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Haai, I'm Moonii ;3

I'm from a place far away.
(okey that sounds a bit dreamy ;3)

I promise I can be a nice person but mainly not that interesting if I may say so myself.
I'm here mainly for one thing and that is to
and write amazing stories together.

Big chance when you meet me I'm in character, but no worries I'll let you have a sneak peek > > >
(disclaimer: I like to keep real life and roleplay life apart, thank you)


Lilith Yami Aramaki
Gender: Lilith - Female, Yami - Male
Race: Nephalem
Class: Magic user
Age: Unknown, appears as a youthful teen
Height: 5’2
Weight: 50kb/110lbs
Skin: Light with a warm glow
Skin Active: Pale, pitch black up halfway left arm, covers full right arm up the neck covering left side of the face around the eye. Purple energy radiating from left side.
Make-up: Brown eyelids, mulberry lips
Hair: Blood red, styles differ.
Hair active: Silver on the right side, pitch black on the left side
Eyes: White, left pitch black when activated
Race Traits: Black silvery horns on her head, chains in between. Pitch black elegant wings, shadows seeping out the tips, strong as a shield. Once activated bulky pitch black wings with smaller white ones with bloody red tips behind.

Gender: Female
Race: Celestial being
Class: Archangel
Age: Unknown, appears as a youthful teen.
Height: 5’2 Weight: 50 kb/110 lb, but can feel as light as a feather
Skin: Light skinned, lines of light covering her body into patterns.
Make-up: Dark eyelids and eyeliner, crimsonblood lips
Hair: Long mint green wavy locks of hair, halfway over her back
Eyes: White cloudy eyes, bloodshot and blood tears
Wings: Strong as a shield, sharp as a blade, pure white with silver tips
Angelic: A small halo behind her head, pure voice but can be ear deafening
Scars: Claw mark over her right cheek.
Misc: When in contact with fire the hair will burn into red locks, fire fill the light lines on the skin and the silvertips on the wings caught/hold fire

Scribble books

Lilith Yami

Friends and family

Will be updated soon
This is some text.
This is some text.
This is some text.

Story support

will be updated soon
This is some text.
This is some text.
This is some text.
I swear I'm nice and a bit chaotic