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Membro dal: 2006-07-18
Age: 32
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"Stay Sweetly Numb"

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i just keep this as a reminder for myself, if you buy me something it makes me feel guilty if i cant give you anything in return.
Milk - Elegant Cherry[n77] Punka Derivable[MAy] Prof.Nicole OutfitNeko pink streakedBlack Red Vampire Eyes
purple deathrockMidnight Buckled Boots T[LD] Laine Perfect BrownJet Black Laine[T] BROOKE
Silver GogglesBloodline: Fangsspacerspacerspacer
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kharma Regali 5
generosity Generosità 2

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What is Your Phrase? [for darker people]

"Time passes by, but persistant demons still clutch on to me"
You have been wronged in the past and have to live with those awful memories now. That is why you carry inside much hate and sadness, which you hide away to most people. To this day you still feel pain thinking of it, and desire revenge done to them/him/her, to right the wrongs that has been made to you. You usually are alone or with a few friends, but you aren't too keen on the human race anylonger. You might find temporary happiness in some sort of activity, such as music, to get out your feelings, even if it is just listening to it. Most people might think you are overreacting to still feel such contempt, and that doesn't exactly help to be around those who can't understand. You might feel insecure nowadays, and you have little faith in most things.
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