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I am considered a Sapiosexual. So, use your words carefully. I can have extremely flirtatious characteristics, often with a bevy of suitors sending me messages and keeping me mentally impassioned. I’ll appreciate someone who’s not shy and loves to communicate. I can be delight in a little role-play – taking on different personas and play-acting titillating scenarios and arousing fantasies. If you have an active imagination and like to have some unconventional fun, you’ll keep me busy in bed and happy in love. I am pretty transparent. I will at first try to spare your feelings if for some reason we are not on the same page. But if we are on different chapters or not even reading the same novel. Then I have no trouble explaining I am more of a true horror fan then a romcom barbie. I have inner desires. I say I am my own Alpha but in reality, this Luna needs her true Alpha King.

Consider your many thoughts, Now let them fall irrelevant. Make me the only being you see, Your one distraction. Tremble and shake when I touch you. Feel your ears take in my tone to memory, And your stomach flip and flutter, As you stumble in my wake. Your star frozen taking in the sight of me, And your heart races when I am close. When you lay down to sleep, May lust keep you awake. I wish to haunt your every thought, Only to see the guilt leave you through a smile, The moment I say hello.

My true friends are not my friends they are my family. I am a true and loyal friend. I will even wash the knife you left in my back before I return it to you. And true friends understand the meaning of making the other happy even it means sacrificing your happiness for mine, having the faith in me to know I will sacrifice mine for yours.

Right now I have way too many I support. I support any hard-working creator out there making it happen for themselves. But if you would like to be placed on my page to be seen by curious people who love to troll the pages. Send me a message and I will add as soon as I can.

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