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Membro dal: 2007-06-25
United States - LA
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"You can tell what's happening with the hive by the hum."

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Rovari Crest photo RovariCrest_zps29fea976.jpg

The Rovari Aliens

Crash landed onto Shebalba via spacecraft, their home planet was destroyed by a poisonous gas cloud that destroyed their main source of food: botanicals and plant life, typically flowers. Standing roughly between five and six foot tall, they are a insect-kindred form of humanoid. A female dominated society, they possess two to four antennae, a small set of bug-like wings that do little to help them fly, and a stinger above their buttocks. Technologically orientated, they are peaceful explorers with a love of gardens and flowers to sate their appetite. They speak to one another through a series of melodic hums and vibrations of their proboscis, throats, antennae, wings, and hip wriggles. Ratio of males to females among a healthy Rovari society is twenty to one. Typical lifespan of a Rovari is about one hundred years, though many die long before that due to natural predators.

One female is responsible for producing "royal jelly", which consists of higher proteins and nutrients compared to typical jelly, and is used to create more Queens. When a new female is born, the original Queen trains her how to run a hive . During a ritual known as the Kamp, upon maturity, the young female attempts to steal some of the Hive's Royal Jelly for herself, as a challenge. The female must battle the Queen, the winner declared by the ripping off of the stinger. If the Young female wins, the old Queen is killed. If the young Queen loses, she is exiled from the Hive without her stinger and must journey to the Supreme Queen, giving her a sacrifice of the royal jelly she may have taken from the Hive. Without her stinger, the trip to the Supreme Queen is peril and dangerous, and any Rovari from any hive that comes across her has right to kill... brutally if preferred. Should the young female make it to the Supreme, her stolen royal jelly is given up as an offering. If the young female was unable to steal any of the royal jelly or if her offering is found displeasing, she will be killed by the Supreme. If she is successful in winning favor with the Supreme, she is then fed the Supreme Royal Jelly, giving her the Queen hormones and allowing her to stay until her stinger is regrown. From there, a young Queen is allowed to make her own Hive.

The young Queen begins first in attracting Rogue Rovari males for mating. From there, she and her mates build a massive honeycomb structure and she begins creating her own jelly. Regular jelly is used by the males to solidify the honeycomb further, whiles the Royal Jelly is used to encase the eggs laid by the Mated Queen to be absorbed through the egg's spongy membrane. A healthy Queen can lay up to five per year. Of the five eggs, three drones, one male, and one female is born. Drones are male Rovari without the mating drive, there solely to serve and assist the Queen and defend the Hive from predators. However, in the event that a male is rendered unable to mate, the strongest drone can shift his hormones to prompt him to become a mating male, thus ensuring the life of the species. Otherwise, drones are the "red shirts" of the Rovari world, and considered expendable if there are too many in one hive.

Rovari have a passion for technology, music, botany, dance, and tradition. They can be excellent warriors, and though their fighting can be aggressive and deadly, they typically do not fight unless given a very good reason.

Mischa photo RovariMischa_zpsff3309af.png
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