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dish ish ma babi. he is a chill person & lyke 2 joke wit me.i alwayz luv 2 b around hym & b close 2 hym. itz lyke i known hym 4 a very long tyme. i luv no otha lyke i lyke i luv hym. yeah i must admit dish nigga rite here has me sprung XP) lolz. everything about hym makez me crazy ova hym.
all i gotta say ish I HAVE A THING 4 U BABY!! ~kisses~
~tHaD & SuGa~

u kno i have 2 put dish gurl up here, XD she ish so Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious XP & ha name b SuGa, :o DASH ME!!!!lolz im very random& chillen & can get very krazy so bishes get da fuk bak. :D. i also have 2 clonez jus lyke me!! me trippiz X3

dish ish Ma sish/ she koolz & she funni . i alwayz got ha bak. lub u la la lady XD

Dish is m3 sish.She ish so krazy & she has ha swagg on evryday. :D lub ya sish
Dish ish m3 bro javonne. he lubz m3 & ish there 4 m3 even wen he g3tz mad & krazy. :D lub ya
Dish ish m3 biig bro cash. he real koolz & has his swagg up. lub ya :D
dish ish m3 sis Nicole. she kool & has a a fun style 2 ha.Lub Ya coco
dish ish m3 bro jordan. 1 of da kraziest dudez i eva met. even wen we fight we alwayz hav fun. lub ya :D
dish ish m3 sis Mia. she real kool & laid bak. she alwayz hav ha swagg up 2. lub ya :D

dish ma bro tony. he chillz. i lyke 2 mess wit hym & get hym mad >.< lolz. lub ya

dish b ma sissy boo MaXi aka da life size barbie lolz, she real koolz, funni & luvz 2 beat pplz up.......... includin me j/p T,T lolz. luv ya :D
dish b ma lil sissy boo Nea, she ish supa krazy lyke me XD & supa sweet, but she can beat ya azz 2 *coughz* XP .lubz ya :D

1 of ma besties Kaylan. he real kool & laid bak & alwayz let me steal his kookiez :P lolz. lub ya

dish is ma sista Kylie. she real kool & supa funni. dish ish ma inside out oreo :P lolz. LUB YA SIS

dish b ma bro marcus. he ish koolz & lykez 2 scream alot lolz. lub ya broski

dish b 1 of da triplettez Karina. she ish random, swagged up & fun lyke me, so u can say we really r twinz lol. LUB YA BIG HEAD :P lolz j/p XD

dish b ma lil bro carsan, even though i mess wit hym XP i lub ma broski & i kno hym lubz me bak, lub ya lozer!
dish b 1 of da triplettez ( mi identical 1) jakira. i kall her ma partner n crime lolz. she very random lyke me!& she a kool person 2 talk 2 & chill wit. lub ya kirr!!!

dish mi buttheaded big bro brandin, hym koolz & i LUV 2 bully hym all da tyme XD.he ish mi bigg bully, but he kno who alwayz winz da fitez lmao ME!!! lub ya butthead

dish ma buddi jessica. she'z real kool & lykez 2 laugh. LUB YA BUDDI

AhHhH!! A sTrAnGeR!!! :O *tacklez&hugz u* XD
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