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Membro dal: 2006-07-28
Age: 33
United States - CA
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"I\'m like magic, only better. :D"

Guarda i miei album (1)

o.o Welcome into my world. However you got here, I hope your journey has been a pleasant one. Sit down and stay a while... I don't bite... xD
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Thanks for visiting. :D
I miei interessi
+I'm Tristin
+I lied when I said I don't bite. =P
+Insomniac with caffeine induced hyper-insanity pretty much sums me up.
+I like BOYS. =]
+xD I'm on the prowl again.
+Skittle Addictions are crazy hard to beat.
+Hot Chocolate is teh sex :D
+I love Zacky [cyanideXhearts] and Brizzy x 3924328. ♥ [BF4L.] ♥
+I believe in unicorns? xD
What is..
Your biggest fear?:Er... zombies? o.0
Your silliest quirk?:xD Find out for yerself.
Your most over-used word?:Mintt.
The dumbest thing you've done?:Broke into the Lost Boys house in Santa Cruz. >.<
The silliest thing you've done recently?:Zacky and I did a tapdance on some benches at the mall yesterday?
One of your bad habits?:xD Skittle Addiction.
When you..
Get frustrated::I make the >.< face. Not really. I don't know, I work it out. =P
Get mad::I want to throw things. o.0
Get really mad::...... I really want to throw things?
Are really happy::^.^ I wanna dance.
Meal::Tortilla soup. <3
Drink::Root Beer.
Alcoholic drink::Vanilla Vodka. [Avalanche!]
Color::Lime/Light blue/Black
Animal::Panther....... No, Panda.... Lemur?
Radio Station::I don't listen to the radio. o.o
Time of the year::Fall and Winter. :D
Time of day::2:41. Lol. Shuddup.
Weather::Rainy cloudy thunderstomy.
Most annoying song::>.> I'm a barbie girl... in a barbie world....
Most meaningful song lyrics to you::Take my thoughts for what they're worth.
And::Do I want you? Yes and no. Do I need you? Maybe so.
You wish that::He would like me? Lol.
You miss::Eating tacos with Him.
If you could meet someone famous::I would say something along the lines of "Hi." or wait, am I supposed to say who I want to meet? o.0 Erm. Half the people I'd want to meet are dead. so...... Emilie Autumn. =]
Or::Jeffree Star? o.0
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Le mie classifiche
A Survey For Bored People.
A Survey For Bored People.
What is the best smell in the history of the universe?:Cinnamon Vanilla Coffee
How about the best way to waste three hours?:Reading or playing Mario Kart. o.0
What's the best candy out there?:PEZ. and Skittles.
And the best cereal?:Cocoa Rice Krispies <3
What about the best kiss you have ever had in your life?:Steve + Rain + Lightning = Magic.
What's the best thing you've heard all day?:"Holy shit! Demon Fish!" ..... *silence* >.> "It's just a goldfish cracker..."
The best comedian?:Demetri Martin
The best joke?:I got a cactus.. and a week later, it died... and I was like, Damn.. I am less nurturing than a desert...
Best place to take a walk?:The freeway. o.o Not really.. but the lights at night are kind of trippy. xD Uhm. Hollywood at night.
What's the best thing you can think of doing right now?:Randomly tackling the guy I like and stealing him away to a theme park. :D
Have you ever met anyone with an authentic German accent?:Not yet.
British accent?:YES! :D Excuse me... What is the cheese Qwaysahdilla?...
French accent?:Maybe?
Who is your best friend?:Mr. ZackyNightmare and Miss BrizzySkye
Who was the last person who held you at gunpoint?:Zacky. >:| Not really. It was just his finger. =P
Has anyone you know ever been arrested?:Yush.
Has anyone ever wrote you a letter just for the heck of it? Who?:Haha. Yesh, Brizzy, Zacky, and Anne.
Do you own a record player?:Yush.
How about a pair of skis?:No.
Or more than seven pairs of socks?:Yush. Lol.
Do you have a piggy bank?:I wish. :D
Or a stapler?:Somewhere...
{[(Tell me...)]}
When was the last time you ate?:Currently eating a mango... You're monitoring me, aren't you?! >.>
What would you do if I gave you legal immunity, a car, and 50,000?:Take whatshisface to Italy... and give some to Anne so she can adopt a kid. and then see what good I could do with this money.
Do you like pickles?:Yesh.
What about pretzels?:Kinda.
What is a good five-word sentence to describe this past summer?:I wanted to go home.
Now five more words to say why.:I hate traveling with family.
Who is your favorite? This can be ANYONE!:Too much pressure. o.o Can't choose! J/K *Step-Sister.*
Are you old enough to drive?:Yep.
Do you associate yourself with any particular animal? If yes, which one?:Falcon. Don't ask.
Have you ever played a Glockenspiel?:No... I've played a xylophone though! Lol.
Can you do anything of interest?:I can say the ABCs backwards?
Have you ever read a comic book?:Yesh.
Do you like muffins?:Blueberry! <3
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The Anti-Chavs. Chav=Thug

11 posts da 21 membri
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These three people are apparently cool. ^.^

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La mia Wishlist
This is just a reminder to myself of what'd I'd like to someday buy. Gifts aren't needed to be my friend. =] Thank you in advance if you do get me something though.
[TN] H4 Silver LipsLeather Cuddle Couchspacerspacerspacer
La mia stanza
Psst. =] Hi there. Yew should probably start up a conversation with me before you add me. ^.^ but if yew don't, I'm sure I'll luff yew anyways, I'd just rather yew did.
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