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Welcome to my page friend! I don't accept random adds sorry, but I love friendly people!♥

Hello! I see you want to know more about me. Call me Addie! I like super cute things and sparkles, don't forget candy!


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sz┃Panda paws ಇ! teddy bear anim✿# fluffy legs♪ laughs in pinkꔫ bunny ears
♥Pink Sugar collar 3Princess𝓟. Pink Bowgoticonainnocence  ♡ purity
fuzzy wuzzy ♡F. Cute Cow EarsF. Cute Cow TailF. Cute Horns v2F. Cute Cow Collar
pink ice doll ♡Fairy Princess Shoes 2Metamorphosis Elf Ear♡ usahana v1Game Over Headset | DER