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Membro dal: 2006-07-03
Age: 41
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"I showed her the best, and the worst days of her life."

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You want to know about me? I'm weird, random, sarcastic, abrasive, socially akward and introverted. I don't like people in general, and i really don't like people who criticize me. At any given time, i may or may not be dating someone, i don't change my status cause i don't see a point. I fear the color pink and clowns, and not really much else. If you want to message my or IM me, go ahead. Butl SPEAK ENGLISH. I don't just mean people who speak other languages. But..... iF U SPEEK 2 MI LIEK AN 1D1OT, THN ILL IgN0RE U. If you do IM me, talk. If I IM you, I do not expect the same. I consider myself more intelligent than the majority of the population, and although it sounds arrogant, it's most likely true. You can talk sex with me all you want, but don't expect me to cyber or anything like that. If you are under 18, can the sex chat altogether... should you even be having sex? Seriously. If I say something inappropriate, then tell me, I will likely apologize and genuinely feel bad. Although i can be an asshole, I don't actually strive to anger people, or make them uncomfortable. Oh yeah. LOL over and over is not talking. It's annoying. Say something worthwhile, and don't expect me to carry the convo... There are lots of people willing to at least attempt conversation, so stop wasting my bandwidth. Don't assume that because you are a happy person that I will not like you or because you are a bitter person I will like you. I like who I like. And if I don't like you, then don't waste your time trying to make me like you. It doesn't work that way. I tend to lurk pages alot, so if i don't leave you a message every time i drop by, don't be offended. I couldn't care less if you did the same to me, so don't feel obligated to leave me a pointless message.
If you want to make me really happy, read my blog and talk to me about something I wrote. I love writing, but it's pointless if no one reads it. I hope to begin writing a cartoon soon, and i may publish some strips or episodes in it. When i do, feedback would be wonderful.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
La mia persona speciale
SkinnyJim  non ha nessuna persona speciale
This is my special someone. My dog Yoda. He's Lab/Shepard/Mutt, and hes an awesome dog.
I miei interessi
Stupid Questions People ask me:

1. What does your avatar name mean? Well, my name is Jim. And I'm Skinny.

2. What are you like in real life? I'm a geek. I am a skinny little computer geek. I usually dress in jeans and a heavy metal t-shirt. I don't see the sun much, so I'm on the pasty side, and i have retard fast metabolism, so despite eating fast food at least 4 times a week, i never gain a pound.

3. DU U WNAT 2 CYBR???/?/? No. I go out and find people to REALLY have sex with. Cybering is LAME. Jealous, you horny pig? And as a side note, learn how to frikkin speak!

4. Why didn't you accept my chat invite? I was prolly busy, away from the computer, at work, sleeping, or just plain forgot to go offline. If I was none of these, I would have probably told you to go away already, so bugger off.

5. Why do you take so long to respond? Umm, well for starters I'm "borrowing" an internet connection that goes up and down... as well, i have a real life around my home, and probably got caught up doing something

6. Can you make me an avi sticker? No. I don't do that anymore.

7. Can you buy me something? No. Go away. Beggers.... grr....

8. Why are you being rude? If i'm rude to you, i probably am getting annoyed with what you are saying and considering leaving the chat.

9. Want to meet in person? Sure, if you're willing to risk that I may just be lying about my whole profile, and I could be a psychopathic serial rapist/murderer, who intends to cannabalize you, and turn your skeleton into a grisly marionette. But seriously... I might, depending on who you are and what you're like.

10. Why are you afraid of pink? Umm. Have you ever SEEN the color?

11. Can I add you? Go ahead, if you relly want to. I don't really care. I don't see what the point of adding me is, if you never talk to me, but whatever.

12. What happened to your band? I quit it.

13. What do you look for in a girl? Not you. Trust me.

14. What is the code for the scrollbar in your messages?

Just remove the * and paste that into your messages edit custom HTML/CSS menu.

DIV #messages_panel_body { overflow: auto; width: 570px; height: 675px;

15. How do you make stickers and stuff? I figured it out myself. You should do the same.

16. DU U THINK MY AVI IS SXY????!!1! Yes, thats it. Thousands number of carefully arranged, 3D mapped pixels just get me going. Nothing at all I like more than an animated character. Yup. Yup.

17. Do you like me? No. I don't like anyone.

18. What, are you some sort of pervert? No, i just like to joke about sex. With dudes and girls. That doesn't mean i want to sleep with you, nor does it mean i am gay or bi.

punk zombies guns beer
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