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Membro dal: 2006-05-12
Age: 41 18+ Età verificata Età Verificata
United States - AR
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"I speak in verses, prophecies and curses"

See My Albums (6)

Hi and welcome to my page. :)

I'm 24, female, and living in rural Arkansas. I'm mom to five dogs, four cats, a horse, a parakeet, and two leopard geckos. I don't have any human children (my daughter passed away four years ago), and don't plan on having any in the future. My pets are my children and are just as important to me as any human member of my family. I'm somewhat of a "pet care elitist" and take the health and well-being of my animals very seriously. I'm a strong advocate of pet rescue, spaying/neutering, positive reinforcement training, and natural diets (raw and grain-free for canines and felines) . I am proud to say that all of my dogs and cats are rescued - either adopted from a pound/shelter, taken in as strays, or privately rescued from bad situations.

I am a submissive pet, and I am very happily owned. Master and I have been together since November 2007. He was there for me during my separation and divorce, and has given me everything I need in so many ways. We live together and are completely monogamous. I am His in heart, mind, body, and soul.

Animals and nature are two of my biggest passions in life. I love doing things outdoors - hiking, camping, boating, rock climbing, exploring, horseback riding, off-roading, and more. I've been horseback riding since I was eight years old, specifically in English disciplines (huntseat, dressage, jumping, cross-country, and a little bit of sidesaddle). I love to work with dogs just as much as horses. I work with all of my dogs, training them myself. I'm working on getting all of them their Canine Good Citizen certifications, and am hoping to start competing in Obedience, Agility, and Rally-O. Besides outdoor activities, I like to read and write, do crafts, listen to music, watch movies, and play on the computer. I collect knives, model horses, animal bones, stone fetishes, and other random things.

I'm not religious, but I consider myself spiritual in my own way - I call myself an eclectic atheist. I don't believe in or worship any deities, but I have incorporated aspects of Native American and pagan religions into my spirituality. I also believe in ghosts - the paranormal fascinates and scares me at the same time. I like to go ghost hunting and have had some interesting personal experiences. Although I'm currently in a heterosexual relationship, I am bisexual and self-identify as "queer". I'm also an activist and have strong opinions on certain politics. I'm pro-gay rights, pro-animal rights, pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, anti-Bush, anti-censorship, anti-breed specific legislation, and anti-electorial college, among other things.

I work for my Master's Karaoke/DJ business, and I help out with ideas, promotion, updating the databases, booking, and finding locations. Because of the entertainment business, Sir and I have a busy nightlife and spend most night in various local bars. I've also recently started my own pet care company offering pet sitting, dog walking, and canine nutrition consulting. I'm an apprentice dog trainer and hope to include positive reinforcement training as one of my company's services in the near future. In addition, I am a volunteer firefighter and train horses for a therapeutic riding stable.

To sum me up: I'm emotional, fragile, and somehow resilient. I have a wide range of interests and hobbies, varying shifts in mood, a strange sense of humor, a habit of obsessing over and collecting very random things, a kinky streak, and am often confused about life in general. People describe me as multi-faceted and a true Pisces.

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
Il mio indirizzo URL

I am only human - sometimes I make beautiful things and sometimes I make mistakes. Animals are my biggest passion in life, and my pets are my whole world. I'm a Pisces. I love the outdoors and exploring, learning, discovering. I thirst for knowledge and like-minded souls. Music, poetry, and art are of high value to me. I'm text-book crazy - there's a poison in my mind that I can't always control. I'm a multi-faceted enigma, a collaborative effort of many parts - a collection of varying and sometimes conflicting interests, ideas, and emotions. I'm a dreamer, a thinker, and an activist. I'm a devoted lover and a loyal friend to those who treat me right. I'm misunderstood by many, but willing to open up to trusted friends if they will take the time. I'm passionate, over-emotional, empathetic, but often unable to relate to how other normal people function and think. I often feel like a small child, yet feel aged, worn, and over-experienced for my years. I've been through hell in my life, but I've managed to make it through and hopefully am a stronger person for it. Sometimes I feel strong and like a survivor, other times I feel broken and weak, like I will always be a victim. I live with my heart on my sleeve - I'm thin-skinned and sensitive. I like to think of myself as deep, intellectual, spiritual, and as a good person who does good things. Other times I feel like I'm none of these. I'm self-made, and often self-destroyed. I am a work in progress.
I miei amici (18)

My Pets
Yes, my pets go here too because they're very important to me, sometimes moreso than my human friends. :p

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Here are my friends on IMVU. Some are people I know from offline, some from other places online, and some that I've just met through random encounters here on IMVU.
My boyfriend/Master. I love this man with all of my heart. I am such a happier, healthier, and stronger person than I have ever been because of his influence. He is so sweet to me and treats me like I'm his whole world.
My best friend in real life. She is always there for me and we have so much fun together. She's like a sister to me.
My soul-sister. We share a bond on such a deep level, it's uncanny. She's been there for me through so much, and we have a very similar history and mind.

I miei interessi

my daughter Kieryn

August 4, 2003 - August 2, 2004
lyrics, cats, horses, submissive, Art, Smoking, music, boots, science, animals, dogs, poetry, spirituality, knives, nature, pets, photography, Humor, pisces, D/s, comics, piercings, Rats, CSI
Le mie classifiche

I am no longer developing from this account. Instead, please visit:
Misfit Mutt Designs

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If you add me, please send me a message. I don't usually accept friend requests from strangers. If we've seen eachother around in Groups or the Forums, or have had some message correspondence, feel free to add me.

If I'm in Do Not Disturb Mode (or away, or your chat request times out), please send me a message so I know that I missed you. And don't take it personally if I am in DND mode or don't accept your request - I'm either just busy, in another chat, or not at the computer.

friendly Amici 18
visitors Visitatori 589
kharma Regali 9
generosity Generosità 56

I miei video

My Past Daily Outfit Contest Entries


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