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♥~ Add me if you'd like, I usually accept all of my friend request. I like to shop together with my friends and family. ~♥

♥~ I'm your typical 14 year old teenage girl. I love drawing and singing, I love my family on here and off. My mommy's name is Peyton, Daddy's name is Chase, I also have a sissy named Mori. ~♥

♥~ I don't have very many friends, but the ones I do I feel like I can tell them anything. My main friends in real life are Zoe, Miranda, and Jenna.~♥

♥~ Ahh, love, the feeling everyone gets sooner or later in their lives. My love? My boyfriend, Connor, we've been dating in real life for almost seven months. Although we argue sometimes, we always get through it. In the end, I know he's the one for me and I love him so much. ~♥
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