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About me: like to rollerblade, hang out with muh friends, and listen to music bout myself, Age: check above Gender:Male Single: Yesh v.v ~/~..~Marriges~/~..~: Britt -
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Justin Winchell Birthday: April 10th Birthplace: Saratoga hospital Current Location: My House Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Dirty Blond Height: About 5'7" Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Indian, Italian, and German The Shoes You Wore Today: Black Suade Your Weakness: Love Your Fears: None Your Perfect Pizza: Extra-Extra Cheese Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Good Relation ship Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: hehe Thoughts First Waking Up: Must...Sleep Your Best Physical Feature: hmmm dunno Your Bedtime: dont have one Your Most Missed Memory: love Pepsi or Coke: coke McDonalds or Burger King: burger king Single or Group Dates: single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton Chocolate or Vanilla: vinilla Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee Do you Smoke: no Do you Swear: yesh Do you Sing: when im alone Do you Shower Daily: yesh Have you Been in Love: Alot Do you want to go to College: maybe Do you want to get Married: yesh Do you belive in yourself: sometimes Do you get Motion Sickness: no Are you a Health Freak: no Do you get along with your Parents: no Do you like Thunderstorms: favorite weather Do you play an Instrument: nope In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no In the past month have you Smoked: no In the past month have you been on Drugs: no In the past month have you gone on a Date: no In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yea In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no In the past month have you been on Stage: no In the past month have you been Dumped: no In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no Ever been Drunk: yea Ever been called a Tease: XD yesh Ever been Beaten up: yea Ever Shoplifted: >.< no How do you want to Die: next to the one i love What do you want to be when you Grow Up: dunno yet What country would you most like to Visit: Japan In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: any one i can stare into Favourite Hair Color: dont care Short or Long Hair: dont care Height: any Weight: preferably average Best Clothing Style: any Number of Drugs I have taken: none Number of CDs I own: dont care Number of Piercings: dont care Number of Tattoos: a few Number of things in my Past I Regret: none
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! Back to the Remedy..'s Interests General ~Art///~Music///~MyFriends///and others..///
You should have red eyes. You are.. well.. intent on enslaving the human race and dominating the world. You take pleasure in killing people and small animals, especially the cute and cuddly variety. Just.. um.. try to calm down.
What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics ) brought to you by Quizilla You are "Aquarius" by Within Temptation. You have a thing for dangerous and push the limit. However, your loved ones who see this doesn't like this and tries to keep you away from it (a special someone, dangerous sports, self-harming etc.)but you like it. It makes you feel free and don't want to be away from it.
Which of the rock songs that I like are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla Your connection with darkness is through your hate. It's burning from the inside and you feel it strongly everyday. All kinds of things make you hate; the governmate, teachers/the boss, students in school/work, family etc. Well, you feel like the world and everyone in it hates you, so you hate it and everyone back. You probaly don't like changes since nothing good ever comes out of them. Though your hate is big, you can still have a soft spot in your heart for someone. You're not numb or anything, your problem lies in that you feel too much. Life is too damn complicated, isn't it?
What is your connection with darkness? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla Your soul is caring. Other people are your concern, even if you don't know them. If you see a person trip you worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones first and you're very mature. When someones sick you're nurturing and always try to help family and friends when failure strikes them. You can be called the motherly one, if you are in a group of people, which doesn't have to be bad. Love is something that's already in you and you have a lot to give whether you believe it or not. Your friends probably love you very much and come to when they need help since you're reliable. People can feel secure with you and generally like you.
How is your soul? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot temper and you can be warm and loving as well and angry and wild. It all really comes down to what you are feeling. You have a lot of close friends who you are very protective over, and with your temper probably some enemies too. You are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are your own person and don't want to be forced into behaving this or that way. You are the untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied down for the moment and just keep going with your little crushes. Your will is strong and if you set your mind to do something, you will most likely succeed. But beware, your friends may not always accept your mood-swinging behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean, they can still feel hurt. You just need to start thinking some things through before you do them, and not always jump in with so much courage. One day you may be hurt because of that, but then again, your element isn't fire if you start to analyse situations before you act. After all, your nature is to shoot first and ask the questions later. Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres] brought to you by Quizilla Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and often try to figure out the meaning of life, why we are all here etc. You may not be so social, and often think twice before acting but those thoughts you have in your mind never stop flowing in. Sometimes you can be so concentrated you forget about other things that you have to do. Don't change, this world needs deep people.
What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics] brought to you by Quizilla You are a Samurai. You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.
Main weapon: Sword Quote: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain Facial expression: Small smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla You need understanding. In your life there has been many people that could never seem too comprehend your personality. Now you have either become an out-cast because of their narrow minds or you have adjusted yourself to them, and never letting them see who you are deep inside. You now think that no one will ever understand you and you hate that fact. Though you are scared of what the effects might be if you would decide to let someone in so you keep a safe distance that you both curse and bless.
Explanation: Unlike everyone else you can change your body materia and transform into anything (e.g. an animal). This can be used in good purposes for infiltrating evil headcuarters or adjust your physical abilities by transforming and therefor do better in battle. If turned to the evil side, a transfomer could manipulate the "good guys" by looking like their loved ones and break them down. As a person you are dissapointed with life. You have not so many interests anymore and has become depressed. Of course you can be happy, but your happiness subsides quickly and don't last very long. You isloate yourself from people since you think they would only hurt you, but some part just wants someone equal who understands the pain. When you transform it gives you freedom and you can be anything but yourself. You often pity yourself but don't let people come near and know what's going on with you. But the thought of opening up and risking being betrayed is too strong and intimidating to even try. Negative aspects: You carry much hate to the world and yourself and in the long run this could lead to dangerous thoughts (suicide/cutting/killing) though the last one is least likeable since you would probably just have too much guilt.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla "Time passes by, but persistant demons still clutch on to me" You have been wronged in the past and have to live with those awful memories now. That is why you carry inside much hate and sadness, which you hide away to most people. To this day you still feel pain thinking of it, and desire revenge done to them/him/her, to right the wrongs that has been made to you. You usually are alone or with a few friends, but you aren't too keen on the human race anylonger. You might find temporary happiness in some sort of activity, such as music, to get out your feelings, even if it is just listening to it. Most people might think you are overreacting to still feel such contempt, and that doesn't exactly help to be around those who can't understand. You might feel insecure nowadays, and you have little faith in most things.
What is Your Phrase? [for darker people] brought to you by Quizilla You'll have a sweet relationship. To both of you, it'll feel like it's first love again. You might go slow, but it's long lasting. You care for each other and will always be there no matter what. Sometimes you can't even believe you are this much in love.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait) brought to you by Quizilla Take the quiz: "What HAPPY BUNNY are u?" u suck and thats sad u hate geeks & losers, umless u are 1 Music songs on my playlist right now, -1000 Words ~ From FFX-2/// -Cold ~ Crossfade/// -Let Me Be With You ~ Chobits and many other animes/// -Du Hast ~ Rammstein/// -Fighting Dreamers ~ Naruto/// -Wish You Here Here ~ Chobits/// -She's So High ~ Tal Bachman/// -Gravity Of Love ~ Enigma/// -Real Emotion ~ FFX-2 opening theme/// -Only One ~ Yellow card/// -Haunted ~ Evanesence/// -*Numb, Forgotten, Faint, Crawling, Papercut, One Step Closer, In the End* ~ Linkin Park/// -Through the Night ~ Outlaw Star/// -Let The Bodies Hit the Floor ~ Drowning Pool/// -BlitzBall Theme ~ FFX opening theme/// -Sudeki Da Ne ~ FFX/// -The Sickness ~ Disturbed/// -Scars ~ Papa Roach/// -Sobasku ~ Ruronin Kenshin/// -Halo ~ Soil/// -Simple and Clean ~ Kingdom Hearts main theme/// Movies ~Constantine///~Seed of Chucky///~The Longest Yard///~any other horror movies/// Television ~Anime- Inuyasha>Ruroni Kenshin>Samurai Champloo>s-CRY-ed>Chobits>Zatch Bell>many more Books Harry Potter Series///Mangas///Shoenen Jump Heroes friends Groups: Anime Fans Band Together, Attack of the Games