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Membro dal: 2005-08-12
Age: 30
United States - MA
Last log on:

"--Let\'s start a ((R!OT!))"

Guarda i miei album (1)

Ok so I thought that my about me was so fucking stupid
That I decided that you get know me instead
beccause some people would read this and not give a flying fuck about this
soo i don't go on IMVU messenger much because it lags my computer soooo much so yerr
just a couple warnings

I AM A B!TCH if I have to be
DO NOT annoy me to a point where i'm going to beat your face in
DO NOT try and get me to give you anything becaust that's the exact something as begging
If I'm not nice, then it means i don't like you
ok I'm done
messages are fun
myspce--> 32205424
always there anyways so why not add me there instead if you have one

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
I miei interessi

What does ASL mean?
Age/Sex/Location. Ask again I will not talk to you
Want to go out?
Of course not, I'm taken and I don't like that idea of long distance babies.
Hi I think you're really cool, please buy me something off of my wish list..PLEASE??
Hi I think I'm really cool too, and OF COURSE I WON'T GET YOU ANYTHING. Get your own god damn credits
Ew, go get a life and get a girl to do you're dirty shit with.
Why didn't you accept my request
Because I have other things to do, or maybe my computer is really slow.

My Recent Visitors (0)

La mia Wishlist
if you love me enough you'll get me something :DD
Love of a vampire to....spacerspacerspacerspacer
I miei amici (5)
Oh don't just try and add me when I accept you invitation to talk to me because I don't add strangers [I know I said that but I'm making sure that you read that because not everyone reads "About me"]

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