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Membro dal: 2008-01-25
Age: 31
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"One word ....Revenge..."

Guarda i miei album (1)

One word One purpose Revenge
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
La mia persona speciale
She is The best sis ever even tho she never online ;( x
itmatters2u- The hoe stomping Twins forever Krystall+Katie, u mess with one you mess with the other love ya always sis x toxicplayboybunny- My mum, bestest mum ever mess with her well you will not live to speak about it... love you always mum x daxter6000- my baby anyone touches him will feel the wrath of a true vampire love you always baby x Darktinx- He is my uncle he is kwl dnt mess wid him x
I miei video
Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire dislikes all other vampires and is highly territorial--it wouldn't think twice about killing one of its kindred
Its voice has multiple tones and ranges all at the same time
It is dormant because it is a proud thing and refuses to emerge until its host meets its high-level requirements or needs
Its teeth drip the sleek blood of its latest victims blood, proudly
Bloodlust - 97%
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What color rose are you?

Black Rose
Black Rose
your aren't a people person,don't like the sun, and you like heavy metal.
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twilight/new moon/eclips!

15 posts da 12 membri
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Vampire's As A United Family

500 posts da 101 membri
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queen toxic

0 posts da 4 membri
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Brajuh Vampire Army

200 posts da 21 membri
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Darkest Eclipse

823 posts da 11 membri
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friendly Amici 16
visitors Visitatori 161
kharma Regali 6
generosity Generosità 0

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La mia Wishlist
Psyonic Beam CannonFishtail GownSYN-Lola-GothBlackTC~ The LustBlack Etched Right Blade
TC~ Vampiress Dressspacerspacerspacerspacer