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Membro dal: 2006-08-18
Age: 37
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"Hey there Im Candy Welcum 2 ma HP :)"

See My Albums (2)

2 Ma MySpAcE
ToO SwEeT To ImAgInE

It's all about ME

♥..NaMe: Cynthia AKA Candy
♥..AgE: 19
♥..FeLl Fr0m HeAvEn: 18th Feb 1988 to Brizzy
♥..SeEz tHr0uGh: Hazel eyez
♥..BrUsHzZ: Light Brown & Blonde Long wavy Hair
♥..StAnDs @: 169cm tall :)
♥..StAr SiGn: Aquarius
♥..FaV CoLoR: PiNk
♥..FaV AnImAl: Dolphin
♥..FaV Car: 1996 Toyota Supra
♥..Piercings: Ears: Tragus 1side, helix other side,3x each ear lobe, right eyebrow and belly button
♥..Tats: Butterfly right hip
♥..In LOVE wit: My Awsome as Boy frend :)


.♥.[My Poem].♥.
L♥VE is tough
L♥VE is blind
It can be rough
It can be kind
It's something every1 should find
It's not just a thing of the mind
I feel this thing called l♥ve
But i don't know 4 who
And when i asked the lord above
The answer he gave me was you.

copyright ©2007 Cynthia Jauch

WhAt My NaMe MeAnS

C: Really easy to fall in love with
Y: Loved by everybody
N: GREAT kisser
T: gets blamed 4 everything
H: loves to make people laugh
I: Easy to fall in love with
A: Flippin Gorgeous


If you aren’t sick of me yet and want 2 no more ADD ME on MSN:

Or Check out my Bebo page:
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Le mie classifiche
BlinkieBabe.Com - Cutest, Hottest Free Blinkies! - Image Hosted by
friendly Amici 28
visitors Visitatori 359
kharma Regali 11
generosity Generosità 27

La mia Wishlist
[ACS] LCD TV DELUXERC Little Princess Pink~CCF~R.R.M.VSPrincessDia~CCF~R.R.P.TristaPrinces~CCF~R.L.R.BLINGPRINCESS
~CCF~E.PrincessCDiamStud[ACS] GLASS BAR~CCF~T.PaveCrystalBridalPrincess CrownPink Power! Blast
Pink Electric fireFuzzy Pink Towel WrapM.S Saint Valentine Set[V4NY] V8 BK/PinkFANTASY REALM LOTUS POND
Pinkfantasy2Palace Side Dinnerspacerspacerspacer
I miei interessi
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

General Interest

♥Driving/learning about/cruzin in Cars.
♥Doing mine and others Make-up.
♥Fashion/fashion design.
♥Eating Chocolate.
♥Hanging out wit frendz.
♥Talking alot lol.
♥Chilling on the beach.
♥Playing Basketball.
♥Photo editing/Photography.
♥Listening/dancing to good Music.
♥Watching TV/DVDs/Movies.
♥Traveling/seeing the world.
♥Meeting new people.
♥Drawing/Painting/Anything creative and adventurous.

Love her sooo much she is one of my dearsest and closest friends she is so beautiful and gorgeous on the inside and out i hope i'm her fiend for eva :). She has the biggest heart you could eva find and is sooo sweet it could bring a tear to my eye :D. She is the truest frend i have eva met and is a wonderful mummy to her gorgeous daughter jennifer who i love soo much as well :).
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo


Awsome babe, such a sweet 1, very caring. This girl has my back and would help me when ever she could. I think we will be frends for life :). She is sometimes a crazy 1, but i love it :D. She is really sexy and fun, always ready 2 party. She is really cheery and makes me feel good being around her. Me and her go way back, known her for ages. I sometimes feel she is like a sister. A really great girl.
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo

OMG she is the best listener and a great chick to relax wit and gossip :) She is a really good friend and really sweet. If some1 has an issue wit her they have an issue wit me. Also this chicky is really funny :P and she is soooo hot :D This chick is like family. She will always keep it real.
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo

This is one of the, most random girls i've eva met lol. She cracks me up. She is always ready to do crazy things and doesn't care about looking like a tool, she is soo fun. I have known her the longest out of all my friends :). I am glade we have stayed friends soo long. I can really rely on this girl and trust her alot. We don't see each other much anymore :(. But i won't forget her ever :).
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo

This hotty rocks. She really knows how to party and she is such a cutie :) she is way too generous. I have known her for ages, (thinking of the silly things we used to do lol) hehe. She is really fun and out going and don't take crap from ppl. She is a really good frend and is really caring.
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo

She is sooo funny and adorable. She always puts a smile on my dial and makes me giggle, I love it hehe :)She is a really great gal and I back her up all the way :P No1 better hurt her or there in trouble, she is ma lil gurly :) like a lil sis :D She has a individual personality there is only 1 of her and i'm glade coz she is soo special I don't know how i could give 2 of her enough loving lol. Always thinks about how wat she does effects ppl and she talks just as much as me:D lol which is great lol. She is also a good mummy to her butiful boy jayden :) love him.
Love u hunni xoxoxoxo

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

These people can make my life hell, but i will always love them to heaven, They are all very beautiful, loving, stand out and individual people. My family are tough to live with but they are all each with in them selves amazing and soo strong in mind and heart. I love them all to death and would do anything for them, even though some have made me wanna kill them at times lol. I am very proud to be part of this family, even though we are all a lil crazy hehe in our own ways. Life is always interesting with these great people even in the fights. Love use all lots n lots n lots and hope all of our relationships can grow and become better :).

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Painting, Drawing, Movies, Pink, music, poetry, basketball, australia, beach, books, Chocolate, dancing, Aquarius, CARS, make-up, fashion design
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