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Welcome to my page. Click the links for anything you wish to know. Have a nice day

Hello my darlings. Guess you wanna know about me huh? Well life for me began around 22 or so years ago. I'm just a born and bred Aussie girl looking to find herself in the world. I am a single pringle and don't plan to date online ever again. Anything else you need to know stalk me in a public room and find out. I don't bite....well.....unless asked c;

Hannah. My best friend in the whole world I love her to bits! An amazing person and an amazing artist! If anyone ever hurt her oh boy would a body part be missing c; //smooches her | Mikey. My little Gaybie. I miss him a whole bunch and want him to know I love him dearly! I am so glad he is happy in life and wish him all the best! //smooches him | Nessa: This girl is my wifey I swear to god I will never part from her I love her so freaking much we get each other so much! | Hako/Jess: My soulmate of a bestfriend. I cannot wait until you move out here and we get a place together we will always be best friends I promise <3 | Aria: One of my number 1 best friends in the world I love her so freaking much and she always makes me laugh

Nothting yet ^^;
This above all; to thine own self be true. - William Shakespeare
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