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So, who is this guy?

Well, as you can see i'm Hendrikjeh. I told you before that i live my life the way i want to. But how do you live your life? That's quite simple. I list a few things below here what i do!

I used to help people with their problems, Now i don't. It became exhausting and i stopped seeing the point. They made the same mistake over, and over again. It was trying to sto pa fire from spreading with fuel. Now I only help friends and family. I don't care for the rest of the world. I have stopped caring, I have stopped being shocked.
I live my own life, I go where i want to go, My mistakes are my own.
From time to time i write poems! i already have a bunch of them. I also deleted my old ones, they gave me memories i didn't like to have back then.

I used to love helping people because i wanted to see them smile again because i knew how the loneliness felt. I knew the pain. But now, i have come to realize that pain is part of us. It teaches us, It makes us realize what is important and what is not. It makes us see what is right for us and what is, or was not. It makes us humans, It makes us care. I used to thing i was the one that needed to help every one he could., but i realized that was impossible. We make mistakes to learn from them, if we keep making the same, it means we haven;t learned what life tries us to teach.

Hi there!

Welcome on my page! I hope you like what you see. And if not. To bad for you! I lived my life like i want to. Maybe not when i was little, Can't remember it. But for as long as i can remember i lived my life the way i want, And made my own decisions. And felt my share of pain by those decisions. And i learned from them. I'm glad i did that. I have disapointed my parents, but that is what every child does. It's part of growing up. You will never be able to please everyone, and that doesn't matter. The only person that needs to be happy about what you are doing is yourself.


As we fall down, we wait. We wait for something to happen. For something to catch us, To suddenly grow wings so we could rise again Falling, without a purpose. Without a goal. No strive, no drive We want to fly, to be caught. But how? Untill we fly, we will fall. Until we found our purpose. A great mind once said something like this ''Living without a purpose is no difference than being dead''


This text scrols sideways... have you noticed that? You haven't? Well, Now you know :)