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Loyal Customers, Developers,

Do to recent events, IMVU has manged to screw over alot of developers, making their products go to limbo in the in client shop. I've been greatly effected by this, as well as all the individuals who have derived off of my products. Do to this and Several bugs causing Developers earnings for products to drop anywhere from 50% to 0% of their normal pricing, making it so that the product only pays IMVU, My income here has dropped a total of 3/4ths what it use to be prior to these changes.

If you try to derive from one of my products, and the product gives you a message that it was not properly derived, this is not true. IMVU's website has several serious price glitches going on right now, and rather then owing up to it being their fault, they are blaming many developers for it. So if you get this message its because IMVU has not bothered to fix the price glitch yet, so keep checking back on the product to see if its derivable.

Also note that there is currently a price glitch with Head and Room meshes that have caused their prices to be jacked up 2-4 times their normal price, This is another one that effects both customers and developers. So If you see a outrageously priced room in my shop, It is not my doing, this is because of IMVU's Price glitch, and wont be resolved until IMVU fixes it. Sorry for the inconveniences that this may of caused you.

To make things even worse, just several days prior to the release of version 466.0, IMVU made major changes directly to the products on the website, thus causing many products for many developers to be screwed up in one way or another, ranging from opacity issue, opacity being added when it wasn't there, animations causing objects to vanish off scene, animations ceasing to function all together, Texture placement being moved, and many other little glitches. And once again, Us the Creators, are being blamed for one mans narrow mindedness over at IMVU for this. So now, within the catalog their are 100's of 1000's of Developer Created products that are all screwed up thanks to this.
[cc] skeletal Avatar PetCC - Working Tarot Table[GG] Sarcophagus 02 Open[GG] Sarcophagus 02[GG] Sarcophagus 01 Open[GG] Sarcophagus 01
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caleb68 membro del VIP Club
Avatar since: 15/07/2006

Age: 52  18+ Età verificata Age Verified
United States - WA
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Life is but a distant dream
Relationship Status: Single
Welcome to Caleb's Corner - Needful things, Oddities and Curosities

Do to some recent changes to IMVU's TOS, I have removed the DIV replacement example from my homepage. Sorry guys, but the change was enough to make me revert my page for the time being.
Please take a moment to check out my latest products, you might find something you've been looking for

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Honesty, Loyality, Trustworthy - These seem to be a rare item to find in people anymore, as time goes by I find more and more individuals being dishonest, disloyal, and untrustworthy. Its a sad thing to say but its the truth. Though there are those out there who are honest, loyal and trustworthy, it seems that the moral stands of people are dropping more and more each day. It would be nice if more people had higher personal ethics however I do not have the ability to make them see the errors in there ways.

Being Yourself - People don't like people for being something they 'think' the individual will like and in the long run your just going to cause yourself more grief then what its worth. Being yourself is what everyone should do, each person is a individual and to try to conform to the prospective views of others just to fit into a group of individuals is a great injustice to yourself. I'm not saying that someone should be a back stabbing twit, I'm just saying that ones individuality is best to keep, be it the way you dress, how forward you are when you talk to others, your sense of humor, its all part of you and you should not set it aside for anyone.

Avatar Dolls - Furniture and Pets
There has been alot of intrest in the Avatar Dolls, both the Furniture and Pet version of them, so I'm providing links here for you to easily find the ones others have done of them:
Human Furniture - Female, Human Furniture - Male, Pet - Female Human, and Pet - Male Human.

I hope to see more versions of these come out, Developers who have already made clothing Meshes for the avatars could easily adopt there meshes onto one of the pets or human figures without having to reskin the mesh, all they have to do is load in there body replacement mesh into the pet's cfl and replace the part, or add it as a additional body part depending on how there piece works.

Horse Pet & Furniture Textures:
Do to a moderator, or some IMVU staff deleting my forum posts on texture templates (among other things that use to be linked) the forum post on the horse furniture is no longer available. here is a direct link to the horse texture and the horse template. Please be sure to thank IMVU for deleting threads that were providing templates and helpful information on modifying the products.


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