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Membro dal: 2006-12-31
Age: 32
Stati Uniti - NY
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"last years wishes are this years apologies"

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sup pplz... it's meh alexz!! here 2 have fun! and screw around! and worship gorrilaz! i'm a big gorrilaz fan!! ROCK THE HOUSE!!! If u wanna no a lil bout me i like marine biology... love animals... seirously i'm gonna be a marine biologist or marine toxinoligist when i'm older... wth is that right??? they study the poison in marine animals... pretty kool right??!!! well i hope i sparked a fancy... if not then please leave... lol j/k ne 1 is welcome just no pervs and no sicko's (even tho i'm kinda sick in the mind 2 lolz!) well then have a blast and listen 2 gorrilaz bye!!!! Hi people... .i have a confession to make ................................... I LIKE WARHAMMER40K!!!! W00T!!!! W00T!!! W00T !! if u dont no what that is thats a table top game where u build and paint models and battle with them... i'm buing some new figures so once i finish painting my models i'll take pics of them and upload thim onto my hp ok??!!! p.s. i'm tyranids... the dude my avatar is is chaos space marines... BOO SPACE MARINES SUCK!!!! I JUST GOT THIS REALLY EXPENSIVE GUY SO THAT I COULD MAKE IT KICK ITSELF IN THE CROTCH 10000 TIMES!! W00T!! ROFL!!! no but he's an awesome avatar... n e way bak 2 tyranids... tyranids r an ailien race that wants 2 take over the universe!!! no we're not evil!! we just want you're home planet! uhm tyrnaids r kinda dumb ppls so they have a hive mind *cough me* and they attack in great numbers a.k.a SWARMS!!! GAAAA!!!! so yah i alineate my family and friends just to paint my models and hang out with you guys.... DON'T YOU FEEL SO HONORED???!!! DON'T YOU!!!!!!
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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La mia Wishlist
sup pplz this is my wishilst.... well there aint much cauz i'm always loaded with credits 2 spend!!! but just some info... if i'm sick or grounded or something *ahem* and u wanna give me a gift give me anythin relatin to the gorrilaz band (and possibly merdochhe's my fav!!) (merdoch is my role model lmao!!)
Black Tank with Dogtagspacerspacerspacerspacer
I miei amici (7)
La mia persona speciale
omg i dont no how to put it in words... but i luv her more then n e thin... lyk seriously! Theres no words in the english language (let alone spanish french chineese german croation lithowaninan nd spanglish!) or any language that could describe my luv 2 her... ok theres only one word

she's mine! don't think of stealing her... caus if u ever! ever! try to steal her or hurt her don't be expecting roses from me at you're funeral.
Photobucket ell-oh-vee-ee
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friendly Amici 7
visitors Visitatori 365
kharma Regali 4
generosity Generosità 21


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