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My Sandbox

Stop being nosey!

The name is Lita. I'm the red haired, bratty, toxic, midget that most of my family and friends love; however, I have a temper worst than most.

Brown Eyes:
Life through my pretty brown eyes will brighten your day/ But if you look closer you’ll see all the pain./ You’ll see why they don’t like me./ You’ll see the shy girl that gets nose bleeds and constantly doubts herself/ The girl that thinks she sounds horrible when she sings/ The girl that thinks her acne and uneven tone is unattractive/ The girl that thinks her body type isn’t good enough for anyone/ The girl whose depression is too much for even herself at times/ The girl who hides behind a giggle and a smile/ You see a rare catch and she sees another inescapable trap/ This is the girl that loves hard and gets fucked over 99% of the time./ So with that being said…/ Will you be that 1% or fill in with the other 99?/
-Chulita Unspoken

I don't have one personally but I know a ton of good creators that would love and appreciate the visit.

Crackhead (Cat)... my loving bundle of joy and the reason I’m proud to be called mom. My very best friend and the rock I can always lean on (or throw) when I need it. Many years of getting on each other’s last nerve and plenty more to go.

Trip and Barbie Zombie… my most adoring parents, who have picked me up from the deepest of holes and protected me from the absolute worst. They’re always there to watch me fly and always there to catch me when I fall. I couldn’t have asked for better parents.

KitKat(Kita)... My most docile and gentle kid. I'm honored to have met her and value the length of time and trust it has taken for her to confidently call me mom. The journey was long but the reward always spans longer honey.

Emberlyn… my lovely, and only, sibling that I’d burn the world for just to hear her cackle.