw

Tigerinmypants: -rolling-

Juniichi: Jaye you might want to get that

JayeKoji: awww

JayeKoji: too bad you cant get up

Tigerinmypants: I'm still wondering where that came from

Juniichi: Ohh.. Must be Tiger's pubes. *looks at Kitty*

Tigerinmypants: -_-

Juniichi: Hey. You gonna eat that?

JayeKoji: boy has to have hair somewhere... not growin it on his balls maybe jun reached too far and plucked it off his ass or something

xTributex: *flosses it out*

xTributex: *Brushes teeth excessively*

xTributex: *gargles bleach*

JayeKoji: *kisses her cheek* hey you wanted to be the only girl

Tigerinmypants: Z: -is kind of happy about this-


Junichi: I'm so hnry

Junichi: ... believe it or not, that was supposed to say hungry.

Jaye Koji: i was just wondering about that

Junichi: You're shocked, I know.

Jaye Koji: lol

Junichi: ok, I have to take you off the platorm cause its at 1.7 an hour

Jaye Koji: ok

Junichi: for tomorrow I'm putting you back on the PHP

Junichi: I know you're excited

Jaye Koji: ew

Junichi: lol

Jaye Koji: yaayyy

Jaye Koji: *with a drole*

Jaye Koji: is that how you spell that?

Junichi: depends on what its supposed to say

Junichi: are you drooling?

Jaye Koji: drool is the spit.. the accent

Jaye Koji: lol a drole?

Jaye Koji: drawl?

Junichi: OHH

Junichi: Yeah no, that's not how you spell it.

Jaye Koji: lol


Juniichi: You know Ash, in that look, you resemble someone else I know

Juniichi: but I can't remember who

Juniichi: *nudges Hero* Hero, who does he look like

InfamousAsh: I sure wouldn't know.

HeroFromKrypton: I dunno.

Juniichi: Look at his face

InfamousAsh: Someone on imvu or a real person or something?

Juniichi: IMVU

KitaKado: mmm... a tiny bit like halo if you know who that is at all

Juniichi: I do, but I never really got to know Halo much

HeroFromKrypton: Do you actually know and are purposely making me guess or do you really not know for sure?

Juniichi: LOL no I really dont. I'm hoping that you'd help me think of it since you've been around me since like the first week of IMVU

HeroFromKrypton: Laf?

Juniichi: Not Laf over the past couple of years

Juniichi: maybe Jaye would know

Juniichi: Maybe Brady?

InfamousAsh: Brady. No.

Juniichi: Not brady now

Juniichi: Brady a long time ago

InfamousAsh: I've known Brady since he had his account.

InfamousAsh: Although Brady stole a lot of looks/clothes from me.

Juniichi: the long nails is Brady. Pose too, probably.

Juniichi: Not that it bothers me.

InfamousAsh: I don't have long nails.

Juniichi: You did the other day

InfamousAsh: And it's a sassy avatar so.

InfamousAsh: No I didn't.

InfamousAsh: I did in my last look.

Juniichi: Yeah. I said the other day

InfamousAsh: The other day I was in this.

Juniichi: The previous look of a relatively general close time period, dammit.

InfamousAsh: So nails and a pose. Wow. I look so much like him.

Juniichi: *tosses self onto the bar*

Juniichi: I know I've bitched about Brady not that long ago, but that has nothing to do with the look

InfamousAsh: *Drinks all the drinks so they don't go to waste.*

Juniichi: >.>

InfamousAsh: I don't look like Brady.

Juniichi: Of course not.

Juniichi: Hero was wrong to even suggest such a thing.

Juniichi: You know those marshmallows will give you the shits.

InfamousAsh: They never have before.

KitaKado: ~sips coffee~

HeroFromKrypton: I said Laf, not Brady. *shoves*

Juniichi: *falls off of chair wildly*

InfamousAsh: Yeah I know who said what.

KitaKado: <_>Juniichi: Here. Have some cinoT *fills your glass*

KitaKado: ~gnaws on hero's Jacket~

HeroFromKrypton: *moans*

Juniichi: Plastic is tasty.

Juniichi: ...and sensitive.

KitaKado: x_x

KitaKado: ~sits back down, hands folded neatly in my lap~ so anyways...

InfamousAsh: I think I'm going to take a nap soon. I feel so yawny.

Juniichi: You look very pretty today, Ash

InfamousAsh: Thank you.

Juniichi: ^ ^


Junichi: Your pubes ever get bent wrong?

Kita Kins: pubes bent wrong?

Kita Kins: they bend?

Kita Kins: o-o

Junichi: you know when hair goes one way for too long and then you try to make it go another way

Junichi: and it hurts

Junichi: ...I sexed last night >.>

Junichi: and I guess they.. dried in sort of a non normal direction

Junichi: and so I put on pants and it hurt

Junichi: I couldn't take it. I trimmed them with scissors

Junichi: didn't help

Junichi: so then I just jumped in the shower to get everything wet

Junichi: and it didn't fix it right away

Junichi: so I'm standing there with my pants down at the sink, trying to fluff my pubes with water so that the hairs curl instead of the frazzled whatever they were trying to do

Junichi: ..and this is supposed to be a funny story

Junichi: but its sounding gross

Junichi: ...when I told Jaye he laughed and said it was cute

Junichi: >.>

Junichi: HE LIED

Junichi: ;//////;

Kita Kins: i can honestly say i have never had that happen

Kita Kins: >_>

Kita Kins: want me to kiss it better?

Kita Kins: x3

Junichi: ....

Junichi: no.

Junichi: >//////>

Junichi: I will be fine


InfamousAsh View Pulse
Sticks and stones won't break my bones, but words and actions sure will make me feel like I just got stabbed in the gut.
2 hours ago

*looks at my incoming pulse* got stuff happening to you right now, eh?
2 hours ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
When isn't stuff happening? No sleep = Me quoting/writing a lot? :P
2 hours ago

Ooh you no sleep too? Me also no sleep.
2 hours ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
*Falls asleep on you.*
2 hours ago

.> ....*is suddenly not as sleepy as I was before* *humphumphump*
2 hours ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
2 hours ago

Juniichi Move along.. nothing to see here? *drags him under a bush* *bush rustles*
1 hour ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
-hides behind a tree and watches-
1 hour ago

*queue swanky wonka chicka porn musics*
*begins cheesy dialog*
Jun: Hey good lookin'. Whatcha doin'?
Ash: *snore*
Jun: Yeah? Well you know what's good for that, right?
Ash: *snore*
Jun: That's right. Gettin' freaky.
*swanky wonka chika musics speed up a la Starsky and Hutch high-speed car chase*
*flailing bush goes wild*
*bush knocks down hidey tree*
1 hour ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
*Wakes up all sticky and with sticks & leaves in my hair & wonders why.* :P
1 hour ago

*obligatory and predictable invitation to an outdoor threesome*
1 hour ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
You mean camping? Bahahaha! :P
1 hour ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
-joins in on the cheesy but hot threesome-
1 hour ago

*everyone is naked except for sneakers and ankle socks* *titles porn: I Know Who You Did Last Summer*
1 hour ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
I want knee socks dammit. Because I'm a dork like that.
1 hour ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
Only if I get to be bottom by you first ash :P
And I NEED to sit down still lol
1 hour ago

...see you say that and it changes the entire tone of the porn. Like one knee sock on, one knee sock tied at your wrists.. or around your neck. *hands Jack a whip and dresses him in a leather vest*
1 hour ago

...ok the bottom needs to wear the knee socks. Sorry. I don't make the rules.
1 hour ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
I can so top while wearing knee socks. You just watch me. :P
1 hour ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
On second thought -snaps whip- Dom will be better
-ties one sock around Ash's wrists and the other around his ankles-
1 hour ago

*rubs hands together* Now yer talkin'! *smackass*
56 minutes ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
I don't like this porn anymore. :P *Changes the channel.*
53 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
lol Ash you are such a party pooper
Now who am I going to "play" with
49 minutes ago

The irony is that all your channels are porn. Show of hands who is surprised... *is now wearing assless chaps, a cowboy hat, and popcap guns* *Ash and Jack are dressed like Apple and Grapes from the Fruit of the Loom guys* ...geeze, Ash. You a freak. What channel is this? *my words are subtitled, as I am speaking Spanish*
49 minutes ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
I'll be an apple if I'm a green apple and I get green tights.
46 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
Ash you can't be making more demands after you got us like this you know Licks the apple
42 minutes ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
Did you not read the other pulse I'm a demanding bitch. :P
29 minutes ago

*looks at the fruit* ...I'm hungry.
27 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
-looks at him- too bad
-looks to Ash- I'll say :P
26 minutes ago

*fruits ^ ^
23 minutes ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
Bunch of pulse whores. I wonder if there's a limit to how long a pulse can get.
18 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
Kettle calling the pot black
And yes when it gets to about 50 it deletes the top
17 minutes ago

*looks at the whores* ...I'm hungry.
16 minutes ago

I've seen Pulses that go on for 250. They didn't delete off the top when I saw it then. Bummer.
16 minutes ago

InfamousAsh View Pulse
Well a lot of pots and kettles are silver. That's just a really bad saying. Plus I didn't say I wasn't a pulse whore. I think this is the most replies to a pulse I've ever had.
13 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
Meh i've seen longer then this
No one ever said that all pots and kettles are black. So you can't say it's a bad saying just b/c it doesn't account for silver ones too.
8 minutes ago

See, in my inbox there was no break between Touche and Meh. *feels up grapes* ...this is what lack of sleep does to me. ..I'm not sure what my excuse is the rest of the time, but I'm sticking to the sleep thing atm.
5 minutes ago

JackDiethelm Add Friend
-moans a bit being felt up-
1 minute ago

*watches you moan in Spanish*
Just now

JackDiethelm Add Friend
-changes the channel again-
17 minutes ago

*suddenly sees the back of our heads flash up on the tv* ...what the? *glances behind us* 0.0! *sees discreet webcam* Ash! You have your own channel?!


Kita Kins: tryinf to decide so askifn you. do you want to mabe curl up intyhe office together while i sleep or should i log off?

Kita Kins: ~wrote odd and oss mulripe imes before getting off~

Kita Kins: ~the word... not... you know~

Junichi: ...I'm kinda horny, so mostly what I got from that was "getting off" but yes I would love to be in the office with you

Junichi: its 6am though., so if you want we need to hurty ^ ^

Kita Kins: hurty >_>

Junichi: LOLOLOL

Junichi: !!

Kita Kins: mkay, im loggind in imvu


Juniichi: you know, hero has a pretty nice ass

Juniichi: I've been watching it for a bit now

Juniichi: I mean how could I miss it

Juniichi: its flappin around right in front of me

Nek0Jac: yeah hes a little flappy with the penis hanging out like that

Juniichi: I like flappy penises

Juniichi: means they're active

Juniichi: and dancing

KitaKado: XD

KitaKado: is it bad that i wish that was a greeting card of some sort?

Juniichi: What with Happy Brithday From Both of Us at the end?

KitaKado: XD maybe. or better yet, an inspirational card ~doodles one~

Juniichi: Chicken Soup for the Flappy Penises?

KitaKado: out side will be like "you know, sometimes pants are a real downer" and the inside "i like flappy penises, means they're active and dancing, just be yourself"

Juniichi: ROFL


PsychoticEnthusiasm: How dose R for Riterubuter Sound then?

InfamousAsh: I don't even know what that word is.

HeroFromKrypton: it's riterubuter

PsychoticEnthusiasm: German for Retribution

HeroFromKrypton: or as we say in america.. ritter butter

InfamousAsh: Ah I was about to say I know Retribution.

Juniichi: LOL Hero

InfamousAsh: That's not really a describing word its a thing.

PsychoticEnthusiasm: Or R for Recovering?

HeroFromKrypton: r for reamtastic

InfamousAsh: Rapetastic

HeroFromKrypton: r for rascal

InfamousAsh: raunchy :)

PeachFairie: o-o

InfamousAsh: Ravishing

InfamousAsh: Razor-sharp

HeroFromKrypton: rooster

InfamousAsh: Rough

InfamousAsh: I still like Raunchy

HeroFromKrypton: redoubtable

HeroFromKrypton: it means a formidable opponent.

InfamousAsh: Oh yeah because I do a lot of duels and things.

InfamousAsh: You all fear me greatly.

HeroFromKrypton: ive lost every sword fight i had with you.

HeroFromKrypton: so yeah.

Juniichi: ROFL

Juniichi: you guys are awesome

Juniichi: the best R word is Ridonkulous.


xXTricksterx: -gets up and pokes Heros forehead-

Juniichi: *watches him pop like a balloon*

xXTricksterx: Oh..uhm..

xXTricksterx: Ash D:

Juniichi: ...*talks out of the corner of my mouth* ...get some tape

xXTricksterx: But..

ladievamp: hands Juni a bandaid with scooby doo on it

Juniichi: ..I dont know. I think this is a bigger job than that

ExileSky: -gives em some scotch tape-

Juniichi: oh thanks ^ ^

InfamousAsh: What?

xXTricksterx: I messed up Hero :c

Juniichi: *tapes him back together*

Juniichi: *accidentally puts his nipples on his forehead and his penis on his butt*

Juniichi: oops.

Juniichi: I think I got that backwards.

InfamousAsh: How can you mess up Hero?

Juniichi: and I think those are dreds, not pubic hair like I had initially thought

ladievamp: Juni is a terrible designer

ladievamp: XD

Juniichi: nah I think he's got more flow this way

xXTricksterx: Juni is making it worse... I popped him..

Juniichi: *raises up hands like gonna take a picture, making a square*

Juniichi: I think I like him better this way

InfamousAsh: Yeah um my mind is elsewhere. If it isn't pervy. I'm not really paying attention at this point.

Juniichi: *points* How can it not be pervy?

Juniichi: He's got *nipples* on his *forehead*

Juniichi: *suckles one* see?

Juniichi: Pervy.

InfamousAsh: Well enjoy that then. Not my thing.

Juniichi: I'd like to meet the guy who is like, "You know what my thing is? Nipples on the forehead."

xXTricksterx: ...

ladievamp: wth

xXTricksterx: On that note -claps my hands together-

xXTricksterx: I think i'll take my leave

Juniichi: night Tricky ^ ^

xXTricksterx: Night Creepy

Juniichi: LOL

xXTricksterx: *Juni

xXTricksterx has left the chat

Juniichi: Yeah. he wants me.

Juniichi: *brushes knuckles on shirt*

InfamousAsh: I think so. He usually likes creepy things.

Juniichi: *snerk*


(In yahoo)

Kita Kins: also ._. i remember a time that hardly anyone used the ~ .... now like... everyone does

Junichi: *nods* I noticed that

Kita Kins: it makes me feel like part of a cult or something

Junichi: lol

Kita Kins: the cult of the squiggly action

Kita Kins: i should just be all like @dances like a dork@ do you think it would catch on? o3o

Junichi: lolol

Junichi: !!

Junichi: @is still laughing@

(and then in a public room)

Juniichi: well, I"m out.

Juniichi: I"ll see y'all later ^ ^

Juniichi: *waves*

Exactamundo: Toodles Jun.

Exactamundo: o.o

InfamousAsh: Byes Juni.

xSkanex: Later Junii

Velvet: Bye you

KitaKado: @follows after him@

Juniichi: ROFL


Juniichi: *grins* ... really we should sex more in public rooms

Juniichi: and not my room

Juniichi: people kinda expect it at this point

KitaKado: but i feel okay doing it in your room >_> other public rooms have.... strangers and stuff

Juniichi: ...I'm such an exhibitionist

Juniichi: you could whore it up

Juniichi: be all nasty

Juniichi: for reaction

Juniichi: and it would make me so hard *nod*

KitaKado: ~pokes my index fingers together~ maybe

Juniichi: and you could writhe and ooooh juni cum on my face baby

Juniichi: and I'd be all yeah lover cum and get it

Juniichi: and you'd arch and go like AHHHHHH with an open mouth all hungry and quivering and say mmm give me more fucker

KitaKado: ~snickers~ or i could be nude, press my shoulders to the floor, ass up towards you, spread my cheeks wide open and beg you to cum all over my cheeks and hole, which i'm sure would be puckered and pulsing eagerly. options you know, its good to have a few

Nek0Jac: and I would die of embarrassment

Juniichi: LOLOL

KitaKado: ~snickers, singing into my fork again~

Juniichi: know, I have a weakness for men who bend over and flash me a widespread ass

Nek0Jac: a weakness?

Nek0Jac: isnt that sex?

Juniichi: no I love nasty closeups

Juniichi: I might cum right in my pants if you did that

Juniichi: I'd have to end up wiping my stomach and just smearing it on your asshole cause there wouldnt be time to aim

KitaKado: ~snerks~ i could do that, then roll to suck myself off

Nek0Jac: I think Juni sir is horny

Juniichi: Oh that would be great. Then while you're sucking yourself off, I can lean over you and rim you, licking all my cum off your asshole

Juniichi: We should do this in one of those Arabian beach rooms

Juniichi: I mean the obvious choice would be to go to a gay sex room

Juniichi: but where's the challenge in that?

Nek0Jac: just dont get booted

Juniichi: *looks up from your ass with my own cum on the tip of my nose* Hey.. I work out

KitaKado: wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggleyea


Nek0Jac: "eating pussy tutorial vb"

Nek0Jac: wow

Juniichi: LOLOL

Nek0Jac: I mean... wow

Juniichi: BUY ONE

Nek0Jac: ahhhh no Sir

Nek0Jac: ok... just the term.."eating pussy"...

Nek0Jac: its like...

Nek0Jac: ok its like eating squid.. or...

Nek0Jac: snails...

Nek0Jac: or something

Nek0Jac: lets just call it something else.

Juniichi: how to eat pussy in 20 seconds

Juniichi: "....and then once you have achieved the precarious position, take your tongue and gent-" *20 second cuttoff point*

Nek0Jac: LOLOL

HeroFromKrypton: lolz

Nek0Jac: cant you see the guy going and what and what?!

Nek0Jac: hang on baby... *tries to restart the byte*

Juniichi: Someguy2078: ...Wait? ...I take my tongue and do what? ...I DO WHAT?? *shakes box* DON"T HOLD OUT ON ME MAN

HeroFromKrypton: you know what i dont particularly care for?

HeroFromKrypton: wealthy couples searching for houses and saying they're too small.

Nek0Jac: lol

HeroFromKrypton: wtf is the appeal of those shows?

Nek0Jac: hero what does that have to do with eating pussy?

HeroFromKrypton: nothing.

HeroFromKrypton: it's just a show mom watches.

HeroFromKrypton: people looking for houses and bitching about how they're too small.

Nek0Jac: ok well yeah she might not want a tutorial then

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: Yeah, I think older people do better with tutorials when there's video.

Nek0Jac: lol

Nek0Jac: oh yeah hero I dont think I ever seen the house too small show though...

HeroFromKrypton: meow

HeroFromKrypton: it's on tlc or something.

Juniichi: LOL

Nek0Jac: *flicks ears forward* mew...

Nek0Jac: you got a tic? thats nasty hero you should take better ccare of yourself

Nek0Jac: *grooms your hair*

HeroFromKrypton: i thought tlc was like the discovery channel.. or atleast it used to be. now it's all.. about reality shows about families and crap.

HeroFromKrypton: that's an L, you nitwit.

Nek0Jac: oooohhh *stops grooming you then*


Nek0Jac: are you hungry Junii Sir?

HeroFromKrypton: I'm Turkey.

Nek0Jac: *puts gravy on you*

Juniichi : Ooh gravy

Juniichi: Hero, you just got more appealing

Juniichi: *salts you*

KitaKado has joined the chat

HeroFromKrypton: Hallo Kita.

KitaKado: hello Turkey

Juniichi: Kita!

Juniichi: gotcha!

Juniichi: come here with the sitting on the me

KitaKado: @__@ why hello there ~rubs on you in a somewhat obscene manner~

Juniichi: *responds in a loudly obscene manner*

Juniichi: *like so*

-Jun changes his Yahoo status to “OH MY GOD KITA YES LIKE THAT BABY!!!!!!!”-

KitaKado: >/////////<

JuniichiJuniichi : oh wow... hello adrien and kitty

KitaKado: o_o really?

-Jun changes his Yahoo status to “…it’s a joke people *swats away all the popups*”-

Juniichi: Adrien Falcon: ....*brow arch*

Juniichi: Junichi: ^ ^

Juniichi: Adrien Falcon: *Licks fingers* nyan *runs off*

Juniichi: Junichi: don't know where those have been

Juniichi: Juniichi: *pets you*

Juniichi: Adrien Falcon: im guessing up kitas rear end

Juniichi: Junichi: *SNERK*

Juniichi: Adrien Falcon: ..*Hopes you washed your hands after*

Juniichi: Junichi: heheheehhee

Juniichi: Kitty: o.O

Juniichi: Kitty: *hits ceiling with broom* couldja keep it down we're tryin to work here D:<

Juniichi: Junichi: ROFL

Juniichi: Kitty: LMAO

Juniichi: Kitty: I love your status updates

Juniichi: Kitty: everyone else is boring

HeroFromKrypton: *bits of ceiling rains down on Ms. Kitty*

-Hero changes his Yahoo status to “Not boring damnit.”-

-Kitty changes her Yahoo status to “Quit getting me in trouble JUN >_> ”-

KitaKado: i don't think i ever really update mine, but that is awesome in a semi-embaressing way XD

HeroFromKrypton: it's not as embarassing as a bare ass.


gencer0606 has joined the chat

gencer0606: Hello

Juniichi: hey gencer

gencer0606: Anyone intersted in black market stuff, like trigger dick, trigger pussy, poses, furnitures, room, straps, dildo, dolls etc...

Tigerinmypants has joined the chat

Juniichi: ...trigger pussy?

Juniichi: ...hello Tiger

JayeKoji: ok what exactly does a trigger pussy do?

Tigerinmypants: Whachoocallme?

gencer0606: yeah

JayeKoji: hey brey

Juniichi: *hands/face*

JayeKoji: dude just asked us if we were interested in blackmarket stuff like a trigger pussy

Tigerinmypants: What the fffuhh? Did I walk into?

JayeKoji: so I was like what the hell is a trigger pussy.

JayeKoji: cause hey Im curious

KitaKado: it drools or something

gencer0606: it fingers her self, cum on the pussy, squirts, open. close etc......

Juniichi: ..kinda of scared at the idea


Tigerinmypants: O_O

JayeKoji: Does it bite too?

JayeKoji: LOL

Juniichi: opens and closes?

JayeKoji: cause you know... girls...

Tigerinmypants: TEETH. NOOOO

Tigerinmypants: it flaps in the wind?

Juniichi: ...its a magical Wonderpussy

gencer0606: it doesnt like gay boys thou

gencer0606 has left the chat

Juniichi: *snerk* I’m guessing the triggers don't work for us

Tigerinmypants: What an asshair.

Juniichi: HAHAHAHAHA fat ass

Tigerinmypants: -snort-

Tigerinmypants: O_o ...elevator.

Tigerinmypants: Fat ass!! LOL

KitaKado: you'd be like OPEN!!! and the pussy would be like "bitch please, you gay"

Tigerinmypants: -diiesss-

JayeKoji: *cant breathe*

CherChev has joined the chat

Juniichi: hey Cher

CherChev: hi

KitaKado: ~whispers~ does her's have a trigger?

Juniichi: ...I don't know

Tigerinmypants: >.>

Tigerinmypants: GASM!!

Juniichi: *hides under a pillow*

Tigerinmypants: -waits for it-

Tigerinmypants: *orgasm

Tigerinmypants: *gasm

Tigerinmypants: *cum

Tigerinmypants: *moan

Tigerinmypants: ...>_>

Juniichi: *gasmloop

Tigerinmypants: YAY

Tigerinmypants: Weren't nothin' to it. -chick convulses in background-


Eric Cancil: :) hey

Eric Cancil: Hello :)??

Junichi: Hello little bot

Eric Cancil: :) hey

Junichi: You know you use that smiley face a lot

Eric Cancil: whats up, I found your screename on a member directory of social sites..not sure which one cause it bundles them all together lol

Junichi: you have an amazing way with canned words.

Eric Cancil: i am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things haha :)

Junichi: Really? Do you have a sex site that you work at that you're going to post me a link to so that I can come see you because you dig me oh so much?

Eric Cancil: its click the just click the "Verify" button on the bottom left...its 100% free to join you only need a credit card to verify that you are over 18 ;p

Junichi: You know, my laptop didn't come with a "Verify" button. Shame, really.

Eric Cancil: yes im real

Junichi: nice to meet you real. I'm Jun.

Eric Cancil: yes im real

Junichi: ..short loop.

Eric Cancil: well...i kinda have a fetish for being on camera, do you like to cam at all?? :)

Junichi: Sure! Do you have a website for that too??

Eric Cancil: its click the just click the "Verify" button on the bottom left...its 100% free to join you only need a credit card to verify that you are over 18 ;p

Junichi: Sexy and hard of hearing. I love that about you. We should have intimate talks like this more often.

Eric Cancil: Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

Junichi: ROFL

Eric Cancil: have you ever used MyRandomCam? its a free site that uses yahoo cam to let us chat live and do whatever we want without anyone seeing hehe..

Junichi: ...I'm having such mixed feelings right now

Eric Cancil: here, click this, this is my link on there

Junichi: No no.. I'm good. Thank you. Oh and also gay.

Eric Cancil: 24/f/Houston

Junichi: The kind of gay that likes boys.

Eric Cancil: Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

Junichi: We could do this all day, you and I

Eric Cancil: go there and my video will load, just click the "Verify" button on the bottom left...its 100% free to join

Junichi: What was the link again?

Eric Cancil: Its just click the "Verify" button on the bottom left...its 100% free to join you only need a credit card to verify that you are over 18 ;p


AngelUngelisEragon: babe i need to find another dev

Sylvai82: huh?

AngelUngelisEragon: need to talk to mally n hve him find me one

AngelUngelisEragon: a dev

AngelUngelisEragon: to make me

AngelUngelisEragon: SYLVAI

AngelUngelisEragon: for my neck

Sylvai82: You have William.

AngelUngelisEragon: im not wearing ur real name

AngelUngelisEragon: no

AngelUngelisEragon: every1 will call u that then

AngelUngelisEragon: nope

Sylvai82: Only you know that.

AngelUngelisEragon: if i waer that it wont b the case for long

Sylvai82: Am I whispering?

AngelUngelisEragon: no

Juniichi: Nope

AngelUngelisEragon: lol

Juniichi: LOL

AngelUngelisEragon: lol

Juniichi: Nice job, William

AngelUngelisEragon: lol

Sylvai82: lol

AngelUngelisEragon: grr shhhh

Sylvai82: I thought I was.

Juniichi: That's so funny...

AngelUngelisEragon: gezz n crackas babe

Sylvai82: I know .


Nek0Jac: oh oh Hero you got some bubblegum? here give it to Mr. Skane and he will look and smell like bubblegum

HeroFromKrypton: i never chew bubblegum.

HeroFromKrypton: i kick ass though,.

LucidLove: bubblegum.

LucidLove: Not chewing cum.

Juniichi: ...

LucidLove: bubble gum is sweet. Chewing gum is for breath xP and chewing...and nicotine addics..

Juniichi: did you say chewing cum?

Juniichi: *points*

InfamousAsh: I like those cinnamon gummy bears.

Nek0Jac: mmm gummy bears... *melts*

LucidLove: Ash said bubble gum

LucidLove: Lol

Juniichi: ...I don't think you're supposed to chew it

Juniichi: else you might have some kind of prostate issue going on there

HeroFromKrypton: i dont think it's chewable either. or should be.

Nek0Jac: if you have to chew your cum somethings wrong with your bf

LucidLove: What? O.O

LucidLove: I SAID GUM

LucidLove: NOT CUM..

InfamousAsh: Bahaha cum.

Juniichi: LucidLove: Not chewing cum.

Nek0Jac: LOLOL

LucidLove: Oh..

LucidLove: my bad..

LucidLove: xXD

Juniichi: ROFL

LucidLove: I was watching the telly.

LucidLove: anyway..

Juniichi: ...Freudian


Juniichi: *looks at your avicard* ..."Even when the rain falls, I'll be outside you" ...doesnt it suck that our taglines get cut off?

Juniichi: Because when its sunshiney, I'll make sure to be inside you.

LucidLove: Yep

HeroFromKrypton: XD

LucidLove: D!!!

Nek0Jac: LOLOL

LucidLove: xD!!**

Juniichi: DEEEE~~~~

InfamousAsh: Yeah it should show the whole thing on here. It is just stupid. It shows on the site.

HeroFromKrypton: There's nothing like being inside you on a cold winter morning.

Juniichi: ROFL!

Nek0Jac: *covers mouth with my hand*

Nek0Jac: hero...

Juniichi: ii

Juniichi: good show...

LucidLove: Shut it hero xD

Nek0Jac: ... all toasty like...


HeroFromKrypton: that's like Archie Bunker.

HeroFromKrypton: he doesnt go around committing hate crimes.

Nek0Jac: archie who?

HeroFromKrypton: Archie Bunker, god damnit.

Nek0Jac: okok

Nek0Jac: he like a friend of yours?

HeroFromKrypton: lol.

HeroFromKrypton: of the legendary sitcom All in the Family

Nek0Jac: you know hero you watch too much tv

Nek0Jac: you should try taking a walk or chase a butterfly or something

InfamousAsh: Too much old t.v. Hehehe. But to each their own. I watch some shows I think are pretty stupid.

HeroFromKrypton: archie bunker's name isnt such an obscure tv fact that it means i dont get out.

Juniichi: *draws a picture of Hero chasing a butterfly*

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: *naked*

Juniichi: *and it looks a lot like that painting in Wedding Crashers*

Nek0Jac: people are gonna think your a 50 year old guy sittin in front of his computer jerking off to the youngins or something

Nek0Jac: *click*

Nek0Jac: ROFL

Nek0Jac: its hero its hero!

Nek0Jac: ii

Nek0Jac: o.O

HeroFromKrypton: that looks like biff from back to the future.

HeroFromKrypton: yes i know jack, "back to the wha?"

Nek0Jac: things existed before me yes yes

Juniichi: Hero you need to get an ap skin

Juniichi: *points to the leaf*

Nek0Jac: I hear there was no lights. and no color on the tv

Nek0Jac: and french people had no tooth brushes

Juniichi: ?

Juniichi: they have them now?

Juniichi: I mean, just curious >.>

Nek0Jac: ah....*think*

Nek0Jac: oh oh and no cds

HeroFromKrypton: he's got abnormally long arms.

Nek0Jac: hes real happy about that apple

Nek0Jac: you like apples hero?

HeroFromKrypton: i hardly ever eat them.

HeroFromKrypton: i like apple pie though

Juniichi: He's just chasing them cause he thinks they are butterflies

Nek0Jac: ohoh right


HeroFromKrypton: I don't think you made that quarter.

Juniichi: Oh wait, you didn't make the quarter?

zodiac699: the quarter is so one can tell the size of the work

zodiac699: duh

Juniichi: really great craftmanship *nodnod*

HeroFromKrypton: of course, if i made a quarter id leave off the "in god we trust" part, because there should be a separation of church and state.

HeroFromKrypton: I'd just put "Haulin ass, gettin paid"

Juniichi: ROFL HERO


HeroFromKrypton: i'm half expecting him to leave.

Junichi: why?

HeroFromKrypton: it's just im used to people leaving a minute after coming in.

HeroFromKrypton: you know

HeroFromKrypton: hi.

HeroFromKrypton: hey.

HeroFromKrypton: ok guys im off see ya.

HeroFromKrypton: fucksteak has left the chat

Junichi: LOLOL


HeroFromKrypton: i cringe when people use commas in place of periods.

HeroFromKrypton: Then mistaking a group of garishly dressed men for pirates. Tobias boarded a van full of homosexuals.

HeroFromKrypton: *,


Juniichi: ali has stinky socks lol

Juniichi: just saying

JayeKoji: This is the... lol

Juniichi: I think the bacteria is in his hoes

Juniichi: ...

Juniichi: SHOES

Juniichi: homg

Juniichi: >.>

JayeKoji: LOL

Juniichi: shhh *covers your mouth*


Kao has joined the chat

Arch has joined the chat

Juniichi: Evenin'

Kao: =0= Sleeping.

Kao: Lol.

Juniichi: You sleeptalk good

Kao: Of course I do. I woke up not too long ago to bathroom.

Kao: xD

Kao: Will go back to sleep, just waiting it to come.

Juniichi: ass.. you guys are cute.. wait, did I just write ass?

Juniichi: *aww

Kao: < .<

Juniichi: You know, your names make me think of McDonalds

Juniichi: Arch + Cow

Kao: It's. Not. Cow.

Juniichi: Meu.

Juniichi: Meu I say, meu.

Juniichi: ...can it be Cow for me?

Kao: No.

Juniichi: Ass.

Juniichi: *Aww


KitaKado: the way i see it, i shower to get clean, then soak after because its clean and relaxing

Tigerinmypants: -nodnodnod-

Tigerinmypants: I could definitely use a soak. Been sore from work and helping Zack build his shack >.>

JayeKoji: He's building a shack?

Tigerinmypants: Lol. I call it a luvshack. His family had to get a pre-fab shed thing so he could live in it and his great-aunt could stay in his room. We've had to wire it, drywall it, shalack it, paint it, and we've got the floor, furnishings, and the closet left to do.

Juniichi: seriously?

Juniichi: That's so cool Tiger.

Tigerinmypants: It really is -grins- And its looking pretty awesome -looks for pic-


Tigerinmypants: This isn't the most recent pic... all the drywall's done now and painted

Juniichi: I heard about Zack, but it's been a bit back

Juniichi: *rhymes* *derp*

Tigerinmypants: Lol -applauds for rhyming-

Juniichi: So these pictures here, they are of the shack, the one that was prefab that required shalack

Tigerinmypants: LOLOL

Juniichi: *is king*

Tigerinmypants: -bows- xD

HeroFromKrypton: *ribbons*

Juniichi: thank you *bows*


KitaKado: rest well Jaye

Juniichi: goodnight

JayeKoji: good.night

KitaKado: is it just my screen.... or is Jaye doing the jesus pose?

Juniichi: he is

Juniichi: he's also talking

Juniichi: maybe he's giving a speech

KitaKado: is it the warning of the appocolysp?

Juniichi: I think christmas is coming

Juniichi: *decorates his arms in bells*

KitaKado: ~finds the tinsil... or however you spell it~

-Jun loads Xmas décor into the room and proceeds to decorate Jaye’s body-

JayeKoji: ok and no

Juniichi: ...dammit

KitaKado: >_>but whyyyy? D:

JayeKoji: yeah youre funny juniichi

Juniichi: ...I was gonna but a star on your head

KitaKado: it was so perfect ~wanted a picture~

Juniichi: put some presents under you

JayeKoji: *little grin tossing my shirt in the laundry*

JayeKoji: that is ok guys. dont need shiny christmas balls... im good with the ones I have

Juniichi: heheeh

Juniichi: *whispers* well get him next time

JayeKoji: night.

Juniichi: night Jaye ^ ^

KitaKado: ni-night ^^_

KitaKado: ... ~wonders why my mouth is apparently running away from my eyes~

-several hours later…-

Juniichi: of them just farted...

Juniichi: I can't tell which one

Juniichi: *grabs book* *fans them*

Juniichi: ...I think unattended avis do that

KitaKado: gah its aweful ~hides my face in your shirt~

Juniichi: ...if I only had a fan, I'd load it up

KitaKado: ~snickers and pokes my tongue out at you~ i'll get you one for christmas :p

Juniichi: ooh. One of those bladless fans?

Juniichi: *says aloud* blahhhhhhdless

Juniichi: ...and the irony is that you can put it under Jaye and that's where we'd want it to be in the first place ^ ^

KitaKado: :3 ~licks your cheek~

-several hours later…-

Juniichi: oooh.... He's a tree again!

Juniichi: Are you ready for Xmas?!

KitaKado: ~grins wide and poses the cam~

-Jun begins to decorate Jaye-

KitaKado: so preeetty

Juniichi: I love the holiday season. Makes me feel so much cheer. *hangs balls on Jaye's nipples*

KitaKado: do you really have a star?

Juniichi: Oh I bet I do somewhere

Juniichi: I think the snow adds something...

KitaKado: it completes it

KitaKado: ~takes a pic~

KitaKado: ~whispers~ its beginning to look a lot like christmas

Juniichi: I think I'm pretty much done...

Juniichi: TA-DA!

Juniichi: *cuddles* ...

Juniichi: Merry Xmas Kita

KitaKado: ~grins and steals a christmas kiss~

Juniichi: woot!

KitaKado: its bootyful

Juniichi: *kisses christmassly*

Juniichi: ..we should get a tree like this every year

KitaKado: i agree

KitaKado: and it sings christmas carols too

Juniichi: *pretends that the talking action is...* I was so going to say that.

Juniichi: ...the tree has such a lovely voice....


KitaKado: can i sleep jere?

Juniichi: of course baby

Juniichi: *covers us up with a blanket*

KitaKado: i hope santa comes

KitaKado: :p

Juniichi: Only if you've been really naughty

Juniichi: And if you haven't been, we can be naughty later and make up for it *nods*


Juniichi: ...under what circumstances would your semen turn brown...?

Juniichi: I mean....

HeroFromKrypton: having sex in a skillet might do it

JayeKoji: um... when something is really wrong with you

Juniichi: A list of toys that I use or have used are listed below with a link to what they look like.

Juniichi: I do prefer the filling feeling of BIGGER toys. I started anal play in High School, in the shower with one finger, swearing to myself that I would never get toys. Then I started using two fingers and worried about stretching out my anus. I eventually got over that and when I moved to college, I purchased my first dildo. I was happy with it for a while but when I stopped by a sex store, I saw a vibrating toy that looked bigger. I had been contemplating moving up a size by then, so I decided to go for it. The 3rd one was another impulse buy as well. I wanted to go back to that squishy softer feel because the vibrating 7 incher was hurting me. I don't mind rough every once and a while but it was a little too rough. So I bought the third one. A little bigger but worth it. I recently switched lubes. I was using KY but now Im hooked on Astroglide. Ever since I made the switch, I mainly use the 7 incher. It gives me pleasure with no discomfort at all. I like that it keeps its shape vs the Jelly because it is easier to control. The Jelly seems to flex and pop out when I am darting it back and forth.

Juniichi: The toy that turned my semen brown was anal beads and it was a couple of months ago. Im not sure the length but I would guess 12 inches or so. it was a pretty stiff "stick" with beads gradually getting bigger. It was in the starter anal bead section.

Juniichi: ...?

Juniichi: He makes it sound like a good thing

HeroFromKrypton: BIGGER toys.

HeroFromKrypton: BIGGER toys.

HeroFromKrypton: BIGGER toys.

Juniichi: and the BEST one,,, the one that turned my semen brown

Juniichi: WOOT BROWN!

Juniichi: o0

HeroFromKrypton: I recently switched lubes.

JayeKoji: o.o *backs away* yeah that aint right

HeroFromKrypton: I wanted to go back to that squishy softer feel because the vibrating 7 incher was hurting me.

Juniichi: *makes a mental note to stay away from 12 inch anal beads*

JayeKoji: seriously

HeroFromKrypton: Then I started using two fingers and worried about stretching out my anus.

Juniichi: Dudes name is: RoyaleWithCheese92

JayeKoji: lol too much cheese in the semen

xbutterxfly: butterfly blinks "this ish making butterfly even more horney!"

JayeKoji: lol

HeroFromKrypton: It gives me pleasure with no discomfort at all.

xbutterxfly: "stop it!...well not the brown semen"

xbutterxfly: xbutterxfly: "jun..butterfly hate you for as long as he has this boner.."

HeroFromKrypton: I was happy with it for a while but when I stopped by a sex store, I saw a vibrating toy that looked bigger.

xbutterxfly: >:o

Juniichi: Ahh HardRocker says: Wow, that might explain the trauma to your prostate. A couple of those are bigger than most real ones. I doubt if the beads caused it, but a previous ride on one of those rockets might have.

Juniichi: EDIT: This answer actually belongs in your other thread about the bleeding.

HeroFromKrypton: i think my prostate is having a hypochondriacal reaction to this conversation..

JayeKoji: ROFL hero!


Juniichi: *rubs the edge of my nostrils on Kita's ass*

KitaKado: ~wonders if i should feel concerned about being turned on by a nose~

JayeKoji: *takes the glass from butterfly's fingers and drains it before putting it down* I think your good

xbutterxfly: butterfly trys reaching behind him for the glass onmly to end up loseing his balance falling backwards off jayes lap knocking off the empty glasses the cans the bottles and the apples from the small table in the middle the glass hitting the blanket and the soft grass below it not breaking the apples rolling off the blanket into the grass and the bottles rolling a little before stopping butterfly blinks then brust into giggles "oopsy"

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

JayeKoji: see?

JayeKoji: *pulls you up* now theres wine all over the blanket and food everywhere

JayeKoji: you ok?

Juniichi: *nosenosensose*

xbutterxfly: butterfly wobbles a little as he stands only to catch his balance before walking towards the apples that rolled off the blanket "com ehere little apples!"

xbutterxfly: "it ish heros fault!..hehee" butterfly then seeing an apple jumps on it grabing it with his hand before looking over his shoulder at the picnic blanket

Juniichi: *apple starts nibbling on butterfly's ear*

xbutterxfly: 0-0 butterfly wiggles "ahh!! " butterfly stands omnly to try an run loseing his balnce right away and falls to the ground his cheeks red with a soft blush

xbutterxfly: butterfly then pushes himself up throwing the apple before crawling to jaye with a sniffle "apples are so mean and k"

Juniichi: *apple rolls back up to butterfly's feet and starts nibbling his toes*

xbutterxfly: "AHH!" butterfly crys and jumps up only to run towards the water being more then drunk he trips and falls into the water with a large splash, after a few secs he comes up breathing heavly

xbutterxfly: "apples nu nibble!"

HeroFromKrypton: apples du nibble!

Juniichi: *more apples join the one apple, giggling as they bounce and jump, singing the nibble song, spashing into the water with a flurry of childlike laughter, bobbing over butterfly's direction*

xbutterxfly: "JAYE!!!!!! " butterfly crys to scared to swim away he shakes in the water with his eyes closed kicking his feet so he stays at the surface

JayeKoji: what what?

JayeKoji: *looks up*

Juniichi: *suddenly a giant banana comes out from the forest*

JayeKoji: what is going on?

JayeKoji: *gets up* where are all the apples?

xbutterxfly: butterfly blinks looking towards the banana "......b-butterfly scared! he never gonna eat apples or bananas again!"

xbutterxfly: butterfly crys while in the water his hair clinging to his face

JayeKoji: awwwwww

Juniichi: *giant banana sees Hero at the picnic basket and figures he's eating all the smaller bananas in the basket*

Juniichi: *attacks*

JayeKoji: the apples just wanna be your friends...

JayeKoji: isnt that right Jun?

Juniichi: *little apples climb into butterfly's pants*

Juniichi: *giggly apples*

xbutterxfly: butterfly crys and screams only to forget he is in water making him go under

JayeKoji: *slips into the water to go get butters*

JayeKoji: *slips arms around butters*

xbutterxfly: butterfly clings to jaye only to come up from under water crying "...killer apples"

JayeKoji: not killer... *whispers in your ear* just overly friendly

xbutterxfly: "their in butterfly pants!"

KitaKado: ~wonders what appletongues feel like~

Juniichi: *apples nibble at butterfly testicles*

JayeKoji: *cuts Juni a look*

Juniichi: *hee hee say apples*

JayeKoji: *takes butters with me to the shore*

Juniichi: *doesn't notice the look, as I am too busy playing nostril/booty games with Kita*

xbutterxfly: butterfly jumps only to begain splashing around "THEIR GONNA EAT BUTTERFLY JUNK!"

Juniichi: ROFL

xbutterxfly: butterfly lets go of jaye only to then start to undo his pants while under water gettng them off butterfly throws them away from himself they really just floating away as butterfly then surface once again breathing hard

xbutterxfly: "....killer...apples"he shakes

Juniichi: *apples hee hee and swim off with butterfly's pantaloons*

JayeKoji: *pushes to the surface with a gasp*

JayeKoji: them damn apples dont want to kill you...

JayeKoji: lol they just want to give you kisses on your ass or something

JayeKoji: *swims to the shore*


HeroFromKrypton: *punches the basketball* PAM!!!

JayeKoji: *smacks on at hero*

HeroFromKrypton: *bats it away* PAM!!!

HeroFromKrypton: i just find using pam as a sound effect funny

HeroFromKrypton: it's like BAM but with more of a p sound at the beginning

Juniichi: Ok Pam.

HeroFromKrypton: PAM!!!

Juniichi: ...I said Pam.

Juniichi: Geeze...

HeroFromKrypton: i figure hitting inflatable things make sort of a popping sound

HeroFromKrypton: like PAM!!!

Juniichi: Can I call you Map?

Juniichi: Cause... you're the Map, you're the Map, you're the Map

HeroFromKrypton: PAM!!!

JayeKoji: lolol jun

Juniichi: Ok ok... *whispers to Kita* Pam is so sensitive...

HeroFromKrypton: god pammit


Juniichi: I'm hungry

KitaKado: do you have anything there?

Juniichi: I ate all the food I brought

Juniichi: well I didn't eat the whole bag of pegans

Juniichi: *crying*

Juniichi: omg. fnny

Juniichi: PECANS

Juniichi: *wipes my eyes*

KitaKado: i often eat pegans at work

Juniichi: *takes a deep breath* ahhh...

Juniichi: do you now?

KitaKado: of course, they taste all natury and delicious

Juniichi : lolol...

Juniichi: mmm... patchouli


Juniichi: *starts hearing people arrive to work for the day*

Juniichi: ...who arrives at work at 530am?

Juniichi: I mean really

Juniichi: what are you up for the day at 430am?

Juniichi: its like YAWN.. man. It's getting on 3:30 in the afternoon. I better start winding down for bed

KitaKado: >_> who is STILL at work at 5:30 hmmmmm?

Juniichi: That is entirely different

KitaKado: XD

Juniichi: I'm not heading to bed at the crack of 6pm

KitaKado: ~giggles softly~ you know, i'm trying to work my way to waking up around 3:30am

Juniichi: also entirely different

Juniichi: cause you're doing it to see me ^ ^

KitaKado: ~grins and nuzzles into your chest~


KitaKado: who put this song up?

Juniichi: you?

KitaKado: ... oh...

KitaKado: so i did

KitaKado: you know

KitaKado: i really dont even like this version much

KitaKado: but when i got it, i couldnt find the one alice cooper did

KitaKado: and i liked the sonf, so i got this one

Juniichi: you and your sonfs

KitaKado: sonf?

KitaKado: oh

Juniichi: LOL

KitaKado: duuuuurrr

KitaKado: ._.

Juniichi: its the second time you've done it

KitaKado: i did it before too?

Juniichi: heheh *nods*

Juniichi: .......kyoot

KitaKado: the f and the g are to close

Juniichi: yes they are. damn those gs and effs

KitaKado: homey G

KitaKado: she cant owel right

KitaKado: howl

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: hoot

Juniichi: ..homey g?

Juniichi: LOL hoot

Juniichi: *lightly fingers the back edge of your pants*

KitaKado: gs and effs "eff you homey G, i got better things to do"

KitaKado: aarooo

KitaKado: ~tucks a stuffedd anumal in hero's arm~

HeroFromKrypton: ow

KitaKado: ~slips my hands under Junii's shirt~

Juniichi: LOL eff you homey G


Androgynous: Hello, Jaye.

KitaKado: Master is all far awat

Juniichi: Once upon a time, in a land far awat.

HeroFromKrypton: awat

KitaKado: away?

Androgynous: I read that as atwat.

Androgynous: Just saying.

Juniichi: Once upon a time, in a land far atwat..

JayeKoji: atwat lol see I read atwat as asswipe

HeroFromKrypton: woo

Juniichi: Once upon a time, in a land far asswipe...


HeroFromKrypton: got an oven in the pizza.

Juniichi: nothing quite like fresh baked oven

JayeKoji: beware the square pizzas hero

JayeKoji: hate when you take a pic now and you have to click or unclick the replace your avi

JayeKoji: last thing I need is luka as my avi Androgynous: You were taking a picture of me? :P

HeroFromKrypton: ive never tasted anything soooooooooooo delicious!

Juniichi: I like your nipples

Juniichi: I've never tasted anything soooooooo delicious!

HeroFromKrypton: ive never tasted nipples SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious

Juniichi: I've never tasted ovens as delicious as nipples

JayeKoji: actually... the red with the pink skin.

JayeKoji: the pouty downturned lips...

JayeKoji: and the glasses...

Juniichi: the nipples shaped like pizzas...

HeroFromKrypton: ive never tasted agony soooooooo delicious

Juniichi: Hey. Isn't that Shawtn'Fruity?

HeroFromKrypton: who?

HeroFromKrypton: who?

HeroFromKrypton: who?

HeroFromKrypton: who?w

HeroFromKrypton: who?

HeroFromKrypton: what does the yellow light mean?

HeroFromKrypton: why is my hair ablaze?

HeroFromKrypton: where did you stick that schnauser?

Juniichi: where you get pleasure from eating other people's agonizing nipples

HeroFromKrypton: hansel grettel

HeroFromKrypton: ive never tasted anything sooooooooooo badass.

Androgynous: What about pouty lips? o___o

Juniichi: I've never tasted anything as goooooood as pegans

HeroFromKrypton: fusty tansens

HeroFromKrypton: schnipple fort hane paster.

Juniichi: eff you Homey G

HeroFromKrypton: eff your homey

Androgynous: I don't understand you. >__>

KitaKado: natury

Juniichi: *effs my homey*

HeroFromKrypton: eff your homey's g spot

JayeKoji: *glances to luka and gives a shake of my head*

Juniichi: *G G G G *


HeroFromKrypton: homey g spot

JayeKoji: they are recapping the funny chats of the night

Androgynous: What'd I do?

HeroFromKrypton: lolz

Androgynous: o___o

JayeKoji: you will need to goto Jun's page to read them after he puts them up

HeroFromKrypton: im not recappin nothin, yo, but im bout to cap yo ass

JayeKoji: and you did nothing but be sexy and make me horny too early in the morning

Juniichi: horny G

JayeKoji: horny G

HeroFromKrypton: horny G


Juniichi: ... no way

Juniichi: it did not say that lol

KitaKado: no it didn't x3 i was teasing

Juniichi: ..I am so gullible

Juniichi: really.

Juniichi: its sad.

KitaKado: its not sad, its endearing

Juniichi: I like your take on things

HeroFromKrypton: endearing is just a way of saying "sad, but cute"

KitaKado: no its not!

HeroFromKrypton: yes it is.

HeroFromKrypton: I'm Merriam Webster, I know these things.

Juniichi: Your name is Merriam?

Juniichi: that's sad.

KitaKado: ~nodnods~

Juniichi: I mean endearing

HeroFromKrypton: Merriam Webster

KitaKado: nooooooooo

JayeKoji: name is merriam?


KitaKado: endearing is when something makes you feel warm and happy and affectionant, not sad. that would be like "aww its okay ~patpat~"

HeroFromKrypton: i find it endearing that you all think my name is merriam

Juniichi: Let's all call him Merry

Juniichi: awww...

Juniichi: *patpat*

KitaKado: nope :3

KitaKado: merriam it is

KitaKado: from now til forever >: D

Juniichi: Maybe we can call him Maude for short

KitaKado: Maude?

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: old fat lady name

Juniichi: usually grouchy

JayeKoji: with a cig in one hand

Juniichi: and another dangling from her lip

KitaKado: ahhh okay o_o but hows it connect to merriam?

JayeKoji: wow I remember 2007...

Juniichi: ...geeze Jaye. It wasn't that long ago

JayeKoji: I liked it cause everything was blue...

JayeKoji: it was like, do I really like this color so much?

Juniichi: *reminisces* ..yeah 2009 was also a bitchin year

Juniichi: I don't think there were many Maudes back then

JayeKoji: *glances over to you* MS office 2007 smart ass

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

Juniichi: Well, we were talking about an old lady name, with her cigs and everything

Juniichi: and then you break out with, "Man, do I remember 2007"

Juniichi: "The year I met crazy old Maude"

Juniichi: ..what are we supposed to think?

HeroFromKrypton: woo

JayeKoji: well I would think you might make the connection since we spoke on it earlier but generally that I was talking about the year

Juniichi: "It was a very blue year for us..."

JayeKoji: no see that was '98

JayeKoji: totally different subject

Juniichi: You're downloading windows 98? Fuckin awesome.

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: I bet 2007 looks great on it.

JayeKoji: see... *points to Jun* that's endearing

Juniichi: I'm a that.

Juniichi: ^ ^



Lukas: Muh blue mantitties.

Lukas: Epic. :)

HeroFromKrypton: I'm kingofthewooooorrrld!

Jii: He have awesome titties. :c

Juniichi: sometimes I think about getting another account because people might be getting annoyed with me after so many years

Juniichi: like maybe I enter a room of people that already know me, but I don't know them

Juniichi: they can't be pleased to see me

Juniichi: I tell the same jokes

Juniichi: Like, ugh its that Jun again. Gawd.


Juniichi: ROFL

Juniichi: I LOVE IT

Juniichi: You should sign it

Juniichi: and I'll make it my avi pic

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: I'll sign it Chaz Dean

HeroFromKrypton: Jun

HeroFromKrypton: it's ralph fiennes


Juniichi: ...does his shirt say moo?

HeroFromKrypton: yes.

Juniichi: He really looks like the Dark Lord here. You've captured that nicely


Lukas View Pulse
Hungry. Bored.

You could eat something really gross. Entertaining and satisfying at the same time.

Like for instance a printer cartridge. The mess would be hilarious.

*brings you a box of Ben Wa balls*

Lukas View Pulse
-Looks up, ink all over his face.- Ben Wa? Aren't those the things people stick up their cunt?

Yes, but not you my friend. *polishes one on my shirt* Belly full of these and you can jingle your way across the dancefloor to your own musics. *looks at your face* ...inked yourself again, did you?

Lukas View Pulse
You said to eat it.. D:

Merely a suggestion. *puts a Ben Wa ball into your mouth*

Oh and by the way, hurry up and play with those. I have to get them back to Kitty before she notices they're gone.

KelOnline Add Friend
ROFL....hides my benwaballs. O.O


Juniichi: ...imvu gave me 1000 promo credits because I logged in on your pc and you have the toolbar installed

Juniichi: I got this message about thank you for installing the toolbar

Fyrestorm: Lmao

Fyrestorm: Fail, IMVU, fail.

Sith: They're tracking your every move.

Juniichi: which... yay I get to short change people for free for doing nothing woo!

Fyrestorm: Fyrestorm: >.>

Fyrestorm: Careful, they're watching lol

Sith: Poisioning your water.

Juniichi: Impregnating our women

Fyrestorm: Impregnating your wimmin.

Juniichi: *points*

Fyrestorm: Lmao!!!

Juniichi: omg

Fyrestorm: -DIES laughing-

Juniichi: ...

Juniichi: where the hell did that come from?

Fyrestorm: TOO funny. -pulses that-

Juniichi: know... that must be divine confirmation

Juniichi: ...IMVU must really be impregnating our women..

Sith: Well I wonder what the statistics would be of that then. Teen mums who use IMVU?

Juniichi: ...poor kitty.

JayeKoji: poor kitty?

Sith: Or mayhaps, that'd be Kittens.

Juniichi: ..doesn't kitty fit into the category of "our women"?

Juniichi: no?

Juniichi: poor... hero

JayeKoji: oh well I guess.

Sith: Haha.

Juniichi: well I kinda meant more like those women in our group kind of thing

Juniichi: the women of the tribe, so to speak

Juniichi: was supposed to be a funny joke >.>

Juniichi : ..poor Fyre

JayeKoji: lol

Fyrestorm: lol

JayeKoji: there is kinda ama too

Juniichi: ...ama would enjoy it

Juniichi: don't feel bad for ama

JayeKoji: so would kitty *chuckle*

Sith: True lol

JayeKoji: hero too probably

Sith: Id be scard he'd eat it. Or something. Feed it to a cenobite.

Juniichi: yes but kitty would fight it

Juniichi: court and then afterwards accept a cash settlement

Fyrestorm: Lmao

JayeKoji: lol


Juniichi: Only reason I've been on IMVU as much as I have is because I've been able to escape it

TeraNightstar: it's sad when one needs to escape from the escape

Juniichi: this isn't my escape. its my socialization

TeraNightstar: same diff

Juniichi: I don't really see it that way

Juniichi: If you went to the park on a Saturday with some friends, you wouldn't say "I'm going to the park to escape"

TeraNightstar: it's not real and face to face, you have no idea if the other person/people are telling the truth in any way shape or form, that makes it little more than entertainment

HeroFromKrypton: you're not making yourself very popular in here.

Juniichi: How can you tell if people are being truthful face to face?

Juniichi: I mean really... lies aren't exclusive to being online

Juniichi: they weren't invented here

Juniichi: its just.. in reverse. here, the inside is apparent, and the outside is the stuff you find out later

TeraNightstar: ~shrugs~ no they are not exclusive to online, but this medium makes it so much easier to lie to anyone and everyone

Juniichi: nah, the lies are just about different things

Juniichi: in tangible world things, you get the external first, and the internal stuff later when you get to know them

Juniichi: look, I don't socialize in the tangible world. this is all I got, so I choose to deem it important to me. Everyone needs friends

Fyrestorm: I agree, Juni.

Juniichi: assholes are everywhere

Fyrestorm: I have no means of meeting others, other than my job and online.

Fyrestorm: I have kids and am needed at home.

Fyrestorm: Damn Sith, who did you sleep with to get all those?

Fyrestorm: Lmao

Fyrestorm: -kidding-

Sith: ;D

Sith: Myself.

Fyrestorm: Ooh, la la.

Juniichi: lol

TeraNightstar: apparently the sex is good at least

Fyrestorm: It appears to be fan-fucking-tastic.

TeraNightstar: ~giggles~

Fyrestorm: I never get presents after sleeping with myself, I'm such a whore. -cries-

Juniichi: lol

TeraNightstar: i know right, if that were the case I'd be getting gifts daily

Fyrestorm: Werd~

Juniichi: ..if you were in line at the post office in your hometown, would you talk about your masturbating habits with strangers like you do now?

TeraNightstar: ~shrugs~ depends on who's around

Juniichi: strangers.

Juniichi: postal workers

TeraNightstar: again it depends on who's around

Juniichi: not your drunken coworkers

Juniichi: its a line at the post office

Juniichi: you nasty woman

Juniichi: the answer is NO

Juniichi: ...scare the hell out of everyone

TeraNightstar: i see so being a disrespectful little punk is how you socialize?

Juniichi: don't you know when to share and when not to share?

Sith: And aparently you, too. In your little world.

Sith: Don't talk shit to my friends.

Juniichi: ...kinda like being called a little punk. Never really happens lol

TeraNightstar has left the chat

Fyrestorm: Good work, lol.

Sith: Hehe

Sith: Nobody uses that language anymore.

Fyrestorm: I was about to, but I decided that I'd rather pee first and then see what other pearls of wisdom she spat out.

Juniichi: geeze. I was just trying to say that no matter where you are, you keep something inside until you get to know them. just because you keep different things inside online than you would in rl, and expose things online that you'd wait to in rl, doesn't mean that its a lie. You're just waiting for the right moment and a close bond.

Fyrestorm: Agreed.

Sith: It's true though. I think i'd be worried about someone who talked openly about their solo sexual expeditions in a line at the post office

Fyrestorm: Lmao, Feu.

Juniichi: everyone would give you a wide berth

Juniichi: or the postal workers would ask you to leave

Sith: Seriously yeah.

Sith: Not to mention handle anything you touch with extreame caution.

Juniichi: Hey there. I'm Jun. You know that shirt you're wearing reminds me of the last time I masturbated. Let me tell you a little story...

Sith: LOL

Sith: God. But yeah.

Sith: I mean, there comes in your second statement. If you know the person, then you would. Like I would hardly be shoked if you, especially, came up to me and said that exactly.

Juniichi: but I wouldn't at the post office

Juniichi: not unless I was whispering in your ear

Juniichi: and even then I might just wait until we were outside

Juniichi: speak in code or something >.>

Sith: Careful, there might be some deaf people around.

Fyrestorm: Hm?

Juniichi: most post offices are completely silent with echoing walls and floors.

Sith: Might tickle them something scary.

Fyrestorm: What did you say?

Fyrestorm: -is deaf-

Fyrestorm: XD

Sith: :P

Fyrestorm: ;P

Fyrestorm: lol


Juniichi: ohai.

Sith: hahaha


Juniichi : ...I think I just accidentally accused lunk of playing me

Juniichi: ..I don't think that typo is going to get old

Juniichi: " I just came of out it being played, and I just don't have time for that." ... I MEANT to say " I just came of out it *feeling* played, and I just don't have time for that."

HeroFromKrypton: im not sure how you keep getting lunk out of that.

Juniichi: I'm not sure

Juniichi: but when I dated Lunk .....SEE?

Juniichi: Luke

Juniichi: I also wrote lunk

HeroFromKrypton: a

HeroFromKrypton: Luka Luke Lunk Link

Juniichi: I mean really

KitaKado: i like link :D

Juniichi: I didn't write Lunk when I wrote Lucius

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: LunkChakkour

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: I think it has a sexy ring to it

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: He's Lunk He's Lunk...

HeroFromKrypton: *to the tune of the Bewitched theme*

KazumaKitty: who is this person?

KazumaKitty: *lost*

Juniichi: Lunk?

HeroFromKrypton: He's Lunk

HeroFromKrypton: He's Lunk

HeroFromKrypton: He's Lunk Lunk Lunk Lu-Lunk!

Juniichi: He's in my head

Juniichi: ...Ok I've resorted to urinating on Lunk's bushes

Juniichi: It must be getting late *looks at empty wrist*


KalvinStorm: ppl check yall kbs.. the room is laggin

LYNN4RAST3R: Jay and jun need 2 lower

LYNN4RAST3R: both over 2kb


KalvinStorm: damn

Juniichi: Yeah I'm looking

Juniichi: not sure what I'm wearing that's so high though

Juniichi: hmm...

zodiac699: perhaps dances

LYNN4RAST3R: dances if u have any

zodiac699: dances are always kinda high

Juniichi: no I just have clothes, i think

LYNN4RAST3R: or hair

KalvinStorm: its the hair

KalvinStorm: I have the same hair an it jacks my kbs up everytime

Juniichi: ...crap with the hair omg

Juniichi: good grief

KalvinStorm: grrrrr lagg

Narcissistic: Try the usual outfit Jun

LYNN4RAST3R: Sorry Kobi I,m not adding anyone new I dont know :?

LYNN4RAST3R: Me2 lagging badly

LYNN4RAST3R: shakes laptop

zodiac699: if i angle my view just right it cuts down on the lag

Juniichi: how low do I need to get?

Narcissistic: Under 2

KalvinStorm: uner 2k

LYNN4RAST3R: below 2


Juniichi: *slips off wedding ring*

Jay0Jasons: riding

Juniichi: *puts it in my poc- * ...nice horse

KalvinStorm: Jay plz lower ur kbs

LYNN4RAST3R: omg , a horse

Juniichi: Ok, I have to take off my wedding ring or my shoes and that guy gets to have a horse?

Jay0Jasons: thanks...

LYNN4RAST3R: jay ur over 3 kb now

Jay0Jasons: okay

LYNN4RAST3R: no wonder in lagging

KalvinStorm: yea

LYNN4RAST3R: keep lowering

LYNN4RAST3R: stil over 2

KalvinStorm: limit is 2k

LYNN4RAST3R: hes over



Juniichi: ...I'm nearly naked and I'm still above 2

Jay0Jasons: riding

Juniichi: nice fucking tiger


Guest_DietrichKobi: cool tiger

Jay0Jasons: ty


Jay0Jasons: loll

Jay0Jasons: k


LYNN4RAST3R: getting fked off now

Jay0Jasons: clam down...?

Juniichi: *removes eyes*

LYNN4RAST3R: stop rasing urfking kbs

LYNN4RAST3R: making everyone lagg

LYNN4RAST3R: uve been told

LYNN4RAST3R: so many times

LYNN4RAST3R: have some dam nrespect o nrulse

LYNN4RAST3R: fk calm down


KalvinStorm: dude Jay u laggin the room.. an yea u been told many times

KalvinStorm: again room limit is 2,000

LYNN4RAST3R: need somebodi bootin 4 ingoring rules

LYNN4RAST3R: keeps raasing his kbs

LYNN4RAST3R: after being told

LYNN4RAST3R: not 2


Narcissistic: Jun. D:

Juniichi: ...gonna be me and the hair in a second

Juniichi: WOOT

Juniichi: under 2

Juniichi: yeah, naked.

Juniichi: *lounges*

KalvinStorm: told u Jun its the hair lol

Narcissistic: Don't see me complaining.

Narcissistic: -Molests.-

Juniichi: ooh... *is molested*

Juniichi: Ok let's not get crazy and blame the hair

LYNN4RAST3R: lol..

KalvinStorm: lol trush me its the hair

KalvinStorm: I have one like it

LYNN4RAST3R: Keep eyes on jay kb

LYNN4RAST3R: has very nasty habiit rasing them up 3 kbs

LYNN4RAST3R: or more


LYNN4RAST3R: after being told

LYNN4RAST3R: sighs

Juniichi: Yes, the hair, but its not its fault its so awesome

LYNN4RAST3R: major lagg

Narcissistic: I have this one pair of boots..

LYNN4RAST3R: ty jun but not u

Buttons87: last warning jay please lower you kbs

LYNN4RAST3R: jay *8

Jay0Jasons: ?.?

KalvinStorm: no no its not the hairs fault... its the person how made the hair

Juniichi: *pets my hair*

Jay0Jasons: yeah.?

Juniichi: glad you put back on the feathers, Narci. This way I'll stay warmer

Narcissistic: -Wraps arms around.-

Narcissistic: -And legs.-

Narcissistic: -And lips.- >.>

Jay0Jasons: ..>.>

Buttons87: ah laggy

Juniichi: ...does friction add kb?

Narcissistic: I don't think so.

LYNN4RAST3R: lol Jun

Buttons87: lol well ty for lowering kbs

Juniichi: ...really I should have just asked someone to donate some kb for me

Jay0Jasons: brb

Narcissistic: I think I heard somewhere it lowers them. :)

Juniichi: oh does it now?

Jay0Jasons has left the chat

Narcissistic: Mhm-hmmm.

Juniichi: maybe jay should have tried to hump his horse and he wouldn't have had this issue


Narcissistic: Yus.

KalvinStorm: lol wow Jun

Juniichi: now that 3 trillion dollar man has left, can I put my clothes back on?

Juniichi: no one had any issue with me this whole time

Juniichi: I've been sitting very still

LYNN4RAST3R: lol,,

LYNN4RAST3R: ahumm

Juniichi: I've been very compliant. Notice the leg hair


LYNN4RAST3R: hands u razor

Guest_DietrichKobi: lol

KalvinStorm: lol

Juniichi: pff

LYNN4RAST3R: dont want bigfoot msitaking u as his nxt bride


Juniichi: *stares at Narci with my dafault BLUEs*

Narcissistic: -Steals and molests.-

Juniichi: ..don't eat those

Juniichi:'ll absorb my massive kb powah

Narcissistic: -Holds very close to his lips and gets the 'kid in the cookie jar' face.-

Narcissistic: :<

Juniichi: are so gross. Give me back my eyes.

Narcissistic: >n>

Narcissistic: -Pops in his mouth.-

Narcissistic: -Slobbers on.-

Narcissistic: -Hands back.-

Juniichi: *sticks my tongue up your nose*

Narcissistic: D:

Juniichi: laaaahhhlaalalaaalaaahhhh

Narcissistic: -Sneeze.-

Juniichi: *odd spray of explosive spit*

Juniichi: ..I should of seen that coming

Juniichi: ...course how could I with no EYES

Narcissistic: XD

Narcissistic: Lmfao

Narcissistic: <333 Jun :)

Juniichi: *small grin* You like me.

Narcissistic: Yes.

Juniichi: Win.

Narcissistic: Win :)


Kitteh: ... mom is wasted

Junichi: sexy

Junichi: ...she's my age right?

Junichi: *saunters over to do yer mom*

Junichi: ...hey there *wink*

Junichi: *wonders if you have a kitchen table to do said mom on*

Kitteh: ... yes she's your age

Kitteh: the table is an antique

Junichi: WOO HOO lotsa creakin!

Junichi: *sprays breath spray*

Junichi: *accidentally sprays eye*

Kitteh: lol


Junichi: *trips over antique table*

Junichi: *from the floor* ..its ok. we can do it down here.


Fergalene: hello Juniichi

Cakie: im not hanging with Kel, Cel, or Luka anymore though

Cakie: the shit they pulled is just fucktarded

Fergalene: and hmm what area would you like to dev specifially to? like clothing, skin, hair?

Juniichi: ehhh... *burrows under the blankets*

Juniichi: luka made me ow

Cakie: i do skins or heads mostly

Cakie: -pets juns head gently-

Juniichi: I dont like him anymore *pouts and punches a pillow*

Juniichi: *glances under blankets*

Juniichi: *puts mouth on adrien's lower back*


Juniichi: *sits up* adrien!

Juniichi: are so nasty

Cakie: -squeeks and squirms-

Fergalene: ok well how about a skin that reflects a kinda cute peach pink glow

Cakie: lol

Juniichi: *fans* phew.

Fergalene: haha

Juniichi: ...actually, do it again *ducks under covers*

Cakie: rofl

Fergalene: nice lol

Cakie: -wiggles getting sleepy-

Juniichi: o.o

Fergalene: what time is it for you?

Juniichi: ...something... wiggling

Juniichi: *watches it*

Cakie: 11:51

Fergalene: oh we are same time

Juniichi: *grabs it* I GOT IT

Juniichi: *bites it* OM NONOMNNOM

Cakie: -Screams- Stop playing with my disco stick

Juniichi: ...*pauses like a cat with a mouthful of disco stick*

Juniichi: o.o

Cakie: -shifty eyes- Well....on second thought You can play with my disco stick if you let me see your peacock

Juniichi: *little nom*

Juniichi: >.>

Cakie: ....this just became one of them funny chats of the days didnt it

Juniichi: might

Cakie: Fergalene: I would say so


HeroFromKrypton: so you get lots of mmms over and over again.

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: yeah that does happen

HeroFromKrypton: there was one guy i was about to have fun with.. then the FUCKER crashed.

HeroFromKrypton: -_-

Juniichi: lol..

Juniichi: aww

HeroFromKrypton: and he was hot too

HeroFromKrypton: buff with a nice round ass.

HeroFromKrypton: and i was gonna make him bottom.

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: *snerk* and he didn't come back

HeroFromKrypton: nope.

HeroFromKrypton: i saw him online later but dnd.

Juniichi: you know, I have to be really horny to have sex in what looks like an abandoned subway toilet

Juniichi: call me pretentious

HeroFromKrypton: yeah.. im not thrilled with the looks of his rooms either. lol

Juniichi: I mean they are interesting

HeroFromKrypton: not really a big fan of day old bodily fluids all over the place.

Juniichi: LOL

HeroFromKrypton: some guys just like things to be as dirty as possible.

Juniichi: I like things nasty. not nasty like, "Hey, there's a dead raccoon over there. Let's fuck next to it!"

HeroFromKrypton: when the filth outweighs the hotness factor..

Juniichi: I mean the fluffies that I usually go for would be horrified

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: some of them anyway.. some fluffies are outright depraved.

Juniichi: no see, that's nasty

Juniichi: dirty is strangers' used band-aids all over the flor

Juniichi: *floor

Juniichi: ?

Juniichi: lol

Juniichi: ...I think I'm stuck here

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: LOL

HeroFromKrypton: nice.

HeroFromKrypton: just trying to correct a typo and look what happened.

Juniichi: ...I'm finding this funnier than I probably should


Hero: are you on your phone or is this your computer?

Junichi: my phone is broken

*Hero pastes IMVU chat into Yahoo*

Hero: L3D1: hi hero

Terencebgood: mmmm

HeroFromKrypton: Hey.

L3D1: I'm naked lol

Terencebgood: hey

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: Hi.

L3D1: Terence come over here

Terencebgood: sure babe

Terencebgood: mmm so yummy

L3D1: mmm indeed

Terencebgood: mmm my hands all over your bidy

L3D1: -grinds in your lap-

HeroFromKrypton: lol bidy

Terencebgood: oh u the spell checker hero

HeroFromKrypton: yep.

HeroFromKrypton: it's a mental condition, i cant help it.

L3D1: he's just envious -winks at hero-

Terencebgood: see if i get this spelled right

Terencebgood: fuck off

Terencebgood: hows that

HeroFromKrypton: rofl

L3D1: hey hey

L3D1: be nice

HeroFromKrypton: the hormones are a-ragin atm arent they?

Terencebgood: im always nice

L3D1: who's hormones?

Hero Terencebgood: till some smart ass throws his 2 cents in

L3D1: well he's a friend

Terencebgood: thats fine

Junichi: ROFL

Junichi: Bidy

Junichi: HAHA

Junichi: no no you were right

Junichi: he should feel silly

Junichi: *still laughing*

Hero: this maintains the fact that there's a direct link between horniness and anger.

Junichi: I tend to think so

Junichi: *rubs mah hains all ovah yo biddy*

Hero: reminds me of how my boy cats are always beating the shit out of each other when they're not sniffing the girl cats asses..

Junichi: LOLOL

Hero: and yeah, i have a lot of cats. -_-

Junichi: Well I guess when they get bored of one activity, they always have something to fall back on

Hero: indeed.


Juniichi: you know, you were in that room where I met Narci that time he doesn't remember.. but you were afk for hours

Juniichi: sorry about all the nipple painting, but that's what you get when you leave your body somewhere unattended

Juniichi: Faulk, are we holding hands?

Faulkyn: Nope.

Juniichi: Oh right. Now I'm just fondling under your thigh.

Faulkyn: Mhm.

Narcissistic: I wish I had enough for this crew-pon.

Juniichi: Oh wait now we're holding hands again

Narcissistic: oAo

Juniichi: *weaves fingers lovingly with yours*

Faulkyn: I never buy into....get off me you -smacks hand-

Juniichi: ahh... I really needed that laugh

Narcissistic: I really need a shower.

Faulkyn: -Tugs into shower with-

Narcissistic: Hairspray from yesterday's got my hair all funk--

Narcissistic: o////o

Juniichi: Gotta love a see thru walled bathroom

Narcissistic: x///x

Faulkyn: -

Faulkyn: -

Faulkyn: for fuck sakes

Faulkyn: stop hitting enter, pinky.

Faulkyn: -Pats bum- Go shower you

Juniichi: I guess your other fingers are busy

Faulkyn: Peh.

VladimirSetrakian: xD

Juniichi: You know, Brain, if my name started with an O instead of a P, my name would be Oinky.


oCancel: Boot happy in this room. x3

ModestEnigma: o - o lots of pplz joins and gets booted o - o

VladimirSetrakian: Anybody with "Guest_" in there name are not welcome here.

VladimirSetrakian: Is one of Luka's rules, and I stick to it.

oCancel: How come? :o

VladimirSetrakian: Ask Luka.

Faulkyn: Most Guest_ are morons

Narcissistic: Because they're 99.9% of the time retarded.

ModestEnigma: Guest_'s are noobs :o

Narcissistic: And because their names aren't pretty.

Juniichi: Them's good eatin?

Faulkyn: I like hitting on them and seeing how fast I can get them into bed.

Juniichi: Good plan.

oCancel: We were all Guests_ once though.

oCancel: And I don't think any of us are morons.

oCancel: o:

oCancel: I give 'em a chance in my room.

VladimirSetrakian: That's because we've evolved into something higher.

VladimirSetrakian: And less moronic.

Narcissistic: I was a moron.

Narcissistic: I assimilated.

Narcissistic: I was an eloquent moron.

Juniichi: I don't think I was ever a moron.

Juniichi: I mean I didn't come out of the womb wearing pvc or anything

Faulkyn: I did

ModestEnigma: o - o

Guest_wesker115 has joined the chat

Guest_wesker115 has left the chat

Guest_siren1616 has joined the chat

Guest_chrismilton1 has joined the chat

Faulkyn: Wait

Faulkyn: dont boot

Faulkyn: I wanna start hitting on people

oCancel: o.o

Juniichi: Yes, Faulk needs to get laid.

Juniichi: Lets not lower his chances, hm?


XDeliriaX has left the chat

HeroFromKrypton: being randomly visited by a girl dressed like that is always a mood booster.

Juniichi: lol

Juniichi: did you know her?

HeroFromKrypton: yeah.

HeroFromKrypton: we were talking earlier and i disconnected, wasnt able to reinvite her after.

Juniichi: oh ok. I haven't seen her before

Juniichi: she seems naked

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: I meant to write nice

Juniichi: HAHA

HeroFromKrypton: rofl

HeroFromKrypton: im sure.


Junichi: shit, I just posted a convo with Hero about a naked girl into my work spreadsheet

Junichi: *quickly erases*

Allison Marple: *covers mouth to not laugh*

Jaye Koji: o.O

Jaye Koji: did anyone see it?

Junichi: *covers Greani and MJ's eyes*

Allison Marple: way to go boss man

Kita Kins: O_O but that makes work more fun

Junichi: shit I just posted "shit, I just posted a convo with Hero about a naked girl into the spreadsheet" into the spreadsheet!! *tosses mouse out the window*

Allison Marple: LOLOLOL

Jaye Koji: lolol

Jaye Koji: Im sorry

Junichi: *horrified*

Junichi: its a googlespreadsheet. Its live. I have two girls working on it right now 0.0

Kita Kins: XD ~flails and gigglefits~ oh wow, do you think they read it?

Junichi: gah *dies* I hope not....

Kita Kins: O__O ~starts cpr~


Junichi: if you feel too bad though, I will just come home and take the car

Junichi: it's ok

Junichi: I mean if you really feel awful

Junichi: I don't want to make you do things when you feel real bad

Jaye Koji: I'm fine. I'm gonna take some 8. I already threw up so Im not naus... however you spell that word... anymore

Jaye Koji: I can go and be home real fast

Junichi: ...really, I saw anus

Junichi: I'm really glad you're not anus anymore.

Jaye Koji: yes... I would like some anus please... *grabby hands*

Junichi: eep~ *dodges*

Junichi: I have to pee.

Jaye Koji: ok

Junichi: maybe after I pee

Jaye Koji: oh after... gotcha.. ok

Junichi: >.>

Junichi: ...or during. *wiggles brows*

Jaye Koji: *chuckle*


lei_bugster: Are you wanting to keep work at the office and not at home?

Junichi: heh... not at this point. after so many years my work and home life have integrated

Junichi: its actually easier that way.

lei_bugster: Well wat ever works best for you.

lei_bugster: You can have your late night at the office show just dong turn it into a good morning at the office with Jun combo show. You need a sleeping break Last message received on 8/10 at 11:16 PM

Junichi: *points* You wrote dong.

Junichi: And now, I am happy ^ ^

lei_bugster: Damn you autocorrect!

Junichi: Your autocorrect is nasty. I like that.

lei_bugster: -shakes fist- he does that on purpose

Junichi: How freudian of him.


ErosMio: But I'm not under 16.

ErosMio: .___.

ErosMio: Nobody who has joined is.

ErosMio: xD

Guest_labcoat116: ...crap. I'm too old.

SchmetterlingHerz: xDDD

Guest_labcoat116: And Suzu's a pedo now.

SchmetterlingHerz: I know~

ErosMio: -kicks Suzu- Idiot.

ErosMio: LOL.

SchmetterlingHerz: -Ish a pedo.- o.o'

JayeKoji: There seems to be alot of those around.

ErosMio: -tilts head- Isn't Suzu still jailbait though?

ErosMio: -can't remember-

Guest_labcoat116: the victim of a pedo. -points at Eros-

ErosMio: <___ the="" hell="" ever="" slicy="" mcsliceslice="">Guest_labcoat116: I was only defending myself. -looks innocent-

Juniichi: I'm 39. Everyone here has to sit on my lap and call me Daddy. *readies lap*

ErosMio: LMAO. xD

Juniichi: *winks at 18 year old aqua boy*

Guest_labcoat116: -stabs Juniichi's lap- I feel pedo'd already.

Narcissistic: ;A;

Juniichi: *screams*

Juniichi: NO NO...

Juniichi: No stabbing the lap!!

Guest_labcoat116: Yay! I got a scream. <3

Juniichi: Bad! *bends you over my bleeding lap*

Juniichi: *spanks you*

Juniichi: *slowly*

Guest_labcoat116: -cuts repeadedly- I NEED AN ADULT I NEED A...BETTER ADULT THAN THIS!

Juniichi: Hey. Don't cut yourself. *spanks*

ErosMio: xDDD

SchmetterlingHerz: o.o'

Guest_labcoat116: -cuts self and Juniichi-

Juniichi: *dodges*

ErosMio: Serves you right, Lappeh.

SchmetterlingHerz: Better adult? xD

Guest_labcoat116: -throws a dagger at Eros- Shh.

JayeKoji: *chuckle* no stabbing

JayeKoji: lol a better adult...

JayeKoji: thats great

Guest_labcoat116: -huffs- stabbing is what I do. -cuts everyone-

Juniichi: *covers my nipples*

Guest_labcoat116: Besides, it's my job to cut nooberts in le group.

Juniichi: ...says the Guest

Guest_labcoat116: IN LE GROUP. >.>

SchmetterlingHerz: -Rolls away from the cut maniac.-

Guest_labcoat116: -sits next to Eros, prods him with a sword absentmindedly-

ErosMio: -gets hit and bleeds out-

Guest_labcoat116: <3

Guest_labcoat116: -collects Eros' blood and fills water balloons and chucks blood balloons at people-

Juniichi: *ducks*

Juniichi: are so creative. Do you take art in school?

Guest_labcoat116: Pahaha. I'm not THAT creative.

ErosMio: -cries- I'm so abused.

Guest_labcoat116: -hits Junii in the face-

ErosMio: -heals-

Guest_labcoat116: I abuse you out of love. :D

ErosMio: -drags Lappeh away-

Guest_labcoat116: -flails- D:

Juniichi: Yay. I'm a scab *goes to rub self on jr labcoat*

Guest_labcoat116: -likes it-

SchmetterlingHerz: -Licks blood from the sides of face that his tongue can reach.- ♥

HeroFromKrypton: madness

Juniichi: yes hero. This is madness.


Guest_labcoat116: -stabs Juni- I'm sorry about your bitch.

Juniichi: *dodges*

Juniichi: what about him?

Guest_labcoat116: I'm sorry about him being without a place that you need him to be? -successfully stabs Juni in the chest-

Juniichi: *knife slips effortlessly into the empty hole and then back out again*

Juniichi: ..glad I wasn't wearing my good pvc

Guest_labcoat116: Kind sir, let me draw your blood. -severs Juni's right arm-

HeroFromKrypton: i can draw it. im an artist.

HeroFromKrypton: *gets out a piece of paper and scribbles with a red crayon*

Juniichi: Ooh.. can you give me suckers?

Juniichi: like on an octopus?

ErosMio: -tilts head-

ErosMio: -smacks Lappeh with chains-

ErosMio: Oops, sorry. These things have a life of their own.

Juniichi: *fingers drag arm over to Mr guest labcoat and begin to finger him mercilessly*

ErosMio: LMAO.

Juniichi: *points to the arm with my suckers* hey, that's not mine anymore

Guest_labcoat116: I'm getting chain whipped by ghost chains and fingered by a severed arm...

ErosMio: A beautiful nightmare, ne?

Juniichi: ..that severed arm belongs to you now

Juniichi: *watches it crawl towards Narci*

JayeKoji: *watches the slow progress of the arm*

Narcissistic: -Loves it.-

Guest_labcoat116: -keeps arm and beats Eros mercilessly with it, then lets it touch Eros inappropriately-

Narcissistic: NO.

Juniichi: hey now... cut that out... *toes at it* ...heh. Got a mind of its own..

Narcissistic: MY ARM.

Narcissistic: D<

ErosMio: .____.

Guest_labcoat116: -cuts off Juni's left arm-

ErosMio: -beaten mercilessly with a severed arm- ....

ErosMio: -enjoys it-

ErosMio: :D

JayeKoji: apprently have to cut things off for the love to go around *shakes my head*

Guest_labcoat116: Sorry. I guess this arm has a mind of its own.

Guest_labcoat116: And I just like abusing you.

Guest_labcoat116: -stabs Eros-

Juniichi: Hero, can you draw me another arm

Juniichi: this time, make this one a chainsaw

HeroFromKrypton: i have trouble with arms

Juniichi: well then you're lucky I'm a chainsaw type of guy

HeroFromKrypton: would you like a house instead?

Juniichi: ...attached to my shoulder?

HeroFromKrypton: yes

Juniichi: ..yes that would be lovely.

Juniichi: But only if it has a red door.

Juniichi: it's just so feng schway~


ErosMio: I'm very eased surrounded by all this

ErosMio: Perhaps because we all look like we're going to some kind of intense, kink funeral.

ErosMio: o-o

Juniichi: lol...

Narcissistic: Died from autoerotic asphyxiation.

Juniichi: ..yeah you'd like that.

ErosMio: I wish I could.

ErosMio: :I

ErosMio: Be a great way to go. xD

SchmetterlingHerz: =U= -Curls into the chains tentacles.-

HeroFromKrypton: david carradine did

HeroFromKrypton: kill bill, kung fu guy.

Narcissistic: I love asphyxiation actually.

Juniichi: I'm not surprised.

SchmetterlingHerz: -Loves that too.- ~

HeroFromKrypton: i love cartwheeling onto urine soaked tacks.

Juniichi: ROFL!!

Narcissistic: If I die I either want to be dismembered by hand, or choked by bare hands.

ErosMio: LMAO. Hero... xD

Juniichi: hero.. *wipes eyes* ahmahgah

SchmetterlingHerz: I'd hate died by human hands.

Narcissistic: I'd kill someone.

ErosMio: I just don't want to die in my sleep. o---o

ErosMio: I'd be so angry.

Narcissistic: I think my weapon of choice would be a knife.

SchmetterlingHerz: I'd like to die only by nature hand.

ErosMio: I want a death I can feel every second of. ._.

Narcissistic: Same.

ErosMio: -yawns and stretches-

SchmetterlingHerz: -Hates humans when kills others.- c:

Narcissistic: I would really like if I was cut with a scalpel.

Narcissistic: Dismembered cleanly into pieces.

ErosMio: Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with any creative way to die when the time comes. xD

HeroFromKrypton: gee.. dont know about the dying in agony thing.. despite my appearance.. never been too big a fan of the pain thing.

Narcissistic: I'm a masochist. .-.

HeroFromKrypton: but i find the concept that people find it appealing interesting.

Juniichi: I have too much to do. I can't die.

ErosMio: Oh, I'm a pain whore. Or some such.

Narcissistic: EROS.

Narcissistic: CUSTOM SKIN.

Narcissistic: I HAVE ONE, ONE SEC.

HeroFromKrypton: LOUD NOISES

Juniichi: LMAO


Random Pulse post I saw on the Everyone channel:


Juniichi: what was that really awful one where you'd rub butts?

Juniichi: with a really horrible expression

Juniichi: and your cock and balls would hang a foot away from your body in the wrong direction

JayeKoji: the one hero does all the time? lol not sure

Juniichi: Jaye and I had just got our nakies when we tried that. It was horrifying.

Juniichi: Like, let's not ever do that again.

JayeKoji: I remember that

Juniichi: there it is

Juniichi: and its just a cool as it was back then

Juniichi: *dying*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... are we dancing?

Juniichi: we're rubbing asses and frowning about it

xOxSugarKittyxOx: well generally I'm not a big fan of rubbing asses.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: feels kinda weird.

Juniichi: cmere again

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no you're going to touch my butt with yours T_T

Juniichi: I might

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Sexual Harassment!!!!!!!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I don't know if we're frowning or *really* getting into it

Juniichi: a developers time well spent

Juniichi: Yeah.. back then the faces were worse. Like, wicked or evil looking

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: It didn't make a bit of sense to me

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.> Some HR you are

JayeKoji: oh.. right right...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: do you see this?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I'm being *violated*

Juniichi: I will keeeel you wit my ebil butt *rubrubrub*

JayeKoji: Juniichi.. stop rubbing your butt on the contractors LOL

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I will accept a cash settlement *wipes an eye*

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: rofl

xOxSugarKittyxOx: dfgvklsdfgjsklfmj

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ok that's making my butt feel weird for reals

Juniichi: LOL

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >3>

Juniichi: ok ok

Juniichi: I'm done

Juniichi: ^ ^

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... your butt fin was inside me.

Juniichi: LOll!

Juniichi: Thank you for sharing your butt cooties with me

Juniichi: *wrote butt cookies at first*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... sharing? They were taken T_T

xOxSugarKittyxOx: o_O

xOxSugarKittyxOx: *wergs*

Juniichi: *snots*

JayeKoji: LOL butt cookies

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I can't even play that off

Juniichi: mmm.. nice, fresh, homemade...butt cookies.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: i'm like one big werg right now xD

JayeKoji: ok Im sure having your butt fin inside the contractors isnt allowed either

Juniichi: Is that in the contract? *flips papers*


Junichi: ...I wish my phone worked

KitaKado: what happened to it?

Junichi: It started to mess up at the beach but really bit it when I dropped it in the tub last week :/

KitaKado: oh ._. yuh, i remember you telling me about that, cuz then i was worried your laptop would slide in too

Junichi: I'm going to send it off to a service and see if they can get my pictures and videos

Junichi: there's a gorgeous nude of Jaye on there that I want bad >.>

KitaKado: <_ yeeeeeeeeeah="">KitaKado: so anyways, hows the weather? @__@

Junichi: LOL

Junichi: it really is hot

Junichi: the nude, I mean

Junichi: ^ ^

KitaKado: x_x

Junichi: I kept it on my phone so I could see him nekkid out in public

Junichi: :D

Junichi: anyhoo...

KitaKado: ~is not thinking about it..............................~ is that.... so... ~crams cookies in mouth, muffled talking through bites~

Junichi: *dodges crumb spittle*


Juniichi: BOW TO ME


xKitaKinsx: O_____O

xKitaKinsx: ~bows~ please dun eat me


xKitaKinsx: that sounds.... awkward x3

JayeKoji: *glances back* and... whu...

Juniichi: "...what...*sniff sniff* ..what the hell is that smell? ..and where is it coming from?"

JayeKoji: could be anywhere. I bet you got crazy range


HeroFromKrypton: i like how the geico gekko says "bu-er and jam"



xKitaKinsx: ew XD

JayeKoji: lolol


JayeKoji: you guys goto sleep?

xKitaKinsx: <_>xKitaKinsx: nuuuuu

HeroFromKrypton: <_>JayeKoji: *grins*

HeroFromKrypton: nuuuuu

JayeKoji: everyone is drawing

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

xKitaKinsx: i has an echo :D

HeroFromKrypton: i has a time travelling echo :D

JayeKoji: few seconds into the future?

HeroFromKrypton: yep.

xKitaKinsx: in sodomy!!!!

JayeKoji: ?

JayeKoji: lol

xKitaKinsx: in the song superman, the way he says "in side of me" sounds like in sodomy

JayeKoji: *grins*

HeroFromKrypton: the word sodomy kind of has negative connotations.

xKitaKinsx: it does?

xKitaKinsx: i thought it was the word for anal sex on a pirate ship. thats the books it always comes up in

HeroFromKrypton: well, it's pretty much used whenever religious fanatics try to demonize homosexuality

JayeKoji: on a pirate ship? ok thats a first

Juniichi: LOLOL!! Anal sex on a pirate ship!!

Juniichi: ARRRGHHHH! Sodomy!!

JayeKoji: lol

HeroFromKrypton: rofl

JayeKoji: pirates will never be the same. *leans over and kisses kita's temple*


xDestinyxAngelx: Its oddly cold.

HeroFromKrypton: it's a side effect of time travel.

xDestinyxAngelx: I bet.

xDestinyxAngelx: I do plenty of it these days

HeroFromKrypton: what's your favorite destinations?

xDestinyxAngelx: final?

xDestinyxAngelx: Rome or Spain.

HeroFromKrypton: time, not place.

HeroFromKrypton: lol

xDestinyxAngelx: time?

xDestinyxAngelx: like anything before 3:00

HeroFromKrypton: you time travel to before 3:00?

xDestinyxAngelx: anything before 3:00 am


HeroFromKrypton: hand solo makes me think of han solo

Juniichi: makes me think of jerking off

HeroFromKrypton: makes me think star wars porno

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Harrison Ford had that affect.

HeroFromKrypton: hand solo, luke skywanker, eerrh..

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Princess Lay'ya

HeroFromKrypton: c-3pen1s

xOxSugarKittyxOx: R2DoubleD's

JayeKoji: *shakes my head*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Pretty sure me and Hero found our calling.

HeroFromKrypton: and biggs darklighter..

HeroFromKrypton: his name already sounds like something from a porno

Juniichi: C3POO

HeroFromKrypton: no scat in my star wars porno

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I was about to say what kind of film is this?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.>


JayeKoji: you know the previews in the music never seem to play all the way to the part where they start speaking in tongues...

JayeKoji: Im not african enough for this...

Juniichi: ?

JayeKoji: gonna need to find the cd version of the song

Juniichi: Ok come on baby

Juniichi: Dig deep into that tribal soul

JayeKoji: *little growl*

Juniichi: ooh o.o

Juniichi: *shifts in chair*

Juniichi: Now.... go get me a deer! *hands your sharp stick*

Juniichi: *goes to gather nuts*

Juniichi: *and take over smaller countries*

HeroFromKrypton: yeah, stealing their nut supply will leave them vulnerable.

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: lol Hero

JayeKoji: Id grunt at you but I was laughing too hard

JayeKoji: *sends a servant to gather nuts and hands him stick with two fingers for the deer*

Juniichi: *is handed stick*

Juniichi: *pokes nuts with stick*

Juniichi: ...oh. Sorry Hero

JayeKoji: hey hey careful of the nuts

HeroFromKrypton: *whoops

xOxSugarKittyxOx: xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: *looks away for a minute and people go rimal*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: *primal

HeroFromKrypton: rofl

HeroFromKrypton: rimal

Juniichi: ooh *goes rimal also*

JayeKoji: rimal

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -.-

JayeKoji: yeah Jun's never gonna let you live that one down

HeroFromKrypton: *rimshot*

JayeKoji: who wants some rimal?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: *clings so she can't get moved*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >_>

Juniichi: Is that what the two fingers were for?


Kid: I have a joke and its SOO funny!! It's the best joke EVAR!!

Me: Ok. Hit me.

Kid: Ok. Ok... so.. *thinks of a joke obviously on the fly* ...why are boobs just on girls?

Me: Erm. I don't know *thinks of lots of really good logical reasons* . ...Why?

Kid: Because they're CHICKEN BOOBS!! HAHAHAHAHA!!~

Me: ROFL aahhh.... *wipes eyes* *yay for random wtf* *imagines Hero saying CHICKEN BOOBS*

Kid: ROFL HAHAHA!! CHICKEN BOOBS!! That is amazing!! Funniest joke ever!! ..Ok I got another joke. Um.... why-

Me: No no.. I'm good. Maybe tell me *later*... lol..


Juniichi: ..I think its funny that they censor whore

Juniichi: ...its not really a curse word

VibrantlyTainted: Taint isnt neither

VibrantlyTainted: maybe slang term

Juniichi: they censor the word taint?

Juniichi: ...what's it a slang term for?

VibrantlyTainted: I had to change my name

Juniichi: LOL... that's why??

Juniichi: You're kidding

VibrantlyTainted: Cus taint is profane

Juniichi: is?

JayeKoji: how is it profane?

VibrantlyTainted: also can mean vagina

Juniichi: o0

VibrantlyTainted: I wasnt using it like that

HeroFromKrypton: what can?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no it can't

VibrantlyTainted: but I had to change my name

Juniichi: Yeah.. I'm from the Tainted Love generation

HeroFromKrypton: taint refers to a part of the male anatomy.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: taint is the part between a guys balls and his ass >_>

HeroFromKrypton: what she said

Juniichi: ...the perineum?

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: what jun said as well

VibrantlyTainted: Oh I thought it was originally for vagina

JayeKoji: that is just the dumbest thing I ever heard

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Slang is taint or I think Chode

Juniichi: huh.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: it really is and Andre was stretching it

xOxSugarKittyxOx: because most people don't know that slang

VibrantlyTainted: Mhm

Juniichi: ... should I stop calling it a perineum?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: if you want?

JayeKoji: no

JayeKoji: taint is when something is dirty or soiled

Juniichi: or poisoned

JayeKoji: its stupid to use it as a slang for a part of the body

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Perineum sounds like a flower

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: no the flower is the asshole

Juniichi: >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Look how lovely the perineum bloomed this year?

Juniichi: LOLOL!!!

Juniichi: ii


xKitaKinsx: my friend Arti came in the room eariler. i thought he was coming in to hang out with us but he was really rude and then he left

xKitaKinsx: i actually ended up blocking him

Juniichi: Why was he rude?

xKitaKinsx: he was really rude to hero, making snide comments to him, and when i was talking about wanting teal ears to match my hair he made a rude comment about that too. and i asked if i could play music and joii and hero said yes and then he left

Juniichi: What was his rude comment about the ears?

Juniichi: Just curious

xKitaKinsx: well, all he said was 'heres a thought don't wear them' but it seemed really rude the way he said it

xKitaKinsx: like i was stupid for trying to find some

Juniichi: I guess some people don't like them maybe... oh the Elitists don't. They are a family of sorts.

Juniichi: Blowhards, the lot of them.

xKitaKinsx: well they can just shove it

xKitaKinsx: ._.

Juniichi: You're supposed to be elite because other people say you are. Not because you say you are.

Juniichi: "But you are supposed to fear me! It says so in my character information sheet!"

xKitaKinsx: X3 ~giggles and nods~

xKitaKinsx: all they ever do is sit around and be mean

Juniichi: *takes sheet* *erases Fear Factor* *writes 'Likes to eat staples'* *hands sheet back*

xKitaKinsx: ~grins~

Juniichi: It has about as much depth.

xKitaKinsx: ~nods~ the way they are though, they'd convince people that you could only be cool enough to be elite if you ate staples

Juniichi: LOL


Kita Kins: ~peeks in the shower~

Junichi: Hey! I found this self tanner under the sink

Junichi: *covers self with it*

Junichi: I predict an 85% chance of funny story about this later

Kita Kins: ~giggles~ you might turn orange

Junichi: awesome

Junichi: more reasons for my family to make fun of me

Junichi: ^ ^

Kita Kins: o_o why would they make fun of you?

Junichi: because they are jerks lol

Junichi: more than likely I make fun of them >.>

Kita Kins: >_> wan me to bite them?

Junichi: I mean they ACK I'm naked close the door!

Junichi: *hides nakedness behind curtain*

Junichi: *waves to the golfcart driving by*

Junichi: -.-


VibrantTaint: So why is he harassing THIS room?

Juniichi: he's probably hitting everyone

JayeKoji: *nods*

JayeKoji: this is imvu

Juniichi: I mean eventually someone will lay him

Juniichi: just got to catch them at the right time

VibrantTaint: Gahd.. I would hate to see some type of pixelated STD appear on here.

VibrantTaint: ._.

Juniichi: >.>

JayeKoji: dont think people would buy that out of the catalog

Juniichi: But us infected would throw great parties

VibrantTaint: It would be like something that would cost 50k to cure

Juniichi: pssst....Jaye.... you got some credits you can send me

JayeKoji: ... no I dont think so. I sent you the last of my credits for genderneutral

VibrantTaint: "Dear IMVU, why for my avatar pee blood?"

Juniichi: lolol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: *is eating his arm*

VibrantTaint: You got a case of the Wuhvels?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Wuhvels?

JayeKoji: ok the what?

xKitaKinsx: .___>

xKitaKinsx: am i cured yet?

JayeKoji: were you dying?

VibrantTaint: Doesnt look like it, Jaylin

xOxSugarKittyx: Your fais is kinda lopsided *tilts head*

xKitaKinsx: v__v i'm doomed

Juniichi : *gives kita a wuhvels cootie shot*

Juniichi: *reinfects him*

Juniichi: >.> oops

xKitaKinsx: ._____.

xKitaKinsx: its okay, i'm getting used to it

VibrantTaint: You've been hangin out with Kenny I see, Unk.

Juniichi: Actually after staring at avis all day, a photo of a naked person suddenly on my screen is rather shocking

Juniichi: I need a little bit of warning

Juniichi: its like that one time that my ex switched my music to porn

Juniichi: and I was in the bathroom with the headphones on

Juniichi: doesn't sound like porn when you aren't thinking of porn

VibrantTaint: lol!

Juniichi: and when you have forgotten you are wearing headphones

Juniichi: it sounds a little like what you'd think the raising of the dead would sound like


Juniichi: *blinkblink* ..oh. its just kenny -.-

JayeKoji: lol


HeroFromKrypton has joined the chat

Juniichi: Hey Hero

xKitaKinsx: ~waves~ hi Hero

HeroFromKrypton: Hey.

Juniichi: I'm not in any rush to make any decisions.

Juniichi: I think I'm too freaked out to do much of anything

Juniichi: *looks at Hero*

Juniichi: ...sort of like now

HeroFromKrypton: :)

Juniichi: *scoots a little to the left*

xKitaKinsx: hes like a snowman..... that wants to kill people

Juniichi: Mmm. So what's with the eye peircings?

Juniichi: Nice leather dress, btw.

Juniichi: does this look get you laid?

Juniichi: I mean do the ladies flock to you?

Juniichi: I can just see you dripping with these crazy gore bitches

Juniichi: *falsetto* Ooh Sir Hero, impale me again with your rod~

xKitaKinsx: O_o ~brain twitch~

VibrantTaint has joined the chat

VibrantTaint: Ollo.

Juniichi: Hey Pherx

Juniichi: If you like, you may warm yourself under Hero's leather dress.

VibrantTaint: And the offer does sound tempting.

VibrantTaint: -looks for a node under Hero's skirt.-

VibrantTaint: I've been lied to. D<

VibrantTaint: Theres no shelter under here.

HeroFromKrypton: i'm sorry i have legs

Juniichi: There are those strap holes on the sides.

Juniichi: Not the most secure structure, but anything that adds handles is a nice touch if you ask me


VibrantTaint: Ok, serious question here.

VibrantTaint: The guys name is "IPlay2GetUHard"

VibrantTaint: Tagline: I wuhvels meh boys"

VibrantTaint: Orientation: Questioning.

VibrantTaint: ..Really?

xKitaKinsx: he questions when the boys will realize that wuhvels is a rare std

VibrantTaint: ...Thats rather frightening.

xKitaKinsx: indeed it is

xKitaKinsx: we need to raise awareness

VibrantTaint: Wuhvels... May be contracted from chewing on small domestic rodents.

xKitaKinsx: D:

xKitaKinsx: i've been exposed!!!!!

VibrantTaint: -winds you back into your canister.-

xKitaKinsx: breadsticks

VibrantTaint: All is safe.

VibrantTaint: -victory pose!- D:


xKitaKinsx: i used to have this silly fantasy when i was younger, instead of a knight in shining armor, i was going to be swept up by a cowboy XD and have a farm and everything

Fiasco has joined the chat

Nhyarlothatep has joined the chat

Juniichi: ooh Fiasco! I love that name!

xKitaKinsx: i kinda had the farm part for awhile when i had my horse. it was awesome

Juniichi: The amount of nature that can be found on a farm would probably kill me with allergies lol

xKitaKinsx: that would be bad, no farm for Sir o.o

tk4640: well im out of here then won't listen to someone making fun of farming

Juniichi: ?

tk4640 has left the chat

xKitaKinsx: who was making fun of it?

Nhyarlothatep: good riddance?

Juniichi: that was so random

xKitaKinsx: like seriously, children shouldn't play online

Juniichi: ...were we making fun of farming?

xKitaKinsx: no

Juniichi: ... were we talking about farming?

Nhyarlothatep: i was... in my head

Juniichi: LOL

xKitaKinsx: ahhhh, so he reads minds :D

xKitaKinsx: i hope he didn't read mine @_@

Nhyarlothatep: oh, i did

Juniichi: I'm gonna go into a random room and go, "That's it. I'm not staying in a room that makes fun of circus clowns." and just leave in a huff

Fiasco: what is this place about

Fiasco: thought there would be strippers or somethin

Fiasco: loll

Juniichi: lol

Nhyarlothatep: if you have to ask, you dont want to know

xKitaKinsx: there is a pole X3

Fiasco: wheres the strippers

Fiasco: loll

Juniichi: I came here because I like boys who dress like girls

Fiasco: :/

Nhyarlothatep: chicks w/ dicks

Juniichi: no, not chicks with dicks. femboys and drag queens

Fiasco has left the chat

Juniichi: Man... these people and farming are so fucking sensitive

xKitaKinsx: i think he assumed i was a girl and that i would jump up and dance for him XD

Nhyarlothatep: they dont like to hear the truth about them and sheep...

Nhyarlothatep: brb need a long sleeved shirt

Juniichi: That's it. I'm not staying in a room where you talk bad about fucking sheep.

Nhyarlothatep has left the chat

Juniichi: ...I should have more respect for farming

xXxAndrikosXxX has left the chat

Juniichi: Damn.

Juniichi: I had no idea farming was such a taboo subject

xKitaKinsx: neither did i. but it seems to be a rather sore subject for a lot of people

xKitaKinsx: the irish have to keep the sheep from feeling dirty so they leave whenever farming is mentioned, the rednecks get hot-headed and leave because they assume everyone else is laughing at them, and then the kinkies leave because they are ashamed to admit their pony fetish ~nods seriously~

Juniichi: *is very confused but laughs a lot*


Random Photo

FWEE~ *leaps across coffeetable*


HeroFromKrypton: im on a web messenger and this stupid thing goes back a page when i try to backstpace to erase mistakes

Junichi: Oh that's got to suck

HeroFromKrypton: it does

Junichi: my browser does that sometimes if the cursor isn't active

HeroFromKrypton: the curseor is active though but it still recognizes it as a back page rather than a back spaece

Junichi: well then I'll forgive your typos... but just this once!

Junichi: Or, I coild just not backspace either.

Junichi: Even the playing fiendl

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: fiendl?

Junichi: *field

HeroFromKrypton: oh

Junichi: or maybe if caret browsing is on

Junichi: hit f7, see if that changes

Junichi: it's a setting that will make your keyvoard do things sto hhat you can avoid wusing a moise

Junichi: wusing a moise! LOL

Junichi: did turning off caret browsing heko?

Junichi: *help

Junichi: I think I backspace alot without realiz ing

Junichi: it

HeroFromKrypton: you can use backspace if you want

Junichi: ah, but it makes for a funnier shat if I don't

Junichi: ...

Junichi: *hat

Junichi: *cht

Junichi: *chat

HeroFromKrypton: hmm


Junichi: I'm in crouch low and back away in my cave mode

HeroFromKrypton: great, so imvu added some more statuses?

HeroFromKrypton: *attempts to invite* Sorry, I'm in Crouch Low and Back Away in My Cave Mode

Junichi: That's awesome

HeroFromKrypton: Jun, get out of CLABAIMC

Junichi: LOL!


Juniichi: HAHAHAAH You have anus under your interests

justin91x: I HAVE WHAT O///O !?!?!?!?

Juniichi: Everything else is names *ROLLING*

justin91x: HEY, HEY WAIT...UR SERIOUS !?!?! Q////Q

KrimsonDante: you do XD

KrimsonDante: justin

KrimsonDante: YES!

KrimsonDante: i been meaning to ask you for day

KrimsonDante: s

Juniichi: "Ooh let's see... I love all my 17 friends. Oh and anus."

justin91x: OMFG !! CHRIS THAT ASSHOLE !!!!!

KrimsonDante: LOL

KrimsonDante: LOLOLOLOL

KrimsonDante: *falls out of my chair*

KrimsonDante: ima pee my pants!

Juniichi: I mean usually people are more subtle than that

Juniichi: They usually say men

Juniichi: Or ass even

Juniichi: But actual anus, well that's special

Juniichi: I like my men clinical

justin91x: I DDN'T TYPE THAT !!!!! Q//////////Q

justin91x: FUCK !

justin91x: I MEAN SORRY !

justin91x: TT_____TT

KrimsonDante: it ranks up there with

KrimsonDante: "pulsating sphincter"

Juniichi: LOL

justin91x: heeey T////////T

KrimsonDante: Awwwww I tease justin

justin91x: i dn't see it tho i swear Q/////Q

KrimsonDante: so sensitive

KrimsonDante: :x

KrimsonDante: I believe you LOL

Juniichi: I love it

Juniichi: You should keep it there

justin91x: i'm not v///v ..

Juniichi: In fact, ima add you right now

Juniichi: Just cause you like anus

justin91x: NOOO //KrimsonDante: LOPL

justin91x: HEEY T///////T

justin91x: I ..ughhh >//>

KrimsonDante: we all need more friends justin

KrimsonDante: it helps when you're bored

justin91x: he said it's cuz of the A damn word .TT___TT

justin91x: n wtf, i SRSLY CAN'T SEE IT .... x///x;;

KrimsonDante: the A?

KrimsonDante: I see it after Suki♥♥♥♥♥♥

justin91x: UGHHHHH

justin91x: Q//////////Q !!

KrimsonDante: Poor justin

Juniichi: *takes a screenshot*

justin91x: now i srsly...DAMN IT, pls..jst shoot me. I BET SUKI SAW IT TOO.....TT//////TT;;;

Juniichi: Yes. It is true. We all know you love anus.

KrimsonDante: LOL

justin91x: BUT, WAIT...r u serious abt that word ..i dn't see it TT___TT !!!

KrimsonDante: justin I don't think I have heard you swear so much in the whole time i've known you XD

KrimsonDante: here let me show you

justin91x: yh cuz my face is letterly burning right now v///v;

justin91x: damn u alice. Damn u.

Juniichi: Oh, and the chat is up on my page.

Juniichi: Go look. the screenshot of your profile is there also

justin91x: O/////O !!!

justin91x: PLS TELL ME UR JK !!!!!! Q//////Q;;

Juniichi: Not in the slightest

justin91: -takes a deep breath- ...okai.... -pulls out my gun- ... Juniichi: when you say gun, are you referring to penis?

Juniichi: because I don't see that here on your interests

Juniichi: Unlike anus, but then... I mean really, who doesn't like anus?

justin91x: UR DEAD MISTER !!!!!!! O///O;;

justin91x: i dn't ! okai...umm, YH YH ..i dunnooo TT///TT

Juniichi: Me? Oh no no... you are upset at Chris, remember?

justin91x: and now YOU !! D:<

Juniichi: me? oh pish posh

Juniichi: whatever for?

justin91x: umm, pls check it again Q_Q

KrimsonDante: your list says:

KrimsonDante: "anus, nthin."

Juniichi: LOLOL anus nthin LOL

KrimsonDante: justin i love you

KrimsonDante: XD

justin91x: .........

justin91x: FUCK O_O .

justin91x: i give up TT/////TT !!

justin91x: SCREW U MY FUCKIN $£%^£$&^* INTEREST LIST !

justin91x: -sighs- ...if i removed the would be jst the damn A word .-.

KrimsonDante: how is it staying?

KrimsonDante: *researches*

Juniichi: See now it appears that you like nothing *but* anus.

Juniichi: go ahead. ask the forums.

Juniichi: "Hi. I'm trying to remove anus from my interests, but it just won't go."

KrimsonDante: Yeah im going to see if anyone's had that before

justin91x: Q////Q i'm serious it WON'T be erased...i can't even SEE IT .-.

justin91x: UGHH. i feel like tackling u :)

justin91x: KrimsonDante: I'm working on it justin. CHILLL or ima grope you hardcore D;

Juniichi: Well. At least you know where he likes it.

KrimsonDante: LOL

Juniichi: *wipes my eyes*

justin91x: TT/////////////////TT !!!!!!

justin91x: shoot me .-.

justin91x: i asked a stranger he said he see it as well .__.

Juniichi: Always a good thing to ask a stranger if he can see your anus.

justin91x: UGGHHHH


HeroFromKrypton: what's the avi you have called?

Juniichi: the one I have now is Stud from the Avatar Factory

Juniichi: honestly... I needed something that didn't make my nipples crash into my chest... my rings would disappear when I sat down ^ ^

HeroFromKrypton: i have hunk 4

Juniichi: mine is just stud 1

HeroFromKrypton: this one is effeminate pansy 3

Juniichi: LMAO

g3nn3vi3: I cant figure out if ur kidding or serious Hero

HeroFromKrypton: im always serious

HeroFromKrypton: you doubt my seritude?

g3nn3vi3: no, not at all

g3nn3vi3: Im always serious too

Juniichi: You're going to have a hard time trying to find a penis to match that

xOxSugarKittyxOx: nah. he just needs the anyskin >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: it'll just be in his neck.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: because of mesh issues

g3nn3vi3: lol

Juniichi: Hello there, Chilly.

HeroFromKrypton: hey dobie


xOxSugarKittyxOx: -giggles-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: you spelt Recruiter wrong...

Juniichi: of course he did

JayeKoji: *rolls eyes*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: <333

JayeKoji: Im bout done witih you tonight woman

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -hides behind your knee giggling-

JayeKoji: *kisses your nose*

Juniichi: Kitty: Senor Recrooter

JayeKoji: *shakes head*

JayeKoji: oh shut up

xOxSugarKittyxOx: No its Reruiter

JayeKoji: its mispelled in one place and correct in like six others and of course its the one place I cant correct

JayeKoji: youre a reruiter now. congrats

Juniichi: This guy has this on his resume: "Run all development on Project HowlJerk."

Juniichi: Really. I know that's not an I

Juniichi: ...but my eye sees an I

Juniichi: See first, I make sure I got a place where I can prop up one of my legs real high...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -covers ears-

xOxSugarKittyxOxxO: lalalalalalala


This one's not really funny... just weird.

Juniichi: and the tornado is still outside

RukiTabuki: Its still in the front room xD

HeroFromKrypton: what about the cubes?

Juniichi: the cubes to me are where they are supposed to be

Juniichi: three in a row

RukiTabuki: x.X

Juniichi: where am I sitting?

Juniichi: leaning on the coffeetable?

RukiTabuki: Yes.

Juniichi: that is so fucking odd....

Juniichi: grr

HeroFromKrypton: wait a sec. you said you think this is because of the update. have you updated jun?

Juniichi: no

Juniichi: ...really pisses me off too

HeroFromKrypton: well then that probably means we're the screwed up ones, not you.

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: do you guys see the tofu cube driving around?

RukiTabuki: They are still in the same places.

Juniichi: vroom4

Juniichi: how about now

RukiTabuki: Same

Juniichi: so the Drive Anything isn't working

RukiTabuki: its not You Jun, its us. Lol

Juniichi: Yeah but the tornado's got to be real distracting

RukiTabuki: A bit, but meh. lol

RukiTabuki: Its moving in circles now.

Juniichi: I don't know if I should update then move my stuff around...

RukiTabuki: Maybe, but its fine for now. not bothering me any.

Juniichi: or just hope that maybe they'll create an update that will fix it for everyone else's perspective

RukiTabuki: -nods.-

RukiTabuki: I could try and clear my cache.

RukiTabuki: See if that does anything on my end

Juniichi: It might. Not sure.

RukiTabuki: Let me try.

Juniichi: I know Jaye could see the tornado in the room also

Juniichi: ok

RukiTabuki has left the chat

HeroFromKrypton: ill try too. im gonna close out of imvu and clear my cache

HeroFromKrypton has left the chat

RukiTabuki has joined the chat

RukiTabuki: :/

Juniichi: Hey there

Juniichi: no help?

RukiTabuki: hi hi

RukiTabuki: Nope.

RukiTabuki: Still here. lol

HeroFromKrypton has joined the chat

Juniichi: its got to be the update then

HeroFromKrypton: the tornado is still where it was.

Juniichi: I wonder if its happening to other people's rooms also

HeroFromKrypton: but now there's two seats where they're supposed to be and only one next to me.

RukiTabuki: Ah, yep

RukiTabuki: I see that.

Juniichi: oh so something did change

Juniichi: *looks on the forums*

TaeYe0n has joined the chat

TaeYe0n: What can I do for you buys?

TaeYe0n: -Slighly intoxicated-

TaeYe0n: this is just...madness.

Juniichi: um. Nothing, thanks Tae.

HeroFromKrypton: do you see a tornado in the middle of the room?

TaeYe0n: Yes...

TaeYe0n: Admit it Hero, you want me to violate you.

RukiTabuki: -Yawns and snuggles up.=-

HeroFromKrypton: *bites your nose*

Juniichi: the tornado is representative of the torment that is my fucking soul right now

TaeYe0n: --Purrs.-

RukiTabuki: Aww Jun. -huggles up to.- <3

TaeYe0n: You're in the arms of someone cute and you're fuckin' tormented? You...priorities...get them in order.

TaeYe0n: I will not hesitate to smash some nasal cavaties in.

RukiTabuki: I like this guy already. lol

Juniichi: want to smash nasal cavities in... why?

TaeYe0n: Becaise you piss me the FUCK off!!!

TaeYe0n: Ooooh, waaaah...the guy I want isn't around...GET OVER IT

RukiTabuki: o_O

HeroFromKrypton: you're a little bit too emotionally invested considering we barely know you..

RukiTabuki: Alrighty then...

Juniichi: Yeah... I dunno either

TaeYe0n: I mean, if the furniture wasn't nailed to the'd owe this Lucius person a LOT of credits.

RukiTabuki: -Blinks.- Wtf I just miss?

HeroFromKrypton: ok, who are you?

Juniichi: ...I don't know

TaeYe0n: No one, apparently.

RukiTabuki: :/

RukiTabuki: That's never a good answer

TaeYe0n: I know, right?

HeroFromKrypton: you don't just flip out and go psycho on someone like that without more provocation than a single message that you don't even know the context of.

TaeYe0n: -Meanders off.-

RukiTabuki: I take back my liking comment. lol

Juniichi: I didn't say anything about a guy I wanted not being around

TaeYe0n: It's not exactly like he was forthcoming...just emp

TaeYe0n: emo*

TaeYe0n: to the max.

RukiTabuki: I saw no emo at all...

Juniichi: Maybe I was making a joke, or being sarcastic

RukiTabuki: I took it as jokingly sarcastic :/

TaeYe0n: Then maybe I'm sensitive to the subteness of poor pretences. Who knows? write it off and I promise it'll be forgotten in about six minutes. -Waves.-

TaeYe0n has left the chat

RukiTabuki: o_O

RukiTabuki: Who the hell was that?

Juniichi: I've only seen him a couple of times

Juniichi: I don't know.


RukiTabuki: My best friend is a big black woman actually xD

Juniichi: nothing is as scary as that milkshake video that guy sent me once

RukiTabuki: She calls me the N word alot

Juniichi: Oh that's so nice

Nek0Jac: *grins*

Nek0Jac: that's like you best friend calling you bitch all the time lol

RukiTabuki: Pretty much. lol

RukiTabuki: She came out of no where with that one night

HeroFromKrypton: what n word? nugget?

RukiTabuki: "You N-----."

Juniichi: nympho

Nek0Jac: yeah nugget get your ass over here

Nek0Jac: *giggle*

RukiTabuki: Me: Wha?

HeroFromKrypton: narcissist?

HeroFromKrypton: get your ass over here narcissist

RukiTabuki: Her: You heard me. N. I. G. G. A. H. Niggah.

Juniichi: Nimrod

RukiTabuki: Me: o__O

HeroFromKrypton: nitwit

Juniichi: Nicaragua

HeroFromKrypton: you my nonconformist

RukiTabuki: o.o

RukiTabuki: narly

HeroFromKrypton: i never can come up with big words at random

HeroFromKrypton: they come when i need them, when im saying something profound

HeroFromKrypton: but when im being random.. i cant think of anything.

Juniichi: Nipples.

RukiTabuki: nose

Juniichi: Nerfball.

RukiTabuki: toes

RukiTabuki: elbows

RukiTabuki: :3

HeroFromKrypton: i get weird stuff like "neverlent" and "nongalenupal"

Juniichi: LOL!!

RukiTabuki: xDD

RukiTabuki: ii

Juniichi: *rolling*

Juniichi: ahhh *wipes eyes*


lei_bugster: I'm so tired of feeling sick. It's like damn baby Jesus hive me a break

Junichi: what's a baby Jesus hive?

Junichi: OH

Junichi: ...*derp*

lei_bugster: -give-

Junichi: lololol

lei_bugster: -laughs-

lei_bugster: I love yu

Junichi: *laughing hard at self*

lei_bugster: Yu are the batteries to my light

Junichi: ...oh. that would make a perfect joke about double DDs

lei_bugster: -laughing WITH you- e...e

Junichi: *leans down and rubs my triple As in your face*

lei_bugster: -purple nurples-

Junichi: *is not sure what you're doing, but likes it*

lei_bugster: -titty twister-

Junichi: EEEEE...

Junichi: love the rangs.. love the rangs...

lei_bugster: When I type titty auto correct wants to correct it to tittycaca

Junichi: ROFL!

Junichi: Hey. Careful of my tittycacas


xxLucipherxx: It must be hard.. being hispanic and allergic to corn..

JayeKoji: corn, soy, and a host of other things

xxLucipherxx: thats like.. being asian and allergic to rice.. being black and allergic to basketball.

JayeKoji: LOL ok don't know about you but I don't try to eat my basketball

xxLucipherxx: lmao

Juniichi: Oh I'm fine ^ ^

xxLucipherxx: Huzzza!

JayeKoji: see and hes up.

Juniichi: Quit talking about me while I'm gone >.>

Juniichi: Unless you're talking about how hot my ass is

xxLucipherxx: I talk about you while you're around

xxLucipherxx: o-o

JayeKoji: *pats his hot ass*

Juniichi: I ROLFEd when you said allergic to basketball, btw

xxLucipherxx: Yeeah, its funny cus its true.

Juniichi: *adds to my funny chats*

HeroFromKrypton: *adds to my chunny fats*

Juniichi: *laughs more*

Juniichi: ahhh... I love black me

Juniichi: +n

Juniichi: ROFL

Juniichi: *dying* I love back me!!! LOLOLOL

Juniichi: back? ...

xxLucipherxx: I didnt kow you had a black versio

xxLucipherxx: version*

xxLucipherxx: know*

xxLucipherxx: N KEY DAMN YOU

Juniichi: see, you also forgot your n

Juniichi: the typos just get better and better

HeroFromKrypton: Chunny Fat, Chow Yun Fat's aunt.

HeroFromKrypton: kow

xxLucipherxx: Doest top the sit/shit typo

xxLucipherxx: doesnt&+*

Juniichi: *rubs my hands over my chest* mmmm...I love black me..

xxLucipherxx: Black you should be hung

xxLucipherxx: and has a hunger for basketball?

xxLucipherxx: But with your lucky, you're allergic.

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: you said with your lucky

xxLucipherxx: Same thing

xxLucipherxx: espiky no inglish pro favor

xxLucipherxx: por*

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: pro favor

xxLucipherxx: pro flavor*

Juniichi: mmm...flavor of pro basketball...

Fyrestorm: Flavor of pro me....

xxLucipherxx: Black me loves to ball, but asian me doesnt have the height

Fyrestorm: Poor Chunny Fats

Fyrestorm: v.v

xxLucipherxx: ...hispanic me just wants to sell tamales outta the back of a van..

xxLucipherxx: Which!

xxLucipherxx: Are the bomb!

Fyrestorm: Without corn

xxLucipherxx: Cornless tamales

Fyrestorm: Is that even possible?

Juniichi: I don't think so

xxLucipherxx: Made with coffee filters...

xxLucipherxx: or some ehit.

xxLucipherxx: shit*

Juniichi: LOLOL

Juniichi: YUM!!


Juniichi: do you know where Sharpsburg Mccullum road is in Newnan?

JayeKoji: no

JayeKoji: Sharpsburg?

JayeKoji: isn't like the city on the other side of Newnan?

JayeKoji: not sure but, I don't know where it is.

Juniichi: 154 and 85

JayeKoji: I know where 85 is that is by the Golden Corral but I don't know where 154 is

Juniichi: 34 turns into Col Joe M Jackson Medal of Honor Highway are you shitting me?

Juniichi: how do they get all that on a sign?

JayeKoji: lol its a long sign

Juniichi: lolol

Juniichi: ok 154 crosses cjmjmohh

JayeKoji: LOLOL

Juniichi: I wonder what the locals call it

Juniichi: it looks like its on 85 and 403

Juniichi: like 154, 403, and 85 all three cross at the Hardees

JayeKoji: don't know where 403 is

Juniichi: well it's either that or go to the one off of Flippen Dr.

Juniichi: Which is just as redonkulous as cjmjmohh…

JayeKoji: lolol


Juniichi: you a tall girl

Nickusan: o.O

Nickusan: Am I?

Juniichi: Yep.

Nickusan: You're a short guy.

Juniichi: *grins* That I am.

Nickusan: -Bats lashes at-

Nickusan: Ok. xD

Nickusan: Glad we defined.

xxLucipherxx: We use him to clean under the sofa.

Nickusan: ... Ouch.

Nickusan: Right in the heart.

Nickusan: -Clenches boob woefully-

Nek0Jac: *grins*

Juniichi: My mexican heritage demands that the underside of furniture is clean

Nek0Jac: maybe if I clean under the sofa for him then he will give me more candy

xxLucipherxx: And the lawn mowed.. he's been eyeing it all day seriously.


Juniichi: ok. I got a golf cart to ride around in

Juniichi: This mexi'll see you guys later ;)

Fyrestorm: Laters hun.

xxLucipherxx: Kay, dont cram it full of family members. Unk

Juniichi: ROFL!

FilthyHole: LOL

Juniichi: oh man that was so funny.

FilthyHole: omg

Juniichi: And you ass, you know I'll be putting everyone in it

xxLucipherxx: lol

Juniichi: Just 4 people today instead of the normal 6

FilthyHole: annnd selling tacos out the back?

xxLucipherxx: haha!

Juniichi: don't sell tacos out the back. You sell tamales.

FilthyHole: i want taco truck >.> -hunts one down-

FilthyHole: gdi.

FilthyHole: -so white-

xxLucipherxx: We laugh, but they're making millions hustlin.

xxLucipherxx: Chicken and beef

Juniichi: and 'chicken meow meow'

xxLucipherxx: Thats your asian poking through

Juniichi: that's what he said

xxLucipherxx: Oh-hooo~

xxLucipherxx: He did, didnt he?

Juniichi: Or was it Hero's mom?

xxLucipherxx: Burn. xD


HeroFromKrypton: Hey Jun, and happeh boithdai

Nek0Jac: its your birthday?!

HeroFromKrypton: may your tornado bring you debris in the form of gift wrapped boxes

Juniichi: ...boithdai lol

Juniichi: Just what I wanted! Debris!

Nek0Jac: *gives Juni Sir lots of birthday hugs and kisses*

Juniichi: Thank you, thank you

Nek0Jac: hey hugs and kisses are good for a birthday

Juniichi: *bugs*

Juniichi: ?

Juniichi: *and also huge*

Juniichi: !

Juniichi: Huge Bugs! Huge Bugs!

Juniichi: *runs around screaming*

Juniichi: **hugs

Juniichi: .////.

Nek0Jac: *confused but laughs anyway cause its funny*

HeroFromKrypton: you misunderstand

HeroFromKrypton: debris in the form of gift wrapped boxes

HeroFromKrypton: not just debris

Nek0Jac: cause gift wrapped bugs arent bad enough

Nek0Jac: *hacks and coughs*


Juniichi: *makes my yahoo status*

Nek0Jac: all I read was full nose bleed for your sloppy born rubarb?

Nek0Jac: in the spotlight

Nek0Jac: you got great code skills hero

Juniichi: see, all I see in that is FONG

HeroFromKrypton: flue nos neon noon fong foir snopn bohrno spoihgh

Nek0Jac: hero that is still code

Nek0Jac: you got to uncode it

Nek0Jac: flonaze? at noon for snoopy's last flight

Nek0Jac: see there you go... bet that one was real hush hush

HeroFromKrypton: where is fong?

HeroFromKrypton: WHERE IS FONG!?

HeroFromKrypton: howditgetburned?



This one happened a few months ago. I was saving it, but forgot about it. I have to say that because I have a boyfriend now and this was regarding Naked Wednesday. That's right. A boyfriend. BOYFRIEND. BOYYYYYFRIENNDDDD… Oh yes. I'm labeling you and there's nothing you can do about it. *gets a 'Hello! My Name Is' sticker, writes 'Jun's Boyfriend' on it, and slaps it on Lei's chest* Lei's screenname is BlackxXWingedXxAngel, btw. His hp is located here:

Nek0Jac: *reaches my foot out and pushes Juni Sir's knees a bit more together*

Juniichi: o0

Nek0Jac: *little blush*

Nek0Jac: its kinda right there... cant stop lookin at it

Juniichi: *spreads wider*

Juniichi: You know.. if I raise my knees up a bit..

Nek0Jac: *squeels with a giggle*

Juniichi: You keep lookin....

xxLucipherxx: -braids his leg hair as he spreads.-

Juniichi: ..I think I'm being groomed

xxLucipherxx: -gives your knee a comb-over.-

Juniichi: You gonna groom my balls next?

Juniichi: Cause they're real hairy

xxLucipherxx: Want Me to perm the hairs then?

Juniichi: Oh I don't need that

xxLucipherxx: Texturizer?

Juniichi: You are not giving my balls a jheri curl.

xxLucipherxx: lmao.

Nek0Jac: LOLO a jheri curl... id be a Joylii curl LOLOL

xxLucipherxx: xDDDDD

xxLucipherxx: -falls off couch.-

Nek0Jac: ah.. good stuff

Juniichi: *covers face with hands*

xxLucipherxx: -climbs back up, regaining composure.-

Juniichi: *turns around and bend over the back of the couch* ...I think you dropped something

Nek0Jac: o.o

xxLucipherxx: My jaw?

Juniichi: *wide kneed to keep myself from falling over the back*

Nek0Jac: I.. feel compelled to stick like a sparkler or something in there...

xxLucipherxx: LOL.

xxLucipherxx: Do it.

Juniichi: Ah, America.

Nek0Jac: LOL

xxLucipherxx: -pulls out lighter.-

Nek0Jac: I got one

Nek0Jac: I think...

Juniichi: Oh no no

Juniichi: *sits back down*

Nek0Jac: not that patriartic.. or something?

Nek0Jac: however you spell it

Juniichi: I don't get topped by patriots anymore tyvm

Juniichi: ...patriartic? LOL


Juniichi: ok. I'll bbs

xxLucipherxx: Have ffun.

xxLucipherxx: fn*

xxLucipherxx: o.o

xxLucipherxx: FUN*

HeroFromKrypton: FUN

HeroFromKrypton: have it

xxLucipherxx: F is for friends who do stuff together

xxLucipherxx: is for you and Me

HeroFromKrypton: U is for you and me.

xxLucipherxx: U is*

HeroFromKrypton: C is for the motel in Canada where we do stuff together

xxLucipherxx: N is for anything and any time at all (?)

HeroFromKrypton: lul

HeroFromKrypton: oh i was going in a different direction.

xxLucipherxx: Down here in the deep blue see.

xxLucipherxx: You perv. Of course.


Juniichi: give him a zerbert on his pit


xxLucipherxx: Give him a STD?..

Juniichi: have an STD?

Juniichi: ...can you give those with zerberts?

xxLucipherxx: I would have to go find one. ._.

xxLucipherxx: On a spoon or something.

Juniichi: sounds like a super power

Juniichi: Don't make me zerbert you man

xxLucipherxx: Idk what that ish.

xxLucipherxx: D:

HeroFromKrypton: it's herbert spelled with a z

Juniichi: *grins* It's when you put your mouth against someone's skin and blow air real hard, making a fart like sound

xxLucipherxx: Oh like a compressed raspberry? :D

xxLucipherxx: Im not zerberting his pit. D<

xxLucipherxx: wtf.

xxLucipherxx: lol.

Juniichi: lolol

Juniichi: *rolling*

Juniichi: see watch this *grabs Jack's leg*

Juniichi: *zerberts his inner thigh*


Nek0Jac: *O.O*

Nek0Jac: *tries not to drop my plate and water as my leg goes crazy*

xxLucipherxx: Yes, well.. Im not zerberting a hairy pit.

Juniichi: ...I have a fetish for pits, actually

Juniichi: the curve and bulge of muscle

Juniichi: that little tuft of hair

xxLucipherxx: With funk?

PainGasm: I'm with Joi on this one.

JayeKoji: yeah dont get him started

Juniichi: You mean pheromones

HeroFromKrypton: FISH

Juniichi: rawr

Nek0Jac: *rubs my zerberty leg sitting back down*

xxLucipherxx: Theres pheromones and theres flat out must. xD

JayeKoji: ...musk...

Juniichi: mmmmusk

HeroFromKrypton: musket

PainGasm: 3 musketeers

xxLucipherxx: k*

xxLucipherxx: Maybe fresh out the tub.

HeroFromKrypton: that washes all the musket away.

JayeKoji: more like when Im trying to sleep or something


Juniichi: I'll be in the 5th Dimension if anyone needs me.

Crimante: *takes note*

HeroFromKrypton: tell mr. mxyzptlk i said hi.

Juniichi: He said he wants his edger back

Juniichi: I told him you ate it.

Juniichi: He called you a bad word.

Juniichi: omg. you tossed me off the rock

xxLucipherxx: Spicy.

Crimante: *nods and smiles*

Juniichi: no wonder what mr. mxyzptlk says is true

Juniichi: *eats a few mushrooms*

Juniichi: *chokes and dies*

Juniichi: *falls into the lovely babbling brook*

Juniichi: *bloated and decayed body quirts pungent mushroom bile juice all over the 5th dimension*

Juniichi: *time moves fast here*

xxLucipherxx: ...

Crimante: *eww*

xxLucipherxx: Yeah not sure where to go with that one, Unk.

HeroFromKrypton: im glad i left when i did

Juniichi: I'm in a bit of a mood

Crimante: yeah, same here think i'll abandon ship.

Crimante: deuces.

xxLucipherxx: deuces dog.

Crimante has left the chat

xxLucipherxx: He's in a less mushroom bile like mood.

Juniichi: Understandable.

xxLucipherxx: I think I may go to sleep though..

xxLucipherxx: Nai Hero.

xxLucipherxx: Nai Unk.

Juniichi: see you

xxLucipherxx has left the chat

Juniichi: so was it the grossing out that made them leave?

Juniichi: I've said worse things, haven't I?

HeroFromKrypton: i dunno.. i think Crim left because of his mood and Joy just left to go to bed.

Guest_ivydolly90 has joined the chat

Juniichi: And that's how the emperor found his testicles.

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: I know, funny story, right?

Juniichi: Now you tell your favorite genital tale

Guest_ivydolly90 has left the chat

Juniichi: ...she must have been waiting around for your story

Juniichi: she took her time leaving

HeroFromKrypton: lol.


lei_bugster: I stay sleepy

lei_bugster: I think I gots that sleeping sickness

lei_bugster: I can crash out anywhere lol

Junichi: Well, you don't like to fuel your body

Junichi: *scolds*

Junichi: of course you're going to run down

Junichi: Mr I eat nothing but cheese

lei_bugster: >....>

lei_bugster: *goes off to a corner*

lei_bugster: *looks over shoulder*

lei_bugster: *ebil eyes*

Junichi: *licks your ebil eye*

lei_bugster: X_____o

lei_bugster: *ebil eye on you*

Junichi: *sits with you in the corner*

Junichi: *makes the shit/sit typo on purpose*

Junichi: *shits with you in the corner*

lei_bugster: *points to other corner* >,,,,,,>

lei_bugster: *watches you with his one good ebil eye*

Junichi: No baby. I want to shit with you.

Junichi: *gets all comfortable for a nice long shit with my baby*

lei_bugster: No shitting of the kind in my corner

lei_bugster: Only fapping

lei_bugster: And fappin does not start till 10

Junichi: We can't do both?

Junichi: ohh... so its a time conflict

Junichi: I see

Junichi: *gets calendar* *pencils in special shitting time*

lei_bugster: D:


Juniichi: hi vlood

Juniichi: you look nice



VLOODUS: i am normal

VLOODUS: you look nice

VLOODUS: really pretty

Juniichi: *smiles* thank you

VLOODUS: you welcome

VLOODUS: i hope you like it

Juniichi: Oh.. thank you ^ ^

Juniichi: that was expensive. you didn't have to do that

VLOODUS: i don't mind

VLOODUS: may i see it on you

Juniichi: *nods* sure

Juniichi: just a sec

VLOODUS: you didn't wear it

Juniichi: the blushing?

Juniichi: Yep. I've got it on


Juniichi: You got me a blushing head *grins*

Juniichi: it just gives me pink cheeks

VLOODUS: what about this

Juniichi: what's this?

VLOODUS: look and see


VLOODUS: you look hot

Juniichi: thanks :)

VLOODUS: what do you think

Juniichi: it's pretty

Juniichi: it doesn't look like me though lol

Juniichi: but yeah very pretty

Juniichi: thank you

VLOODUS: you are really pretty

VLOODUS: it makes me want to kiss you

VLOODUS: btw we are both wearing the same head

Juniichi: You should go kiss yourself, then.



VLOODUS: anyway

VLOODUS: let me kiss you before i go

VLOODUS: because i m going to hospital

Juniichi: No. I only want one man to kiss me.


Juniichi: And maybe not even him.

Juniichi: I'm not in a mood to be touched, you see.

VLOODUS: and you don't not even after i gave you 2 gifts?

Juniichi: Here. *gives you my prettiest smile*

Juniichi: I'm sure you know what it looks like, since we now have the same head and all.

Juniichi: :P


xxLucipherxx: -breaks his watch, clenches screwdriver in silent rage.-

xxLucipherxx: >.>

xxLucipherxx: Meh, just a cheap watch from Walmart.

Nek0Jac: you ok Joyli Sir... you're awful stressed

Nek0Jac: you were stressed before too

xxLucipherxx: It froze, so I was gonna remove the battery to reset it but apparently I guess taking it apart triggers a self destruct mechanism...

xxLucipherxx: I'll be okay Jack.. -smiles, handing the Jack a tossed marshmellow.-

xxLucipherxx: I have no luck with watches.. I cant find the one I really want.

Nek0Jac: *big eyes the mashmellow and wanders off to find chocolate to put on it*

Nek0Jac: You know Jaye Sir breaks every watch he has ever had.

Nek0Jac: *nods* I seen him

xxLucipherxx: Watches are EVIL.

xxLucipherxx: Says.. Satan right?

Juniichi: ...well then it must be true

Nek0Jac: whats EVIK

Nek0Jac: I mean EVIL

xxLucipherxx: Watches..

Nek0Jac: *points to self?*

Nek0Jac: *points to chocolate?*

Nek0Jac: ohhhh heehee and here I thought you mean watches *me*

Nek0Jac: cause.. yeah well you... yeah.. heehee.. nvm...

Nek0Jac: *nibbles the chocolate*

xxLucipherxx: Oh no.. lol.

xxLucipherxx: The one item that has both a face and hands... yet cant wash itself...

Juniichi: ...are you talking about Crim's brother?

Nek0Jac: LOLOL

xxLucipherxx: LOL.

Juniichi: Hey, I'm just repeating what I've heard

Juniichi: *hands up*

xxLucipherxx: -handcuffs them.-

Nek0Jac: o.o

Juniichi: *is handcuffed?* ...well.

Juniichi: *blushes*

Nek0Jac: see.. police man

Nek0Jac: I told ya

xxLucipherxx: I am the LAW. -says in his Arnold voice.-

Nek0Jac: wow... im a believer

xxLucipherxx: -grins, reaching over to pet Jack's hair.-

Nek0Jac: *squishes chocolate on the marshmellow to watch*

xxLucipherxx: Can I borrow that, Jack?

Nek0Jac: mhm *hands*

Nek0Jac: *licks it first*

xxLucipherxx: -delicately holds it between his fingers and dabs some chocolate on the tip of Uncle's nose.- Okay.

xxLucipherxx: -hands it back to Jack.-

xxLucipherxx: I had the strangest urge to do so.

Juniichi: *sniff* ...Now I'm hungry for cookies.

Nek0Jac: *looks at Juni Sir's nose* you.. you um gonna eat that?

Juniichi: nose?

Nek0Jac: the chocolate on your nose

Juniichi: *heads to the bathroom to wash my face*

xxLucipherxx: lol, Well I handcuffed and chocolatized Juni.. I guess I gotta harass Jack in some way now. ._.

Nek0Jac: and cookies awwww.... your gonna waste it...

Nek0Jac: nononon *giggles and scoots away drawing my feet up* I'm good

Nek0Jac: *eats chocolate before anymore can be wasted*

xxLucipherxx: -pulls out a canister of Cool Whip.-

xxLucipherxx: But I has Cool whip.

xxLucipherxx: D:

Nek0Jac: ooooooo

Nek0Jac: ok where did you pull that from? *raised eyebrow*

xxLucipherxx: Do you believe in magic? -grin.-

Juniichi: *comes back with wet nose and tethered wrists*

Juniichi: *clinks together*

Nek0Jac: ah well I was just telling hero that the easter bunny and santa and cunts were not all the same

Nek0Jac: cause santa and the easter bunny were real and cunts werent

Nek0Jac: cause none of us had ever seen one

Juniichi: lolol

xxLucipherxx: xDDD!!

Nek0Jac: seen santa

Nek0Jac: hes always at the store

Juniichi: ...I don't think that's exactly what Hero meant

Nek0Jac: hero aint never seen a cunt before so we had this debate sorta

Juniichi: *tethered hands/face*

Nek0Jac: yeah i dont think they exist.. yeah..


Jaye Koji: i so hate this fucking dog right now

Junichi: call the vet

Junichi: what did the dog do?

Jaye Koji: pooped on the floor

Jaye Koji: didn't even try to go out or let me know

Jaye Koji: totally avoided the pad that was there

Jaye Koji: makes me think he is trying to cover something already there or something but

Junichi: did you put his nose in it, spank him, and then spray him with nigegar?

Jaye Koji: oh I put his nose in it good

Junichi: wow.

Junichi: that's a typo

Junichi: o.o

Junichi: *B*

Junichi: I'm not even sure if I should.. apologize, or...

Jaye Koji: yeah cause we got nigegars running around lol

Junichi: *dies a little*

Jaye Koji: *cant help but do a little dance exit stage left*

Junichi: ROFL

Jaye Koji: well ok... that makes me feel a little better

Junichi: ...can I put that in my funny chat?

Jaye Koji: sure

Junichi: *so embarrassed*

Jaye Koji: *grins*


Juniichi: *snerk* ...yeah kinda *wrote linda*

Juniichi: *will now be calling you linda*

xxLucipherxx: Pherxlinda, warrior princess.

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: my typos have all be complete words lately

Juniichi: which make them really funny

xxLucipherxx: My personal favorite typo is the "sit/shit" one.

Juniichi: Excuse me while I shit down?

xxLucipherxx: "Come shit on My lap."

Juniichi: LMAO

xxLucipherxx: -he smiles, shitting in the corner.-

Juniichi: OWW

Juniichi: ROFL

Juniichi: *is crying*

xxLucipherxx: And it perfectly fucks up any sentence.

Juniichi: ahmahgah that's so funny

Juniichi: I"ve never seen taht one in action before

Juniichi: my face hurts

xxLucipherxx: I have.

xxLucipherxx: A friend did it on mistake in a RP thread.

Juniichi: oh I bet he died

xxLucipherxx: Wrote, "-comes in and shits on the floor.-"

Juniichi: *dies*'

xxLucipherxx: And its like, see? This is why they dont like newbs entering this pub.

Juniichi: LOLOL

Juniichi: *is laughing so hard, I'm not making any sound*


Note: This one is long, but worth it.

Sith: How was your day little sea shell?

HeroFromKrypton: lol

HeroFromKrypton: sea shell

xSacredSerenity: -nuzzles- It was sucked a little but it was okay

xSacredSerenity: and Yours Mister?

HeroFromKrypton: *endeavors to come up with an ocean themed nickname for Laf*

Juniichi: I have my ocean nickname

Juniichi: I am Pissidon. God of Watersports.

Sith: Hehe

Juniichi: Oh come on. It's funnier than that.

Juniichi: *brandishes sea weapon*

Juniichi: *shakes it at the fish tank* Attack, my babies! ATTACK!

Sith: Lmao, Jun.

Juniichi: *fish jump out of water and flop all over Pherx*

Juniichi: *flop flop flop*

JayeKoji: um could someone put Jun in some water please?

Juniichi: *puts away my weapon because it makes the fish go nuts*

Juniichi: *take that however you like*

HeroFromKrypton: DUCK

Juniichi: GOOSE

Juniichi: *smacks Hero in the back of the head*

JayeKoji: I dont remember playing the game that way

Juniichi: *runs*

JayeKoji: LOL


xxLucipherxx: kill the lights?

xxLucipherxx: off

HeroFromKrypton: on

JayeKoji: O.O

Juniichi: *feel feel*

xSacredSerenity: Oh hell yeah

Juniichi: *feeeeeel*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: LOLOL

Sith: Yes? lol

xSacredSerenity: damn

JayeKoji: ok Now we play truth or dare

xxLucipherxx: lmao.

Juniichi: *takes hand back real fast*

xSacredSerenity: off

xSacredSerenity: Damn it!

xSacredSerenity: Off

xSacredSerenity: D:<

JayeKoji: lol

xxLucipherxx: off

xSacredSerenity: Yay!

xxLucipherxx: on

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

Juniichi: muahahahaha

xxLucipherxx: off

xxLucipherxx: on

xxLucipherxx: off

xxLucipherxx: on

Juniichi: ROFL

xxLucipherxx: off

JayeKoji: that is sooooo pherx

HeroFromKrypton: you ass bastard

xSacredSerenity: lmao rave time!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: hero has one too

xxLucipherxx: on

JayeKoji: what is this red light green light grope feel hour?

Juniichi: *feeeels*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: turn off all the lights and lets play who’s in my mouth

xxLucipherxx: LOL

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: LOL!

Juniichi: I LOVE that game!

HeroFromKrypton: off

xxLucipherxx: on

Juniichi: LOL

HeroFromKrypton: i do have it

HeroFromKrypton: o.o

xxLucipherxx: xD

HeroFromKrypton: on

xSacredSerenity: off

xxLucipherxx: off

xSacredSerenity: damn it

HeroFromKrypton: off

Sith: Oh yeah?

xxLucipherxx: on

HeroFromKrypton: now it's double off

Juniichi: triple off

HeroFromKrypton: on

xSacredSerenity: Mhm~

Juniichi: >.>

Juniichi: off

xSacredSerenity: off

Juniichi: nope

xSacredSerenity: offfff

xSacredSerenity: off

Juniichi: lol

xSacredSerenity: off

xxLucipherxx: Getting triple off sounds... nice.

HeroFromKrypton: off

xSacredSerenity: off fucking

xxLucipherxx: off

Juniichi: You're off fucking?

HeroFromKrypton: off

HeroFromKrypton: on

Juniichi: off

Juniichi: damn.

JayeKoji: weell the lights should stay off if your fucking... not one of those full room activities lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: off

HeroFromKrypton: off


xOxSugarKittyxOx: oh oh we should play spin the bottle

xOxSugarKittyxOx: we have enough people!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: O_O

xSacredSerenity: Let's do it!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: its upstairs

HeroFromKrypton: do we have enough bottles?

xxLucipherxx: I hate that bottle, we played truth or dare with it.

xxLucipherxx: and it kept landing on Me.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: c'mon guys!

HeroFromKrypton: and here i thought this was some fancy cookie rug

HeroFromKrypton: a cookie with very uniformly placed chocolate chips

Juniichi: But that circle makes my ass go away

xOxSugarKittyxOx: its from too much clothing

Juniichi: ugh. fine

Juniichi: and I still have a butt fin

Juniichi: that was no help

xxLucipherxx: ...Maybe I should put clothes on...

JayeKoji: this isnt strip truth or dare

xOxSugarKittyxOx: pfft

xOxSugarKittyxOx: whtaever

xOxSugarKittyxOx: i ended up naked

xOxSugarKittyxOx: last time

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Jun you start since its pointing at you

HeroFromKrypton: can i squeezy kiss?

Juniichi: eh. Ok *Jun spins and gets Hero*

xxLucipherxx: LOL.

JayeKoji: *props self up on something*

HeroFromKrypton: XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Truth or dare hero~

Juniichi: Hero: Can you squeezy kiss?

Juniichi: oh wait. I jumped the gun

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

Juniichi: lol

HeroFromKrypton: lol

xxLucipherxx: xDD


HeroFromKrypton: i thought this was the kissing version?

xxLucipherxx: Lets get the game figured out first.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: only way the kissing version would work is if we had to write out the kisses

xOxSugarKittyxOx: and like have to try to make it the best ever

xOxSugarKittyxOx: type kisses

xOxSugarKittyxOx: none of this click make out kissing.

Sith: Oh god. *not bothered, with extensive writing*

HeroFromKrypton: that's too much effort.

HeroFromKrypton: i might die.

xxLucipherxx: ...-starts popping Altoids.-

Juniichi: *grins*

Juniichi: ...and we won't get in trouble?

xSacredSerenity: Oh lord lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: its a game

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no one gets in trouble

xOxSugarKittyxOx: meaning i won't kill anyone who kisses Jaye ^ ^

Juniichi: ...I like this game

Juniichi: ...can we choose the kiss location?

Juniichi: For instance, downstairs..

JayeKoji: lol

xSacredSerenity: lol.

xxLucipherxx: HeroFromKrypton: i choose the garage lolz

xOxSugarKittyxOx: its a game its here in the circle

JayeKoji: youre having a whole lot of fun with this Juniichi

Juniichi: I am not.

Juniichi: I am having a miserable time >.>

HeroFromKrypton: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: now if we were playing 7 minutes in heaven....

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol kiss hero already :P

Juniichi: Oh right... I have to kiss Hero

HeroFromKrypton: yes.

xSacredSerenity: XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

Juniichi: ok well. ...>.> *crawls over on my hands and knees, fingers pressing against Hero's chest until he is reclined, leading tongue first, plunging it in deep and hard between his lips*

Juniichi: .///.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ii

xxLucipherxx: ii

HeroFromKrypton: is the receiver supposed to be wordy too?

HeroFromKrypton: i dont know if im good at doing stuff like this on command. lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: c'mon Hero

JayeKoji: you have a tongue in your mouth hero

xxLucipherxx: wordy, lol.

Juniichi: *B*

HeroFromKrypton: im not a circus animal

Juniichi: Oh thank you hero

Juniichi: *slaps hands like seal* ARF ARF ARF *bites*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

HeroFromKrypton: ow

HeroFromKrypton: i never said being a circus animal is a bad thing.

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Juni you're awesome

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ok Hero you don't have to but don't expect wordy kisses

xOxSugarKittyxOx: you're gonna get what you put out.

JayeKoji: ok so just make the giving the kiss good

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -nods-

xxLucipherxx: Fair enough.

JayeKoji: spin hero *Hero spins and gets Jun*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

JayeKoji: well there you go

Juniichi: aw gdifucking

HeroFromKrypton: lol.

xxLucipherxx: XD

xSacredSerenity: Spin again

JayeKoji: lol

xxLucipherxx: RIGGED.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: not rigged

JayeKoji: no no

Juniichi: No come here Hero

xSacredSerenity: No double kisses~

JayeKoji: get to kissin

xOxSugarKittyxOx: karma

HeroFromKrypton: *crawls over to Jun and presses my lips to his, penetrating them with my tongue, swirling it around his*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: oooh

Juniichi: o.o

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ii

JayeKoji: nice hero

xOxSugarKittyxOx: nice Hero

Juniichi: heh.

xxLucipherxx: rawr.

JayeKoji: *nods*

HeroFromKrypton: lol.

Juniichi: Not bad there.

HeroFromKrypton: it's going to sound repetitive the next time i say that.

HeroFromKrypton: lol.

xxLucipherxx: haha

Juniichi: LOL

JayeKoji: *grin*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Juni's turn again

JayeKoji: come on if we are playing lets make it good

Juniichi: You got to get creative with it

xOxSugarKittyxOx: spin again *Jun spins and gets Hero*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: XD

Juniichi: *facedesk*

HeroFromKrypton: the compass is broken

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Hero has a magnet

xSacredSerenity: hehe

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I think Jun's writing the kiss so hold on

Juniichi: *grabs a bottle of Mexican Tequila, yanking the cork out with my teeth, spitting out and filling my mouth with the warm, thick gold, casting it aside and grabbing Hero by the collar, bruising his lips and filling his mouth, oro drizzling down his chin in the fierce kiss*

Juniichi: ta fucking da

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... hodamn.

JayeKoji: ii

HeroFromKrypton: *has his first taste of tequila in a kiss, who woulda thunk it?*

JayeKoji: bra-vo

Juniichi: LOL

xxLucipherxx: :D~

xOxSugarKittyxOx: thats poetic hero

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol


xOxSugarKittyxOx: ok Hero your turn again *Hero spins and gets Ama*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: have fun with it.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Hero's gotta kiss Ama~

xSacredSerenity: wait what?

xSacredSerenity: -puckers up-

JayeKoji: go for it Hero

xxLucipherxx: Pucker up.

HeroFromKrypton: oh, and to make it creative *puts on a rainbow wig*

xSacredSerenity: .__.

Juniichi: lololol!


xxLucipherxx: While we're at it, can we rape people WITH the bottle as well?

JayeKoji: ohHEY thats an idea... *smacks Pherx in the back of the head*

xxLucipherxx: -grins.- ^^;

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no rape

Juniichi: LOL

HeroFromKrypton: woo bottle rape

xOxSugarKittyxOx: this is a consensual game

HeroFromKrypton: ok consensual bottle rape

JayeKoji: they have to *ask* for the bottle rape first come on


xOxSugarKittyxOx: heheh ama's turn *Ama spins and gets Kitty*

xSacredSerenity: XDDD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: O_O

JayeKoji: *get out the camara*

xxLucipherxx: Lesbot action.

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: *videos*

JayeKoji: proceed

xxLucipherxx: make sure to smoosh the bewbs together, plz&thnx

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: LOL

xSacredSerenity: -gets up and gently sits on Kitty's lap with a grin-

xSacredSerenity: Remember that time we played?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -slips my hands around her waist, biting my lip- hmm -giggles

xOxSugarKittyxOx: mhm

xxLucipherxx: Me too.

xxLucipherxx: >>

Juniichi: *pulls my hat down over my head*

xxLucipherxx: JayeKoji: no fapping hero!

xSacredSerenity: -presses her to the floor gently, breathing in her scent slightly as her lips meets with Kitty's. Her body lowering onto hers-

JayeKoji: full body kiss... full body kiss

xxLucipherxx: -takes out camera phone.-

xxLucipherxx: This is gonna be My wallpaper.

xxLucipherxx: So excited. So excited.

Juniichi : wow, the inside of this hat is dark

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -breathes softly, fingers sliding up Ama's back as my lips part, my tongue teasing Ama's soft lips-

JayeKoji: ii

Juniichi: *waits for Hero's single i*

HeroFromKrypton: what, one handed clapping?

Juniichi: Yes.

HeroFromKrypton: *slaps face repeatedly*

HeroFromKrypton: *my own*

Juniichi: It's a fapping joke hero

xxLucipherxx: Thats usually how your dates end. xD

HeroFromKrypton: yes i know. lol

HeroFromKrypton: but im not gutter minded like that.

Juniichi: *whispers* say 'with your mom'


xOxSugarKittyxOx: Hero! *Kitty spins and gets Hero*

xxLucipherxx: Hero action.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: you do have a magnet -eyes you suspiciously-

JayeKoji: all night long apparently

HeroFromKrypton: i do

HeroFromKrypton: *pulls out a comically large red U magnet*

JayeKoji: lol

Juniichi: well that would be a yes

Juniichi: Mr. Magnetron

HeroFromKrypton: that's Captain Magnetron

Juniichi: Yes, GrandMaster Magnetron

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -hops up and walks the length of the circle, pushing you back with the point of my boot, plopping down on your waist with a giggle. My lips trail up your chest, not quite touching but you can feel the warmth of my breath. When my lips come up to your chin, I place a tiny kiss, before stealing one from your lips-

Juniichi: ooh. Nice going, GrandMaster Magnetron

JayeKoji: Didn’t this happen the last time we played truth or dare at kitty's?

Juniichi: Hero scored?

xSacredSerenity: XD


HeroFromKrypton: ok *spins* *Hero spins and gets Joii*

Juniichi: hahahahaha

JayeKoji: ohhhh.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -giggling-

xxLucipherxx: o-o

HeroFromKrypton: lol

JayeKoji: our truth or dare newbie

HeroFromKrypton: finally getting some action.

Juniichi: haaaay~

JayeKoji: lol

xxLucipherxx: -pulls out lip gloss and applies.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -checks to make sure that Jaye's anti magnet is still in place-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Juniichi: aww... Jaye needs to play too

HeroFromKrypton: *straddles Joy's lap, unzipping his top, massaging his chest before leaning in, mashing my lips to his, moving my hips against his a bit*

JayeKoji: hey another full body kiss

xOxSugarKittyxOx: thats hot XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ii

xxLucipherxx: -grunts, grinning. Biting down onto his bottom lip.-

JayeKoji: I knew he was a biter

xSacredSerenity: XD

Juniichi: ...yeah that is pretty hot >.>

xxLucipherxx: Call Me in the morning... -winks at Hero.-


xOxSugarKittyxOx: the par just got raised

xOxSugarKittyxOx: time to step it up

xOxSugarKittyxOx: we're all fuckin good writers -grins-

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

xSacredSerenity: I approve

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I've had sex with most of you so i can vouch for all but one

xxLucipherxx: lol, cookie. xD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... thats not sad. is it? I mean its over the course of 3 years

xSacredSerenity: :3

JayeKoji: naw I guess thats alright

JayeKoji: it is one up on me though

xOxSugarKittyxOx: dude this is an awesome kissing group

xOxSugarKittyxOx: and its fun to kiss everyone

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Spin again Jun?

Juniichi: ok *Jun spins and gets Kitty*

Juniichi: *laughs*

Juniichi: heehee

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ./////.

xxLucipherxx: WEWT

JayeKoji: lolol

Juniichi: really, I saw WET

JayeKoji: you cant be looking at the inside of the hat this time Jun

Juniichi: *gonna tiptoe over and kiss Kitty on the head*

Juniichi: MUAH!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: yay!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ok my turn to spin.

Juniichi: nonono

Juniichi: oh no

JayeKoji: *dying laughing*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: o.o

Juniichi: *tries to think of a plan*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: i'm ok with this...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Last time you kissed me i couldn't breathe ._.

Juniichi: *idea* *grabs you and tosses you over my shoulder*

Juniichi: So long, SUCKAS! *leaps off balcony*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -squeeks-

JayeKoji: LOlOLOL

Juniichi: *leaps over coffee table and couch*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: O___O stay away from couches!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: we are not knocking over couches

xxLucipherxx: -peeks over ledge.- GIVE IT TO HER GEWD

Juniichi: *pauses in the Gimme Ur Love dance node first for a sec*

JayeKoji: *trying to breathe*

Juniichi: *like a gazelle, I leap over the couches, Kitty over my shoulder* Run! Run like a zypher set free!~

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ok ok lemme go -starts to swat at his butt and back, flailing my long legs to try to knock off his gazelle like balance-

JayeKoji: watch out for the door Jun

Juniichi: *scales the ficus tree and tosses Kitty into the fishtank*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: @_@

Juniichi: *rips off my clothes and jumps into the fishtank*

JayeKoji: full body

xxLucipherxx: ....New par?

Juniichi: *swats away mah babies*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -wet-

xSacredSerenity: lmao

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -trying desperately to get out of the water-

JayeKoji: *dying*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -clawing at the glass-

JayeKoji: that is the wettest kiss EVAH isn’t it Kitty?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -dark glare-

Juniichi: *grabs Kitteh, mouthing 'yeah breathe now biotch' and lands her in a passionate, wet, oceanic kiss*

JayeKoji: LMAO


Juniichi: *feels up*

JayeKoji: at least he isnt noming you

xxLucipherxx: -golf claps.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -digs nails into his bare back-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -.-

JayeKoji: lolol

xSacredSerenity: XDD

JayeKoji: oh you love it

xSacredSerenity: This pleases me

Juniichi: *presses you against the glass to give the viewers a nice set of pressed hams*

JayeKoji: lolol

xSacredSerenity: XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -drags my nails down so your babies smell blood >.>_

JayeKoji: let her up for some air Jun. no drowning the hostess

Juniichi: *tosses you back over my shoulder and leaps splashingly out of the fishtank*

JayeKoji: ii

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -lets out a displeased mreowr-

xxLucipherxx: ii

JayeKoji: most aquatic kiss award

Juniichi: *dripdripdrip* No need to thank the great Pissidon, lass. *climbs over sofas*

JayeKoji: lol

xSacredSerenity: XD

Juniichi: *stops for a moist dance with you at the Gimme Ur Love* ...lovely seaweed in your hair, btw.

Juniichi: Green is your color *winks*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -scrambles back to her spot, standing mostly still, arms twitching slightly as she drips onto the carpet, licking her paw-

Juniichi: *climbs back up the railing*

Juniichi: Oh wait. *climbs back down*

Juniichi: *gets clothes*

Juniichi: *whispers* You know the fishtank is delightful this time of year

Juniichi: I mean now Kitty can always say I give her breathless kisses ^ ^

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I could say that before.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -rings my hair out-


xOxSugarKittyxOx: XD

JayeKoji: ow... my belly...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -spins- *Kitty spins and gets Jaye*

xSacredSerenity: lol.

xxLucipherxx: Finally!

JayeKoji: lol but shes all wet and drippy

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -plops down on Jaye, soaking wet-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Yep.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: and Cold.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: JUST how you like it

JayeKoji: *issss wet....*

JayeKoji: ok Jun *grins*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -wraps my legs around your waist, scooting closer as I cup your face in my hands, letting my wet fingers slip into your locs- its not so bad... kinda like kissing in the rain -giggles-

JayeKoji: cold rain... *little grin*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -tilts my head sweetly and barely brushes my lips against yours. Sucking your bottom lip into my mouth, before parting your lips with my tongue, searching for yours as I whimper longingly for you-

JayeKoji: *tilting my head up pressing my warm lips to your cold ones pressing my tongue through them*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: mmmn... -sucking on your tongue with a low moan, eyes fluttering open a bit to watch you... forcing myself to slowly pull away. Licking my lips- mmn. Yummy.


JayeKoji: alright well I guess I need to spin

JayeKoji: get ready hero

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -covers my eyes- *Jaye spins and gets Joii*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: OOOOHhhhh

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -videotapes-

Juniichi: ooooh...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I'm fapping to this later.

Juniichi: lool...

xxLucipherxx: Karma.

JayeKoji: lol

JayeKoji: ok

JayeKoji: *climbs over Kitty reaching over pulling Pherx to me with one hand by his collar* come..on... *barely pressing my lips to his licking just along the inside of his upper lip*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -can't breathe-

Juniichi: .////.

xxLucipherxx: Gladly... -He whispers with a grin, catching Jaye's tongue with his own as he plants his lips over the other's deeply. Leaning forwards on his hands.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -passes out-

Juniichi: >.> *drags her back to the fish tank*

JayeKoji: *little chuckle against his lips kissing him fully before pulling back* dont forget it

xxLucipherxx: Rawrls.. -winks, sitting back.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: bbl.

Juniichi: ...later?

JayeKoji: *chuckle* I think we might have killed a few

Juniichi: why later?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Fapping takes time.

xxLucipherxx: lol. Ikr? o-o

Juniichi: o.o

xxLucipherxx: omg, no. xD

JayeKoji: sit down silly you can do that later

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

xSacredSerenity: /faps

Juniichi: >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... my Master is so hot.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -squees-

Juniichi: it was hot though... have to admit


xxLucipherxx: Your fap will have to wait. xD *Joii spins and gets Kitty*

Juniichi: aaand death complete

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I haven't caught my breath yet

xOxSugarKittyxOx: XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: oh god.

xSacredSerenity: XD

xOxSugarKittyxOx: oh hey i win. i kissed everyone after this

Juniichi: oh well and you have then

JayeKoji: you got to kiss him first

xxLucipherxx: -moves, kneeling infront of her. Knocking her legs apart as he hovers over her. Tilting her chin up with a finger he leans down, gently kissing.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -closes my eyes, moving with his lead, kissing him back just as gently-

JayeKoji: oh the knocking of the knees is good.

Juniichi: Yes... but it says nothing about pressed hams

Juniichi: *holds up card that reads 8.5*

JayeKoji: *grins*

xxLucipherxx: -bites down and tugs her bottom lip as he moves back, breaking the kiss.-

xxLucipherxx: Ham is yummy.

Juniichi: All ham is good ham

JayeKoji: *HAM*


xOxSugarKittyxOx: -gasps- *Kitty spins and gets Jun*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -cracks my knuckles-

JayeKoji: wait I thought you already won Kitty

xOxSugarKittyxOx: yea i'll gift myself later

xxLucipherxx: hahaha, hostess cant win~

Juniichi: wait, did you just spin me?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: mhm

Juniichi: alright *starts to remove my clothes*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -stands up slowly, stretching as I try to think of something just as creative-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -crosses over the circle, picking up the bottle on my way-

Juniichi: *ducks?*

JayeKoji: o.o

xOxSugarKittyxOx: off

Juniichi: *covers ass*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -does unspeakable things-

Juniichi: NONON

xxLucipherxx: LOL

JayeKoji: O.O


JayeKoji: lolol


xOxSugarKittyxOx: -back in my spot with Juni's hat-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: yehaw~


xSacredSerenity: XDD

JayeKoji: lolol

Juniichi: ...welcome to bareback mtn


Juniichi: LOL *Jun spins and gets Kitty*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: O_O

xOxSugarKittyxOx: go away!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: checks my pants for a magnet=

Juniichi: gimme that bottle

xOxSugarKittyxOx: nononon Juni please

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -runs-

JayeKoji: ah.. good times good times...

Juniichi: ...and I can't turn out the light

Juniichi: *starts mission impossible music*

xxLucipherxx: off

JayeKoji: ii

xOxSugarKittyxOx: on

xxLucipherxx: -shags random people.-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: onnnn

xOxSugarKittyxOx: onon

xOxSugarKittyxOx: on

xxLucipherxx: off

Juniichi: OH GOD YES

xOxSugarKittyxOx: on

JayeKoji: LOLOL

xxLucipherxx: lol.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lolol

Juniichi: *satisfied sigh*

Juniichi: Yeah

JayeKoji: this was fun

xOxSugarKittyxOx: where'd the bottle go?

Juniichi: *skips over to Kitty*

xSacredSerenity: >.>

JayeKoji: you lost the bottle?

Juniichi: *leans over and gives her a tender sweet kiss on the lips, slipping something hard and thick into her palm, closing her fingers over it*

Juniichi: *pats Jaye on the back* Don't say I never did nothin fer ya

xOxSugarKittyxOx: XD

JayeKoji: lol oh no Jun... you do plenty *grins*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: wow.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -glances- wow you really are hard o.o

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: JayeKoji: I like kissing

JayeKoji: oral fetish yadda yadda

Juniichi: Evidently a lot

xOxSugarKittyxOx: you can read his entire resume on his name tag

xOxSugarKittyxOx: right now.

JayeKoji: got a listing of residential history on the other side

xxLucipherxx: Lulz!

Juniichi: LOL

xOxSugarKittyxOx: LOL


JayeKoji: *grin* *Jun spins and gets Kitty*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: what?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: really?

Juniichi: I am the titty man tonite

JayeKoji: ok jun and kitty are just going back and forth now

xOxSugarKittyxOx: OK!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ITs going to be like this till its a real kiss.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: so.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -breath-

Juniichi: o0

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Hang on tight cowboy.

Juniichi: o.o

Juniichi: *hangs on*

JayeKoji: *mouths* boobs are good for that

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -crawls over to Juni on all fours, reaching forward with one hand to push him back against the ground. She continues to crawl over him, letting golden strands tickle the sides of his face. She takes his hat and sets it on her head before leaning down to capture his lips hungrily, grinding her hips slowly against his with a small moan-

SilverOnyx has joined the chat

Juniichi: *lips fall slack, groaning into her mouth, her body rocking on my hard cock, my hands gripping reflexively on her thighs, snaking back to her ass to pull her against me, thrusting back in a ...* ooh David's online >.>

xxLucipherxx: ..-stares.-

Juniichi: ./////////////////

Juniichi: .

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -lets out a shaky breath, looking up from the compromising position-

JayeKoji: Hey David

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Hey David :D

HeroFromKrypton: hey David

SilverOnyx: someone's having a good time :p

Juniichi: Nooo...

xOxSugarKittyxOx: we're playing spin the bottle

xOxSugarKittyxOx: wanna join?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -drops the hat back on Juni-

Juniichi: .....

JayeKoji: kitty aready won

Juniichi: *hat face*

JayeKoji: she is just getting in free kisses at this point

xOxSugarKittyxOx: Well if David plays I haven't won yet

Juniichi: Wow. the inside of my hat is dark.

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

JayeKoji: lol

JayeKoji: aww Jun


xOxSugarKittyxOx: idk. I know he got called Uke and he got bristly

Juniichi: ...bottoming feels good

JayeKoji: yeah... he was thinking submissive

JayeKoji: I had to explain all that stuff to him

JayeKoji: *shrug*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I don't know how much he remembers

Juniichi: I used to bottom a lot more than I do now. Couldn't get enough >.>

JayeKoji: Im surprised you dont bottom more than you do Jun

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I still can't view you as a top Jun ._.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I try.

Juniichi: *surprised laugh*

Juniichi: really?

HeroFromKrypton: *spins Jun around* does this help?

Juniichi: *spins back* Hero

HeroFromKrypton: you know

HeroFromKrypton: like a top

HeroFromKrypton: lul

JayeKoji: jun is all top now

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I know.

JayeKoji: hasn't bottomed in a really long time

xOxSugarKittyxOx: But I knew him as a bottom for so long

Juniichi: lol..

Juniichi: Only one I bottomed for was Tiger, I think.

HeroFromKrypton: *spins like a ballerina* look at meeee im a top

xOxSugarKittyxOx: yea... and that's been half our friendship there.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: and then you were subby when you were first Jun

xOxSugarKittyxOx: like uber subby

HeroFromKrypton: or a dreidel

xOxSugarKittyxOx: like made me look bad subby

Juniichi: LOL Hero

Juniichi: Yeah I know. I was

Juniichi: Kitty, you remember what type of top Pyotr was?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -covers ear-


xOxSugarKittyxOx: -covers other ear too-

Juniichi: You know, where he almost knocked the sofa over

HeroFromKrypton: that's some damn top

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -red faced-

Juniichi: And that's me in rl

Juniichi: So yes. Very much a top.

Juniichi: ^ ^

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I just can't see it.

HeroFromKrypton: *goes around pushing furniture over to prove my topness*

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: Hero.. with the power of your hips, man

HeroFromKrypton: *water cooler*

Juniichi: lolol

HeroFromKrypton: *Desk*

Juniichi: o0

xOxSugarKittyxOx: even like when you were messing around this morning.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: It was like oh stop -pishposh-

HeroFromKrypton: *fish tank*

Juniichi: no nono ... don't top the fishtank!

Juniichi: o.o

HeroFromKrypton: *lamp*

HeroFromKrypton: *wait*

Juniichi: Hey, I love lamp!

HeroFromKrypton: *i love lamp*

Juniichi: ii

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lol

JayeKoji: lol

HeroFromKrypton: *hugs lamp*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ii

JayeKoji: I was about to say he can't do the lamp

Juniichi: lolol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: that was awesome

Juniichi: Yes it was


Juniichi: Ok, so back to Pyotr

Juniichi: and the case of the knocked over sofa

xOxSugarKittyxOx: If I dream about Pyotr again

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I am going to be pissed.

Juniichi: You take your bottom like so *places Pherx over the back cushions*

Juniichi: So that he's facing the main desk up yonder

Juniichi: Yes. I said yonder.

JayeKoji: the yonder helps the visuals

Juniichi: Then, you place yourself behind thusly *goes behind*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -hip- so much for barely remembering.

Juniichi: Ok then so one hand on the back of the sofa

Juniichi: Leaning your weight forward, cause at this point your bottom has fallen forward enough from constant impact that he almost flips over himself

Juniichi: *guides Pherx like so*

JayeKoji: he might have something to say about that after his fewd is done

Juniichi: Bracing on the ground, and the couch not on a rug, but clinging to the floor because of those rubber stopper things....

Juniichi: With enough wild abandonment, the couch will be pushed over and land on its back

HeroFromKrypton: causing substantial injury.

Juniichi: and the bottom will shriek, you'll barely notice, just grab the ass, pull back and keep going

Juniichi: yada yada

Juniichi: and the rest is history *folds arms*

Juniichi: *rights Pherx*

HeroFromKrypton: *shrieks*

Juniichi: Oh good god hero calm down


JayeKoji: you know sicko invited me twice to chat

JayeKoji: is that a bit far fetching?

HeroFromKrypton: can i invite sicko to private and just bark at him till he leaves?

JayeKoji: theres no reason to

xOxSugarKittyxOx: it was a fetching joke

JayeKoji: theres no reason for him to be inviting me private either

HeroFromKrypton: no it wasnt.

HeroFromKrypton: it's just me barking at sicko.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: uh huh

JayeKoji: to what? talk about whatever happened this afternoon that matters not at all in the grand scheme of the universe?

HeroFromKrypton: i wish i could copy and paste a whole chat

HeroFromKrypton: but im barking at him.

HeroFromKrypton: i said i would and i did.

JayeKoji: little dog bark or big dog bark?

HeroFromKrypton: woof

JayeKoji: mhm

Juniichi: paste it in Yahoo

Daniel K: Sicko has joined the chat

HeroFromKrypton: Woof!

HeroFromKrypton: Woof woof woof woof woof!

Sicko: lol

HeroFromKrypton: WOof!

Sicko: I bite so back off pup

HeroFromKrypton: Woof.

Sicko: So I take it there's a reason for your invite?

HeroFromKrypton: woof?

Sicko: ~ tosses you a bone~

HeroFromKrypton: woof.

HeroFromKrypton: *woof woof woof woof*

Sicko: Your wasting my time

Sicko: When you think you have something intelligent to say then invite me

Sicko: bai....

HeroFromKrypton: woof woof!

Sicko has left the chat

Juniichi: lolol

JayeKoji: hero you are so retarded lol

Juniichi: that is hilarious

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -facepalm-

xxLucipherxx: -chuckles-


HeroFromKrypton: the dukes of hazzard is on.

Juniichi : Can I call you Cooter?

HeroFromKrypton: why cant i be one of the duke boys instead? At least their names don’t sound like a slang term for a certain part of the female anatomy

Juniichi: Ok np.

Juniichi: I'll call you Enis.

HeroFromKrypton: that's not better.

Juniichi: Ok then. Cletus.

HeroFromKrypton: damn you

Juniichi: ^ ^


Juniichi: *eerie* ...dar-ling come here~

Juniichi: *singing a song*

Juniichi: *not really calling anyone lol*

xxLucipherxx: Oh.. -sits back down.-

InfamousAsh: that's reassuring

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: *continues* fuck me up the re-ar~

Brady1019 has joined the chat

InfamousAsh: nice lyrics

Brady1019: ~stalks~

Juniichi: Ok, that was not a siren's call.

xxLucipherxx: Brady! xD

Brady1019: XD


SayuriHaze: Hero looks super cute like that o.o

SayuriHaze: -stares-

SayuriHaze: ._.

Juniichi: *whispers* wonder if he shaves his balls

SayuriHaze: He reminds me of cottoncandy =3

Juniichi: he's been standing still for so long now, so I'd say prolly not.

InfamousAsh: If he is wearing that he better

SayuriHaze: -she giggles-

Juniichi: LOL

xxLucipherxx: One cottoncandy, hold the hairy nuts...

Juniichi: *wipes my eyes* ahmahgah


SayuriHaze: Haven't the guys/girls your with ever heard of a weed-wacker?

SayuriHaze: Jeeze x.x

Juniichi: ...for edging the yard?

SayuriHaze: I don't know how anyone could stand to have a bush down there o.o

SayuriHaze: I can't. x.x

SayuriHaze: It's all..

SayuriHaze: Itchy and ew.

InfamousAsh: beats me once again I appreciate high maintenance haha

SayuriHaze: >.x

InfamousAsh: I don't like it either

Juniichi: Wow, the inside of this horse head is dark.

xxLucipherxx: Isn’t it uncourteous to stop and pick their hair from your mouth? >>

Juniichi: And I love conversations about vjjs.

Juniichi: Ask anyone.

Juniichi: >.>

InfamousAsh: you just french kiss them and give them their hair back

SayuriHaze: Isn't it uncourteous of them not to freaking make it so that isn't a problem? EW

SayuriHaze: I'm sorry, Juniichi-sama.

SayuriHaze: We could talk about boy parts if you like since you don't like girls.

Juniichi: So Pherx, how's your cock?

Juniichi: Good? Good.

Juniichi: Mine's swell.

Juniichi: ...bad wording.

Juniichi: >.>

xxLucipherxx: I was being general really...

xxLucipherxx: LOL.

SayuriHaze: I was too, actually.

SayuriHaze: Boys need to shave too SayuriHaze: But not all of it!!!

SayuriHaze: Aw I'd cry if someone shaved their happy-trail.

SayuriHaze: But that's just me. =3

InfamousAsh: I don't have one of those

Juniichi: Sounds like a lot of ball scratching in public.

InfamousAsh: you have to cover and scratch when no one is looking that's proper

SayuriHaze: Never been with someone who does that..

SayuriHaze: Then again, my male/female experience not so grand as yours xD

Juniichi: Oh yes my male/female experience is oh so grand.

Juniichi: *makes confused face*


Juniichi: I just don't know how to act when I'm not actively and indiscriminately sleeping with people

Juniichi: It's like that awkward feeling when you don't know where to put your hands

SayuriHaze: o.o

SayuriHaze: I could teach you how to be lonely effectively xD

SayuriHaze: You become supa adorable; like so..

Juniichi: LOL

SayuriHaze: Then you follow people around who have the raging sex lives.

InfamousAsh: That doesn't sound like much fun I think you should just sleep with people

Juniichi: I'm not avoiding sex because I'm lonely. I'm avoiding because I want to keep the man who lets me hang around him lol

xxLucipherxx: Im keeping him on his Ps & Qs.

xxLucipherxx: Gotta keep his titles right.

JuniichiJuniichi : LOL

Juniichi: HAHA

SayuriHaze: peeing quietly? o.o

Juniichi: Hang on. Got to go for a silent tinkle.

SayuriHaze: oooh.. I thought that said "Gotta keep his titties right" for a moment.

SayuriHaze: I wasn't sure how to respond xD

Juniichi: ROFL

xxLucipherxx: My arent you perverted, Sayuri.

SayuriHaze: =O NO I am NOT.

Juniichi: Well it's better than getting my titties left, I suppose.

Juniichi: *glances at countertop* *calls out* HEY! ANYONE LEFT A PAIR OF TITTIES?

InfamousAsh: *cracks up*

Juniichi: LOL!

xxLucipherxx: Wow. lol!

InfamousAsh: bahaha


InfamousAsh: ribbit *reads*

Juniichi: Good frog *pets*

InfamousAsh: *puffs up* :P

Juniichi: Ooh he's a burpfrog

SayuriHaze: ...Ash are you in mating?

SayuriHaze: xD

Juniichi: >.>

InfamousAsh: I don't know I just like when they puff up

SayuriHaze: Look out, Juniichi; he might give you warts o.o

Juniichi: I am not available for mating at this time.

Juniichi: However thank you for your consideration

Juniichi: Would you like to be put on the mailing list?

InfamousAsh: I was considering mating with you?

Juniichi: ...kidding ^ ^

SayuriHaze: Awh.. poor Ash..

SayuriHaze: There is always next season!

SayuriHaze: =3

Juniichi: ROFL

InfamousAsh: I'd be the strangest animal ever I'd really rather mate with myself haha

SayuriHaze: A slug then.

InfamousAsh: oh yes a slug

Juniichi: LOL!

SayuriHaze: ^^

InfamousAsh: that's kinky

SayuriHaze: -she giggles-

xxLucipherxx: Junii, dont make Me pull out My badge...

Juniichi: On noes its the Flirt Police

Juniichi: Pull OHVAH~!

SayuriHaze: o.o?

xxLucipherxx: lmao



Juniichi: LOL Hero

Juniichi: what's the youtube link?

Juniichi: you nekkid?

JayeKoji: I vote for a naked hero on youtube

xxLucipherxx: No no, thats on Redtube.

Juniichi: ...

Juniichi: damn.

JayeKoji: lol

xxLucipherxx: x)

xxLucipherxx: Hey now, you meant to say your bf's name that time.

JayeKoji: im sure he did

xxLucipherxx: Easy mistakes.

JayeKoji: *chuckle*

Juniichi: He hasn't agreed to that level at this time.

Juniichi: >.>

xxLucipherxx: But remember: Today's actions affect tomorrow's title.

xxLucipherxx: -shakes finger at.-

JayeKoji: lol you got a flirt police squad now?

xxLucipherxx: I should totally strip down to a thong and pin a badge to it.

xxLucipherxx: Flirt Police is on the case.


Juniichi: *falls out of chair*


Juniichi: Hey Jaye

JayeKoji: *feels a bit over dresses*

Juniichi: Hey buddy. Quit feeling over our dresses.

Juniichi: *hides behind Hero*

HeroFromKrypton: lol

Juniichi: perv.

JayeKoji: lol overdressed

HeroFromKrypton: says the guy who has no shoes on

xxLucipherxx has joined the chat

Juniichi: Hey Pherx

Juniichi: Watch out. Jaye is feeling over people's dresses.

xxLucipherxx: lol, is he now?

xxLucipherxx: Talented.

HeroFromKrypton: the strange thing is, i dont even have a dress

xxLucipherxx: lol. 3some?

Juniichi: ...I was gonna say

Juniichi: I'm being fingered >.>

Juniichi: well I was *leaned back*

HeroFromKrypton: *hump*

Juniichi: I think you broke my neck.

xxLucipherxx: lmao

Juniichi: ...there is no way to get a decent picture of this

xxLucipherxx: Nah, I dont think so.

Juniichi: we just look like a chair with lots of shoes.


HeroFromKrypton: it's like my three sons

Juniichi: LOL


xOxSugarKittyxOxxOxSugarKittyxOx : I'm back with a nice hot cum

xOxSugarKittyxOx: cup!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: ... omg Jaye can never know.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -bumps it up-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lalalalalalaa

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.>:;;

xOxSugarKittyxOx: soooo how are those bump clients coming Sara?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: How's the weather David?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: mmm the coffee is good >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: god its hard to bump something up when you're the only one talking

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lalala.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: there.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -phew-

SilverOnyx: lol

SilverOnyx: guess you were outta milk eh?

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -BLUSH-

SilverOnyx: hehe

SunnySaraSue: LOLOLOL

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -tapes Sara's mouth shut-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: YOU CANT TELL!


Junichi: He doesn't want me in his bed. He's got a sign over it >.>

Kitty: a sign?

Junichi: Yeah. No boys allowed, especially Jun

Kitty: -gives you a kitty outfit-

Kitty: he'll never know >.>

Junichi: *unzips* *sticks foot in* you're saying..

Junichi: that if I wear this... *stuffs in arms*

Junichi: *zip* ..he won't know its me

Junichi: *dons hood*

Junichi: and I can sneak past the sign ...muahah

Junichi: *casts tail over shoulder a la businessman's tie*

Kitty: wellll it doesn't say no kitty cats

Junichi: this is true

Kitty: and your kitty cat name could be something else entirely

Kitty: like Mr Whiskers

Junichi: ...does he have to call me that?

Junichi: OH!! MR. WHISKERS!!

Kitty: The Kitty cat named Daddy?

Kitty: -pets- Good Daddy

Junichi: LOL

Junichi: *purr?*


xOxSugarKittyxOx: you know its wednesday.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.> chop chop

JayeKoji: not feeling naked today

xOxSugarKittyxOx: are those blue jeans?

Juniichi: yep

Juniichi: I love this shirt Kitty

Juniichi: thank you got getting it for me

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -nods- love got getting you guys things

JayeKoji: oh yeah he makes alot of cool tanks

JayeKoji: I have a few

Juniichi: just trying things in

Juniichi: ON

Juniichi: ...I can't see the bubble from here

JayeKoji: lololol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: got getting things in.

JayeKoji: hazard of naked wednesdays

Juniichi: >.>


Juniichi: As far as I can remember, he never emailed me

xOxSugarKittyxOx: I never check that email.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: was he on your messenger?

Juniichi: maybe..... but that's not connected to my gmail

xOxSugarKittyxOx: it went to your gmail?

JayeKoji: I know how he got it

Juniichi: you do?

JayeKoji: mhm

Juniichi: yes

Juniichi: how?

JayeKoji: tiger gave it to him to send you something that one time cause he couldnt do it from his fathers house cause of child locks or something

JayeKoji: you were livid

Juniichi: OH

Juniichi: I pissed!

Juniichi: WAS

Juniichi: HAHAHAHA

JayeKoji: yeah lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: hahaha

Juniichi: Not like just now

Juniichi: I have more control than that

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.> better get the puppy pads just in case

Juniichi: >.>

Juniichi: *folds over corner of rug with my toe*


ErosMio: gah *face plants into desk*

Guest_Jordanman2259: very sexy

ErosMio: wood has never felt so good

Juniichi: o0

ErosMio: well... actually...

Crimante: lol

Juniichi: hehehehe

Juniichi: I'm going to use that suddenly

ErosMio: lol. but... xD I think I need sleep

Juniichi: "Damn. Wood has never felt so good."

Juniichi: *makes that my yahoo status*

Crimante: i know good feeling woof

Crimante: wood*

ErosMio: ohgod

Crimante: lmao

ErosMio: lmao

Crimante: lol

Juniichi: WOOF LOL

Juniichi: that was an awesome typo!

Crimante: lol

Crimante: thanks junny


Juniichi: you know I can't tell if this guy really hates me or... if he's just trying to get me to admit to wrongdoing

HeroFromKrypton: tell him about how i like to eat candles.

Juniichi: LOL

Juniichi: Somehow I don't think he'll be impressed.

Juniichi: "Hey don't fuck with me, buddy. My friend Hero likes to eat candles."

Juniichi: ...I think its lacking some oomph

HeroFromKrypton: fucking has lots of oomph

Juniichi: LOLOL


InnocentEm: You need to find one person you SOLEy trust, doesnt have to be me or anyone in "our circle" but someone you will NEVER be sexual with but can depend on

Juniichi: ..never be sexual with?

InnocentEm: YES!

Juniichi: *tries to think of someone*

Juniichi: erm.

InnocentEm: flirting is one thing but when you actually act on it i mean

InnocentEm: You need to find someone you will never do that with or it will be the biggest loss in your life

InnocentEm: Dont you have someone you just feel safe with... like you click on a mental level

InnocentEm: Kitty?

Juniichi: I've sexed Kitty.

InnocentEm: Hero

Juniichi: Sexed.

InnocentEm: Onyx

InnocentEm: rim

Juniichi: ...

InnocentEm: *Crim

Juniichi: ...I love you

Juniichi: that was the best typo ever

InnocentEm: Haha.

MeinXBruderXEngel: lol.

Juniichi: Cause my first thought was that I have never rimmed David *puts on my list*


HeroFromKrypton: DOOOC!


HeroFromKrypton: WHAAT?


Crimante: lol

Crimante: Christopher Lloyd is a great man xD


Crimante: we should all be lucky to get dong

HeroFromKrypton: i was well aware that that would be interpreted that way.

Juniichi: ROFL

Crimante: lol

Juniichi: ii *wipes eyes* man that was beautiful

Juniichi: *puts it on my page*


Juniichi: *fights with hard-frozen chocolate ice cream*

Juniichi: *growls and tosses spoon, eating directly out of pint container*

Juniichi: *chats with Jaye at the table for an hour*

Juniichi: *eats pizza*

Juniichi: *heads off to the restroom*

Juniichi *returns* Jaye, why didn't you tell me I had a big chocolate circle stamped across my face? .////.

JayeKoji: *typing* …cause it was cute.

Juniichi: …cute.

JayeKoji: Yeah. You got most of it off your nose with your napkin earlier, though.

Juniichi: .////.


Juniichi: few things are as nasty as opening a capsule of Benadryl and pouring the powder into your mouth

Juniichi: I mean so nasty that you don't understand how this goes through your body without causing some kind of internal bleeding

xKitaKinsx: >.< i don't think i'd be able to do it. i have a really bad gag reflex

Juniichi: I had to take some once while I was driving. Had nothing to drink. I think I saw my spirit guide.

Juniichi: >.>

xKitaKinsx: ._.

Juniichi: *insert joke here*

xKitaKinsx: ~blinks..... thinks about it.....~ oh god >_ xKitaKinsx: that sounded bad

Juniichi: Yes it did. You should work on that gag reflex.

xKitaKinsx: so i shall XD

Juniichi: >.>


xPseudo has joined the chat

Juniichi: hey pse

Juniichi: ..that just so sounds like a sound effect to me

Juniichi: ...pssssss

Juniichi: are so asleep

Juniichi: >.>

Juniichi: *tip toes over*

Juniichi: *unbuckles all your buckles*

xPseudo: OwO

Juniichi: o.o

xPseudo: < w Juniichi: You're supposed to be asleep!

xPseudo: xD

xPseudo: Look what Emmy got me o3o

xPseudo: :3

Juniichi: I was working on making you all jangly when you tried to move later

xPseudo: x3

Juniichi: hehe yeah that is cute

xPseudo: I chose it ^^

xPseudo: :I

xPseudo: I like the tail ^ w ^

Juniichi: *nods* love the tail

xPseudo: < w Juniichi: all wiggly

xPseudo: Mind invader o3o

Juniichi: *snerk*

xPseudo: ... o-o

xPseudo: What does that sound/look like?

xPseudo: I'm gunna get better shoes for this.

Juniichi: its like a snicker. just shorter. kinda snortish

xPseudo: I see :3

Juniichi: slightly sarcastic

xPseudo: I get it < w Juniichi: it comes from the latin word, snerkapotamous

xPseudo: ... .w.

xPseudo: If i was stupid i would believe you :D

Juniichi: which means, to laugh like a snicker but shorter and more like a somewhat sarcastic snort

Juniichi: *draws you a picture*

Juniichi: *goes to find you a link in wikipedia*

xPseudo: ... :D

Juniichi: Here *hands you a stick*

Juniichi: thought you might want to join in the beating of this dead horse behind the couch

xPseudo: :o I have a video of that.

Juniichi: You are your crazy porn

Juniichi: *and

xPseudo: :D

Juniichi: You AND your crazy porn


Juniichi: Oh no thank you

Juniichi: But you are so sweet for thinking of me

xPseudo: Its not that disturbing..

Juniichi: Oh I start higher on the disturbed level than most people

xPseudo: Wait

xPseudo: Are YOU the horse

xPseudo: :D

Juniichi: Me? No. I'm the snerkapotamous.

xPseudo: Creepy owo

Juniichi: which, you may not know this, but it means to laugh like a snicker but shorter and more like a somewhat sarcastic snort

Juniichi: *hits dead horse again*

Juniichi: It's funny. Trust me.

xPseudo: ...

xPseudo: Oki~

Juniichi: *crickets*

xPseudo: I kill crickets.

xPseudo: .w.

xPseudo: Like

xPseudo: 4 last night..

xPseudo: The 5th one got away..

Juniichi: *munch munch munch*

xPseudo: Now i know how murderers feel

Juniichi: *offers you bag*

xPseudo: And the frustration when the victim doesn't die..

Juniichi: *swallows*

xPseudo: < o < Oh thank you..

Juniichi: mmm... crickets.

Juniichi: Not like they're covered in chocolate or anything.

xPseudo: Btw.

xPseudo: Emmy Bear is gunna rape you :3

Juniichi: Yeah? How do you figure?

xPseudo: Ok

xPseudo: so

xPseudo: Like

xPseudo: I'm a bastard

Juniichi: ok

xPseudo: And told her what you did o3o

xPseudo: So

Juniichi: what did I do?

xPseudo: [10:04:58 PM] emma ferguson: Ians pissed me right off now jun is fucking with my boy....HELL NO

xPseudo: >;3

xPseudo: This will be fun ^^

Juniichi: o0 I am so not fucking with her boy

xPseudo: Not the way I told her~ :D

Juniichi: You're on the other side of the room

xPseudo: I'm here cos i wanted to touch myself while looking at my avi.

xPseudo: ;3

xPseudo: I meant every partr of what i just said.

Juniichi: Yeah I believe you.

xPseudo: Good boy~

Juniichi: uh huh

Juniichi: so what did you tell Em we were doing?

xPseudo: < w xPseudo: They you were five knickles deep ;D

xPseudo: x3

xPseudo: Nah just what you said

Juniichi: ...that I was a snerkapotamous?

xPseudo: That was really naighty of you o3o

xPseudo: Naughty*

xPseudo: Mabey :o

xPseudo: Preying on sweet, young, semi-innocent boys~

xPseudo: ... Ok i lied about the innocent part.

xPseudo: .w.

Juniichi: Dude. I'm not preying on you.

Juniichi: I mean normally, sure. I can see why Em would think I might.

xPseudo: I know x3

xPseudo: I know :d

xPseudo: I just liike to wind people up

xPseudo: I do it to Em all the timee

xPseudo: But I use.. other methods.

Juniichi: Yeah but she might be on a hunt for my nards because of it

xPseudo: > w >

xPseudo: Should be fun to watch.

Juniichi: >.>

xPseudo: I think she's drinking or something soon

xPseudo: So like

xPseudo: Mabey she will forget

xPseudo: ^^

Juniichi: *gives you the hairy eyeball* ...and I shared my horse beating stick with you

xPseudo: ...

xPseudo: The hairy whaaaa~

xPseudo: o-o

xPseudo: That's just yucky :x

Juniichi: Yes well. That's what you get.

xPseudo: QwQ

Juniichi: I'm in missing someone I like a lot mode

xPseudo: Uhm

xPseudo: Uhm

xPseudo: Jay?

xPseudo: o-o

Juniichi: No. Jaye is right over there *points*

xPseudo: -Looks-

xPseudo: > _ >"

xPseudo: Uhh.. yeah..

xPseudo: About that..

Juniichi: In my bed

xPseudo: > w >.

Juniichi: about what?

xPseudo: Spank him ;Q

Juniichi: I can't. Not right now.

Juniichi: I tend to.

Juniichi: Just not now.

xPseudo: But getting spanked is funnn ;-;

xPseudo: Dude

xPseudo: You are so dead >w >

Juniichi: dead?

xPseudo: -Nod nod-

xPseudo: >w Juniichi: Did you tell her that now I'm two elbows deep?

xPseudo: x3

xPseudo: Just get ready for a yahoo message

Juniichi: It's all because of my lack of depth perception, you know.

xPseudo: I love how you stopped typind

xPseudo: x3

xPseudo: Typing*

Juniichi: Hey Pse

xPseudo: Yup

Juniichi: Say hi to people reading my page...

xPseudo: Wut?

xPseudo: owo


Juniichi: I got an office on IMVU

xPseudo: Orly

Juniichi: Yar.

Juniichi: we meet in the office and work. real business and all

xPseudo: You wear that ? ;3

Juniichi: nope

Juniichi: I wear this

xPseudo: Slick~

Juniichi: ty

xPseudo: I go to work naked.

xPseudo :3

Juniichi : So, what's it like being a hooker, then?

xPseudo: Its not that bad..

xPseudo: :D

Juniichi: *suddenly has a lady on me*

xPseudo: I think you just got laid c;

Juniichi: Wow, I think that makes me a mack daddy

Juniichi: or a minute man.

Juniichi: not sure.

xPseudo: I want to be the one with the big hat o3o

xPseudo: With the feather~

Juniichi: want to be Yankee Doodle Dandy?

xPseudo: Yup :3

Juniichi: You have not far to travel, my friend.

xPseudo: Win ;3


Juniichi: Hey Vestrum. Isn't that like a title for a priest or something?

Vestrummatt: Greetings. Nah, just some garbled Latin translation that I picked up as a nickname a while ago.

Junichi: I think the term is a title in a video game. They are like priests or learned scholars or something. I think his name was Vestrum Tobias. Vestrum Matt is a bit less lofty. Sort of akin to "Pope Skippy IV".


Fjaana: aaw

Fjaana: how lovely

Fjaana: look at that, a man who buys his sweetheart an engagement ring. ~sigh~

Juniichi: homg, I just said your name aloud.

Fjaana: you said it wrong

Juniichi: .///////.

Fjaana: or you wouldn't have omg'd

Fjaana: fee YAH nah

Juniichi: >.>

Juniichi: shhh

Juniichi: *hides under hat* ....lies.

Unoace has joined the chat

Unoace: finally a room awwway from the negros

Juniichi: *falls out of chair*

Guest_spoonlessrebel: haha

NelaBunneh: o.O

JAl313: O_@

Juniichi: Man! What an entrance~

NelaBunneh: *lynches Uno*

Juniichi: Way to save me from a fabulously embarrassing situation

Unoace has left the chat

Juniichi: >.>

JWickidKursed: ty

Fjaana: sorry I took so long.


HeroFromKrypton: have you had keebler shortbread cookies?

HeroFromKrypton: sandies?

Juniichi: pecan sandies?

HeroFromKrypton: yeah.

HeroFromKrypton: whichever

Juniichi: those are ok, but back home they have them and they're called Mexican Nut cookies

Juniichi: which are, of course, better

Juniichi: ^ ^

HeroFromKrypton: well im thinking more of the shortbread portion of the cookie and not the pecan part.

HeroFromKrypton: is it just me, or do they remind you of restroom soap?

HeroFromKrypton: the pink kind

Juniichi: hang on. can't type. laughing.

HeroFromKrypton: XD

Juniichi: Yeah, buddy. I'm thinking that's all you.

HeroFromKrypton: well ive never actually drank restroom soap. but the taste of the cookies reminds me of the smell of it

Juniichi: ohh I see.

Juniichi: Yeah that's still you

Juniichi: I don't think I would make that connection

Juniichi: but then... I think I'd be awfully hungry for Mexican Nut everytime I went to the bathroom

Juniichi: XD

HeroFromKrypton: im sure there's a lot of guys who meet up that way too.

Juniichi: Blame it on the cooookie


xOxSugarKittyxOx: -leans down and kisses Master's head-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -then clings to it-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: no you can't go ><

Juniichi: ..nice hat

JayeKoji: *chuckle* right?

JayeKoji: let go... I have to go to bed kitten.

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -perched-

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: but but.... dark will be the world....

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -sniffles-

Juniichi: Hey, your hat has titties.

JayeKoji: Yes, I'm surprised you haven't taken any pictures.

Juniichi: i TOOK SOME

Juniichi: *yells*


JayeKoji: lol I can hear you still over on the other side of the wall Jun, its ok


JayeKoji: lolol


JayeKoji what you get when you consult your inner child...

JayeKoji: cause now I want icecream

xOxSugarKittyxOx: you should get ice cream :D



xOxSugarKittyxOx: -petpet-

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: lolol

JayeKoji: I'll bring you up some when I come back

Juniichi: thank you ^ ^

Juniichi: ... I like to wear my businessman on the outside

JayeKoji: wear your businessman on the outside lol that mean your penis is hanging out?

Juniichi: Yes it is. *poses and puts on your hat*

JayeKoji: lol

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -is now on Juni's head-

JayeKoji: thats great

xOxSugarKittyxOx: >.>

xOxSugarKittyxOx: JayeKoji: Take care of her while I'm gone. Don't work her too hard.

Juniichi: *does a Mary Tyler Moore*

JayeKoji: *watches kitty sail over the wall*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -not sure what that means but clings on-

xxJoiixx: You're in mid air.

xxJoiixx: Froze.

Juniichi: *looks up*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: i'm afraid of heights ! > xOxSugarKittyxOx: -sobs-

Juniichi: Oh look. Panty shot.

Juniichi: *click*

JayeKoji: riiight... she wouldnt know who mary tyler moore is

Juniichi: Hero would... if he was paying attention.

Juniichi: *put's Jaye's hat on hero*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -is now on Hero's head-

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -not sure about this-

Juniichi: ...Just don't pee on him

Juniichi: He hates that

JayeKoji: Not gonna ask how you know about hero's pee preferences but ok

Brady1019: ~checks room..pulls kitty from the wall before returning to cook~

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -clings to Brady's leg-

Juniichi: Hey Look. Your leg has titties.

Brady1019: ~steals a kiss from jun before leaving~

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -is going places now-

Juniichi: *is kissed*

xOxSugarKittyxOx: -tries to steer brady back to Jaye-

Juniichi: *calls out* KITTY...get me a granola bar while you're in there!

xOxSugarKittyxOx: KAY!


SilverOnyx: back

Juniichi: ok... as a former hairdresser, I have waxed eyebrows, lips, cheeks, entire faces, underarms, pubic regions of certain special peoples... maybe a leg or two. I don't remember.. but I can genuinely say I have never waxed an anus.

Juniichi: o0

Juniichi: wb >.>

Juniichi: *b*

Juniichi: ...nice time to return.

SilverOnyx: lol

JayeKoji: ROFL

JayeKoji: can you imagine though.. seems a asshole would be the worse place for someone to pull the hair

Juniichi: ...for the person doing it

Juniichi: I mean... strange assholes all day.

JayeKoji: lol strange assholes

JayeKoji: I guess familiar ones are better?

HaloDivine: eheheeee

Juniichi: takes on a new meaning doesn't it? *g*

HaloDivine: ohh I know this asshole

HaloDivine: yay!

Juniichi: LOLOL

JayeKoji: *dying*

HaloDivine: seems if it went fast though it would be awesome

JayeKoji: wait what? awesome?

JayeKoji: lol halo?

HaloDivine: yea rip it off fast like a bandaid

JayeKoji: I can just hear the scream then YEAAAHHH!


HaloDivine: followed my omg mmmmmmm

HaloDivine: what a fuggin rush

JayeKoji: lolol

HaloDivine: do it again

SilverOnyx: :-p

JayeKoji: halo high fivin the worker

Guest_reynacubito has joined the chat

Juniichi: kinda like going to a fisting parlor

HaloDivine: O.O

Juniichi: Welcome Reyna!

Guest_reynacubito has left the chat

Juniichi: LOL

JayeKoji: that is too funny

JayeKoji: ah.. ahhh... *breathes*

HaloDivine: no doubt

HaloDivine: but i like pain

Juniichi: "Excuse me Miss, but is it alright if I lay here and wait for my erection to go away before getting up to put my pants on?"

HaloDivine: hehehheheee

HaloDivine: =x

SilverOnyx: :-p

Juniichi: Cause.. you know.. I might just.. *grinds against the gurney*

Juniichi: your work, btw

JayeKoji: lolol

JayeKoji: love your work... lolol

SilverOnyx: hehe


Herofromkrypton: Brazil

Junichi: you like brahzeel wax?

Junichi: i give you brahzeel asshole wax *nodnod*

Herofromkrypton: O.o

Junichi: you take off pants now

Herofromkrypton: lol


Herofromkrypton: O.O


Juniichi: hi everyone

Juniichi: ...foxy room

Guest_zegrosso: hi

HiroProITagonist: lol

HiroProITagonist: yeah usually there are more

Juniichi: I mean had I known... I would have brought hunting gear?

Juniichi: worn more orange

Juniichi: dressed as an wait, what do foxes eat?

Juniichi: ...ohh rabbits

Juniichi: *looks at the rabbit*

Juniichi: ...well played, my friend *nods*

HiroProITagonist: sigh I know

This makes me think of me and Jaye. Idk.

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I found this on the Everyone channel on pulse. Probably confused the crap outta this guy.

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